Sunday, June 29, 2014

Arkansas Special Session Comments

The Arkansas Legislative Session will focus on what amounts to a bailout for the health insurance of education administrators. Here is a description of some of the salaries of administrators from Pulaski Technical College who could benefit from the legislation worked on this session.

President Dr. Elbie $194,826.00
Provost DeLong Michael Lee $118,450.00

David Glover $86,815.00
Associate vice president

Jasmine ray $76,000.00
Associate vice president

Stacey Hogue $29,076.93
Associate vice president
Mickey Quattlebaum $78,000.00
Associate vice president

The President has a Secretary, Tena Carrigan, who makes $35,962.71
The Provost went to HR to get a new secretary for himself and increased the salary of
Teresa Tessman $31,085.93. This is close to some department head salaries.

They are now wanting another vice president for learning with probably a salary around $80,000.

Pulaski Technical College attempted a millage tax increase in March 2014 after voting for $368,000 in bonuses for administrators. Voters in the democrat stronghold of Pulaski County rejected the millage by 74.69%. Board Policy states faculty are eligible for bonuses. President Ellibee refused to give a bonus to faculty.  When confronted with the fact that faculty were actually eligible for bonuses and that she had used the wrong state matrix to figure pay raises, Dr. Margaret Ellibee arrogantly refused to change what she had done. 
Administration officials also refused to listen when shown contracts which proved the administration had wrongly alleged that faculty had gotten certain past raises.  Faculty did receive a $250 annual pay raise, which was much smaller than any of the bonuses handed out in the summer.
Some details of the bonuses are here: 
Pulaski Tech Bonuses

After losing the tax, the unelected Board of Trustees of Pulaski Technical College instead just voted for a 13% tuition increase & a $15 increase in fines which equals about $300 per student. Will the 6 figure salary adminstrators of Pulaski Technical College get a benefit from the Arkansas Taxpayers in this special session?

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Events this week.

Some events I found. If you know of anymore, post them in comments or email

Conway City Council is supposed to talk about an anti-Open Carry Ordinance
Tues 5:30pm
Conway Police HQ

Monumental the movie will be shown
Tuesday 7pm
St. Joseph  Church 1115 College Ave. Conway

Faulkner County TEA Party
Thursday 7pm
McGhee center Conway

Toadsuck, a big event with a possible 2nd amendment showdown
Friday - Sun.

Paintball Turkeyshoot Fundraiser for Coleman
Sat 12-2pm
Timberline Adventure Park, 3200 South Reynolds Road. Bauxite

Open Carry Walk
Sat 3pm
311 west commercial st, ozark, ar

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Several Events coming up this week

The Arkansas Roundtable is hosting the U.S. Congressional 2nd district GOP candidates State Rep. Ann Clemmer, Little Rock businessman French Hill and Colonel Conrad Reynolds at Larry's Pizza of West Little Rock this Wednesday, April 23rd. Please join us in the party room as the program will start at 12:00 sharp. No RSVPs required. If you have any questions, please call 501-375-7000.

Wednesday, April 23rd 5:30-8pm
Whole Hog Cafe
2516 Cantrell Road,
Little Rock, AR 72202
Buffet Dinner: Two Meats, Pork & Chicken, Slaw, Beans, Buns and Drink for $10.00!

Learn about how Curtis Coleman plans to reduce the size of government and his vision to Let Arkansas Prosper. Find out how you can get involved in the largest Arkansas 2014 grassroots movement for Pulaski County!

The Americans for Prosperity is holding an event in Jonesboro!

Americans for Prosperity is having a Phone Bank for Freedom this Thursday, April 24, 2014 at the Upper Crust Pizza, 3120 Shelby Drive #2, Jonesboro, AR 72404. We will be providing you dinner for coming out to Fight4Freedom. The Event starts at 5:30 PM with salad bar, dinner & drinks.

We are making calls 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM. You can donate 1 hour or all 3!

Thursday, April 24th, at 12:00 pm for a Central Arkansas Young Republicans lunch meeting at Big Whiskey's Bar & Grill. We welcome guest speakers French Hill & Colonel Reynolds--two of our 2nd Congressional District Primary Candidates. Come out and get to know these great candidates and hear more about the multiple upcoming YR events!


Thursday, April 24, 2014 6pm. Please come and bring a friend to learn more about Common Core. This presentation takes about an hour to an hour and a half, there will be time for question and answer afterward.


We are kicking off our phone banking and door knocking together all on one day across the state. Saturday, April 26, 2014. Join me and several other conservatives to spread the word about Republican candidates for the 2014 election cycle! Sign up for shift times: 9am-12pm; 12pm-3pm; 3pm-7pm. Lunch will be provided!

Monday, April 14, 2014

End and beginning of events this week

End and beginning of events this week

The Arkansas 40 days for life activism event ended today. Several people braved the rain to hear prayer, singing, & testimony against abortion. Some footage is below.

Arkansas will have some events to attend this weekend.

