Tuesday, September 27, 2011



Arkansas Obamacare videos


Arkansas Obamcare Meeting videos

The Joint Interim Committee on Advanced Communications and Information Technology held a meeting with Arkansas Insurance Department about the proposed Arkansas Obamacare Exchange program at the State Capitol MAC building in Little Rock, Arkansas. The presentation was made by the Arkansas Insurance Commissioner and Mike Beebe crony Jay Bradford. Also present was Arkansas Soros Lady (aka Cynthia Crone), the Exchange Planning Project Director, who was also a project director for The Open Society, a George Soros Funded Organization.

Jay Bradford wanted the Arkansas State Legislature to join the Governor in requesting $3.8 million more in funding to continue the "study" aspects of the Arkansas Obamacare Exchange. It later turns out that Bradford also wants ad funding to "educate" the public. As usual, the average working person was never thought of when the meeting was scheduled, only an audience of about 30 people were present. The Arkansas Based Healthcare ExChange is an attempt to implement business killing Obamacare on a state level, not taking control of an exchange program away from the Federal Government. Below are some videos of the meeting. More are on the youtube account http://www.youtube.com/user/ArkansasTeaParty

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

@AttackWatch anti liberal propoganda!
@karnnewsradio @AttackWatch Arkansas and British Conservative mock Obama on KARN 102.9 FM, Contact Dave Elswick ASAP! # AttackWatch!
@AttackWatch There's a guy using tax funds to give guns to illegal aliens and framing US Gun Owners! Contact the Justice Dept! AttackWatch
White County voted down a sales tax! Now watching NY District 9

Stodola Slush Fund Little Rock Sales Tax passes 54% 46%. Boycotting Government Worker Land.
Little Rock Sales Tax update as of 9:36pm 53% For 47% Against with 49% of the precincts reporting in.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Was the debate another media circus with 1 minute responses that tell little about the performance record of the candidates?
Stop the Little Rock Sales Tax, need to cover conservative precints.


Thursday, September 08, 2011

We need people to protest at the Pulaski County Courthouse where people early vote on the LR Sales Tax Thursday and Friday 8-5pm.
What are the voting districts with the highest Republican Turnout in 2010 & other places to do door to door to stop the LR Sales Tax?