Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Jihad Camps and Stimulus

I saw this on freerepublic.com. I was suprised to see that several of these "Jihad Camps" were in the Bible Belt. I don't know if any are in Arkansas:

For several months now I have been documenting the comparisons between the UK and the USA in regards to Islam and Muslim immigration. Now another disturbing comparison has come to light. That both of our countries have numerous Islamic training camps set up right under our noses. All while our governments are too politically correct to take action. The Islamic training camps here in America were exposed by The Christian Action Network. Here is what they have uncovered.

Link to the video:
Link to the blog:
Arkansas's share of the Porkulus. Notice that there's no decrease in our gasoline tax despite millions going to our roads. Many of the programs that get funding from the Porkulus are programs that aid illegal aliens in Arkansas and will continue to do so until the we require proof of citizenship to get those benefits.

LITTLE ROCK -- Arkansas will receive about $2.1 billion from the federal stimulus package that just passed Congress, federal figures show.About $358 million will go for highways and will probably go into multiple projects all around the state rather than into any one big project, state Highway and Transportation Department director Dan Flowers said in an interview. Which projects will benefit is a decision that will be made by the state Highway Commission, he said.
more here:http://www.nwaonline.net/articles/2009/02/17/09


Christopher Logan said...

Great site!! Keep up the good work.

charles said...

more then that lets links up dude
i ben emailing you 4 quite some time on that