A Meet the Candidates event will be in Benton, Arkansas Monday April 14th 6pm-8pm
AFP Foundation Presentation with Dr. Lawrence (Larry) Reed, President of the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) Thursday April 17th 6pm

Don’s Weaponry will have a sale on guns and have a chance to shoot with suppressors in 4116 E. Broadway, North Little Rock, Arkansas Friday April 18th and Saturday April 19th.
There will be a debate for Arkansas Republican Candidates, Saturday April 19th at the Clarion Hotel 925 S University Ave Little Rock, AR, US. The schedule is below.
9:00 am - Gubernatorial...
10:10 - 2nd Congressional
11:20 - 4th Congressional

If you know of any events, post them in the comments section below or email them to

Like and share this article.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Liberty & the Constitution vs. Open Borders & Anarchy

On March 15, the UCA Young Americans for Liberty chapter's state convention was held in Conway, Arkansas. Many activist from across Arkansas and a few other states. Most of the speakers were very helpful in advancing liberty in addition to being very entertaining.
Then there was Sheldon Richman, who gave a presentation that talked about the mistakes made in foreign policy by the United States of America. Richman talked about the many mistakes the USA made in terms of foreign policy, which are many, but didn't bother to mention any good things America has done. Afterwards, I asked why those who support putting troops overseas also oppose securing the border. Richman never answered the question, stated that he didn't know much about the issue, and instead advocated for open borders. Videos of my encounter with Richman are here:


If it's a government program in Spanish, it's for illegal aliens. Here's a photo by Matt Drudge of a van advertising Obamacare in Florida.

I haven't seen any vans in Arkansas, but there is some print material that will supposedly be stopped by the recent amendment to funding for the private option.


Monday, March 17, 2014

Watch out for Special Election Taxes & Illegal Immigration.

Last Tuesday, Taxpayers in Pulaski County rejected the bureaucrats at Pulaski Technical College and an attempted 1.9 Millage Tax increase. With only 3,468 for and 10,236 against, the PTC Millage Tax Increase was rejected by 74.69%! Thanks to all who campaigned and voted against this tax! I wish I could say that we know longer have to worry about special election, but sadly, there will likely another special election in Arkansas that we have to fight against. As soon as that happens, conservatives will need to mobilize and yet again defeat bureaucrats. This facebook group will be changed to defeat whatever special election sneaks up on us. Join it to stay involved.!/groups/VoteNoMarch11inPulaskiCounty/

Last week was busy for me even after defeating the Pulaski Technical College Millage Tax.
I just found out that the Legislature of New York State rejected a magnet for illegal aliens. In-state tuition for illegal aliens was defeated by 1 vote earlier today.A Sandinista Communist was elected Mayor of New York City over a Libertarian not long ago in this blue state, so it was surprising to see this act of hispandering fail.

I was part of the grassroots effort to defeat the Republican and Democrat party leadership at the time and stop in-state tuition for illegal aliens in Arkansas. Since then, reforms by people like myself have resulted in the Republican Party of Arkansas rejecting in state tuition for illegal aliens.
The failures of both political parties to deal with illegal immigration has resulted in independent movements like Remember1986 and Young Americans for Liberty. I attended the Young Americans for Liberty Arkansas Convention Saturday where I had to deal with the illegal alien issue. I'll write about that later. Details of this story are below.

Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe wants to make us more dependent on 3rd world energy.

What will happen when an illegal alien does this in Arkansas?

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Latest video footage of the Arkansas Private Option and fight against the Pulaski County Millage Tax

The last 3 Republicans to switch to an Aye vote for the Arkansas Private Option were Hammer, Slinkard & Carnine. The version passed by the Senate, SB111 shouldn't have any problems before being signed by the pro-Obama Governor Mike Beebe. Video Footage is below.

Representative Joe Farrer how do we pay for Arkansas Obamacare?
Representative Kim Hammer changes to a yes vote
Representative Randy Alexander are we free?
Paired vote deals and final vote on the Arkansas Private Option


The Pulaski County Millage Tax election is being sneaked in at extra expense for a vote on March 11th, next Tuesday! Here's where you can fight against tax increases and get some free food. More events will be planned soon.!/events/1474323566122059/

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Keep Arkansas Conservative and Videos

This is the new blog for Keep Arkansas Conservative. My main issue of illegal immigration will be discussed on Little Rock Immigration Examiner;

Arkansas is a conservative state that has been fooled into voting for liberal politicians who advance items such as In-State tuition for illegal aliens, The Arkansas Carbon Reduction Act (a cap & trade bill), & the Arkansas Private Option. With the help of conservative activist, I have stopped the first 2 bills. The 3rd bill is being debated. A lot of quick videos about that debate is below.

Davy Carter Stammers

Davy Carter Press wont fight for the Ballinger Hendren amendment

Liberals and RINOs holding budgets hostage

Final Vote
Quorum and Paired vote requests for leave announced
Davy Carter sicked cops on Representative Payton after paired votes stated
Davy Carter threatens Rep Payton. Shortened version
Davy Carter explains using the State Police to get Rep. Payton.

Representative Charlene (R-80) Fite against the Arkansas Private Option
Representative Lane Jean (R-2) speaks against the Arkansas Private Option
Debbie Hobbs (R-94) asks about the Arkansas Private Option
final vote on The Arkansas Private Option

Rep Douglas speaks against Arkansas Private Option Funding HB1150
Rep Douglas speaks against Arkansas Private Option Funding HB1150 2
Rep Rice speaks against Arkansas Private Option Funding HB1150

Arkansas must not help Proabortion supporters
Ambetter Table at a ProAbortion Rally provides funding for abortion
Speaking against Arkansas Obamacare: Hotel California