Monday, September 29, 2008

Important events coming up!

When: September 30, 2008
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Where: UALR Campus - Donaghey Student Union - Room C
The debate will feature 3 Republicans and 3 Democrats, with one Young Republican and one Young Democrat on each side. Questions may be submitted by students and guests. The debate will focus on the main issues of the 2008 Presidential Election. I have been asked to discuss illegal immigration at this debate!


Got this in my email today!

To All Northwest Arkansas Supporters, We will be holding meetings in Northwest Arkansas on October 2 and 3 and would appreciate your making a special effort to attend.
Here is our schedule!!!!!! Thursday, October 2, 6-8 p.m., Doubletree Hotel, 301 Southeast Walton Boulevard, Bentonville Friday, October 3, 6-8 p.m., Aspen Hotel, 2900 South 68th Street, Fort Smith

Mark Lerner, with Stop Real ID Coalition, will be speaking on the National ID Card and I, Jeannie, will be speaking on Sustainable Development. If you are an elected official and you receive this, you are encouraged to attend. Please RSVP to See you all there!!

Jeannie Burlsworth, Chairman


Friday, September 26, 2008

No Bailout for Illegals!

Just got this from Secure Arkansas!

Taxpayers must not be forced to subsidize illegal aliens and taxpayers must not be forced to subsidize Wall Street. Home mortgages made to illegal aliens with fraudulent identification and no basis for extending credit have caused a large percentage of the economic problems we are experiencing. Arkansans need to consider a complete moratorium on all immigration, legal and illegal. We need to close our borders!!! We need to enforce our laws!!! We urge each one of you to contact our senators and congressmen. Following is their contact information:

Lincoln, Blanche L. (D-AR)
DC Phone: (202) 224-4843
Fax: (202) 228-1371
Little Rock Office Phone: (501) 375-2993 or 1-800-352-9364 Fax: (501) 375-7064
Dumas Office Phone: (870)382-1023 Fax: (870)382-1026
Jonesboro Phone: (870) 910-6896 Fax: (870)910-6898
Fayetteville Phone: (479) 251-1224 Fax: (479)251-1410
Texarkana Office Phone: (870) 774-3106 Fax: (870) 774-7627

Pryor, Mark (D-AR) DC Phone: (202) 224-2353 Fax: (202) 228-0908
Little Rock Office Phone: (501) 324-6336 Fax: (501) 324-5320
Toll Free from AR: (877) 259-9602

Berry, Marion - AR Tel: 202-225-4076
Fax: 202-225-5602

Boozman, John Phone: (202) 225-4301

Ross, Mike - AR Tel: 800-223-2220 Fax: 202-225-1314

Snyder, Vic - AR Tel: 202-225-2506 Fax: 202-225-5903 Website: Here are some toll-free numbers for the Capitol switchboard: 866-340-9281, 877-851-6437, 800-833-6354. These numbers are good for either the senators or congressmen. Thank you.

Michelle Malkin Article about the bailout:
Conservative Alternative to the bailout from Rep. Eric Cantor R-Va. Couldn't find a bill#:

I would suggest contacting the Arkansas Elected officials as well as other elected officials and have them oppose the bailout and support the bill by Eric Cantor.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

SPRINGDALE : Aliens tops list of woes at forum

Posted on Friday, September 19, 2008

SPRINGDALE — The sextet of candidates vying for the mayor’s seat talked Thursday about the city’s problems — illegal immigration, the economy and the future — and how their leadership might be the solution. In the first forum for those seeking the city’s highest post, Alderman Jim Reed, Alderman Mike Overton, former Alderman Ray Dotson, political newcomer Nancy Deason Jenkins, businessman Doug Sprouse and former assistant police chief Ken Watson fielded questions submitted by residents. Hosted by the Washington County Republican Women, the panel also featured Fayetteville’s six mayoral candidates.

