Saturday, February 21, 2009

Legislative Update 022309

I'll be celebrating my birthday tommorrow, so here are some updates. Got this email from the Central Arkansas Campaign for Liberty group

TAKE ACTION! Arkansas to Declare Sovereignty! HCR1011


Everyone call and write your reps and senators to get behind this resolution! Writing handwritten letters and personally hand delivering the letters with the resolution enclosed is the most effective form of lobbying.I will be going to the capitol with friends of liberty one day in the next week or two. If you want, I'll gladly hand deliver your letter for you to your representative and senator regarding this bill if you cannot make it in person. Please pass this message on to everyone you know in the State of Arkansas. How sweet the day is, friends of liberty. How sweet the day is. Let's get on it!

Rob Richard Vice Chairman, Central Arkansas Campaign for Liberty
HB1550 Deals with ID cards for immigrants. This will help in dealing with illegal immigration since a large number of illegals actually enter the country legally and then overstay their visas.
And now some bad news-

HB1339- This bill would replace the Constitutionally created Electoral College with the popular vote. This would harm small states such as Arkansas. Why any AR legislature would create or support this bill is beyond me. Secure Arkansas is trying to oppose this bill.

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