The Springdale contingent first discussed the rise of gangs, a development reported on many occasions by the Police Department. Seeing the problem as an outgrowth of the Hispanic community, the candidates said the city needs to work closely with 287 (g ), a program that trains local police authorities to enforce federal immigration laws. Reed said the department needs more officers in the program. (that's a good start!) Springdale has three officers enlisted in 287 (g ). Dotson said he has battled against gang graffiti at his office on East Emma Avenue. In response to the gang signs, he commissioned a mural along the west wall of his building (wouldn't going after illegal immigration be a better idea?). The candidates adamantly agreed the city, like the nation, does not have a handle on the illegal Hispanic population. A study issued last year said just more than 50 percent of the Arkansas Hispanic population is here illegally. Springdale has one of the state’s largest Hispanic populations. Overton urged caution, saying Springdale has no business trying to pass local laws to drive out illegal aliens (Yes it does, and we don't need a person like you in office!). “We have to be careful about enacting an ordinance that will put us in the Supreme Court,” Overton said. Sprouse agreed. (Mayor Barletta of Hazelton removed a large number of illegals despite losing in the courts!) “We have to be wise in how we approach this,” said Sprouse. Watson, a police officer for 20 years, said 287 (g ) is about the only tool the city has to reduce the illegal population. “With the exception of 287 (g ), the federal government won’t let us get involved,” said Watson. (the Hazelton Ordinance has proven otherwise)

The discussion then turned to the economy, and Springdale’s current place at the bottom of the local sales tax race. For the last two years, Springdale has experienced a decline in sales tax revenue while its neighbors to the north, Bentonville and Rogers, have seen a sharp increase. Jenkins said Springdale would benefit if a theme park or a water park located near Arvest Ballpark west of Interstate 540. As mayor, she would work to lure a bigname player like Disney World to come to Northwest Arkansas (won't work if some tourist are killed by illegals!) . Dotson wants to repeal Arkansas Code 26-52-521. Under the law, sales taxes are remitted to the city where goods are delivered, not purchased. Springdale, home to three major building supply stores, receives none of the sales taxes on construction materials delivered to other towns like Rogers and Fayetteville. Even in a time of stagnant sales taxes and uncertainty in the national economy, the candidates agreed Springdale must continue to invest in its police force and infrastructure. A big piece of the puzzle is the exit at Don Tyson Parkway, a $ 20 million project the city will probably have to pay for with local funds. “We have to continue to prepare for businesses that want to come to Springdale,” he said. (Tyson Foods makes millions off of illegal aliens, have them pay for it!)

A link to the Hazelton Ordinance story:

Based on the statements from this story, it looks like Jim Reed is the best guy to deal with the illegal alien problem in Springdale. If anybody has any more information about these candidates, please let us know.
A story about the Housing for Illegals Scandal you haven't heard about:

Monday, September 22, 2008

Questions for Candidates & Healthcare for Illegals

I made this list of questions to ask candidates in the upcoming election. I thought about emailing them but I think it would get a better response if voters called their candidates or asked them in person.

> 1. Will you support a law requiring proof of citizenship in order to obtain state welfare benefits, such as the Secure Arkansas Petition of 2008?

2. Will you support giving local police the authority to enforce immigration laws, such as under the 287G program?

3. Will you deny taxpayer funds to any school, city, or organization that allows illegal aliens or creates a sanctuary for them?

4. Will you support a law requiring proof of citizenship in order to rent an apartment? To go to school? To Vote?

5. Will you demand a company be out of business if caught hiring illegals and fined for each illegal a company hires?

6. Do you believe that an illegal alien based 3rd world exploitation economy is harmful to the United States of America?

7. Do you believe that laws not enforced by the Federal Government must be enforced by the state and local governments?

8. Do you believe that we must help Hispanics by forcing reform in corrupt countries such as Mexico?

9. Do you believe that the illegal immigration system that involves corruption, poverty, human smuggling, ID fraud, tax evasion, negligence is morally justified or Christian?

10. Do you believe in stopping illegal immigration through attrition and enforcement?


Health-care burden from aliens in U.S. difficult to add up Patients’ status rarely known, askedBy Toby MantheySunday, September 21, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

College for illegals

This is a mess we will have to deal with since our Attorney General Dusty McDaniel thinks it's up to colleges on whether or not to admit illegals.

Sacramento, CA (AP) -- A state appeals court has reinstated a lawsuit challenging a policy that allows some illegal immigrants to pay lower in-state tuition to attend California's public colleges and universities.

The 3rd District Court of Appeal in Sacramento said Monday that a lower court erred in dismissing the suit brought by 42 students who paid far more to attend college because they were out-of-state residents.

At issue is a 2002 law that made any California high school graduate who attended at least three years of high school in the state eligible for in-state fee breaks, regardless of immigration status.


Best update about the efforts of Obama and McCain's attempts to pander to the pro-illegal immigrant crowd.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Events coming up!

Here are some public events coming where illegal immigration can be discussed. I am working on a questionare to ask candidates and should have that available soon.
Sherwoodfest will be at Sherwood Forest September 20th
Sherwood Fest9/20/20088 AM - 5 PM
Location: Sherwood Forest, 1111 W. Maryland Ave.
Event: social gathering and meetup event
Location: My Big Fat Greek Cafe
612 Office Park Drive, Bryant, AR
Young Republican Luncheon:Guest Speaker: Dave Elswick
Monday, September 22nd, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Loca Luna Restaurant - 3519 Old Cantrell Road
The Southwest part of Little Rock has been having meetings about improving the neighborhood every Monday either 6:30pm or 7pm. I have never been able to attend since I only hear about the meetings the day they happen.
6401 Baseline Rd., Suite A(501) 918-3975 or (501) 918-3976
Dinesh D'Souza will be presented at Harding University on Tuesday, September 23, 2008, 7:30 p.m., Benson Auditorium. Title of his talk will be "McCain, Obama and the War on Terror." I cannot find this anywhere on the internet, but we got a card so I wanted you all to know. The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: Shortcut to:
Thursday, September 25: The Pulaski County Republican Committee hosts a campaign rally and picnic at the Burns Park Hospitality House in North Little Rock. Details to come!
Fort Smith, Arkansas Code Blue Rally. There is not cost for this rally but you must print out a ticket at
Date: September 27th, 2008
Location: First Baptist Church 1400 Grand Ave Fort Smith, AR 72901 205-856-5627

Bryant has scheduled their annual Fall Fest for Saturday the 27th. I assume it is on main street.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

AG: Arkansas colleges can admit illegal immigrants

I got this in my email just now! I'd like to remind everyone that 7 years ago, some illegal immigrants with student visas attacked this country!:

First thing, Attorney General McDaniel: what about ILLEGAL don't you understand.

Second thing: It is about the MONEY/benefits that these student illegals get that should be going to deserving American students. Like daycare, WIC, foodstamps, health care, subsidized housing.
Third thing: Our taxes increase and tuition increases to the point that we can't send our own children to college.

Sharon Stark, Little Rock
Thursday, Sep 11, 2008

By John Lyon Arkansas News Bureau

LITTLE ROCK - Public colleges and universities in Arkansas can admit illegal immigrants and are not required to verify the citizenship of prospective students, state Attorney General Dustin McDaniel said in an opinion Wednesday.McDaniel said there does not appear to be any federal or state law barring higher education institutions from admitting undocumented immigrants, although he said institutions are free to adopt their own policies requiring verification of prospective students' citizenship.

"It is my opinion in response to your specific questions, that undocumented individuals may enroll in Arkansas' public colleges and universities and that such schools are not obliged to verify citizenship as a condition of enrollment," McDaniel said in the opinion requested by state Rep. Rick Green, R-Van Buren.Federal and state laws leave it up to individual institutions to decide whether to admit undocumented immigrants, McDaniel said.In May, Gov. Mike Beebe directed the state Department of Higher Education to send a letter to state colleges and universities instructing them to add questions of residency and U.S. citizenship on admission forms and to require a Social Security number or visa number.Beebe spokesman Matt DeCample said Wednesday the opinion by McDaniel does not conflict with Beebe's instructions to higher education officials. "Our primary concern all along has been in-state benefits and making sure those are not going to undocumented aliens," DeCample said. "That is not specifically discussed in this opinion."Beebe has said that providing in-state tuition to illegal immigrants but denying it to out-of-state students who are U.S. citizens could violate the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.DeCample said state colleges and universities were instructed to comply with federal law, "and there is nothing in this opinion that would change that."Department of Higher Education spokesman Dale Ellis said Wednesday the department has never told colleges or universities they could not admit students who have no proof of citizenship."If you give an in-state benefit to a person who is not a citizen or a legal resident of the United States, then that institution has to give that same benefit to any citizen of the United States," Ellis said. "That's what that was about. That was not ever any kind of effort to keep illegal aliens out of school."

Asked if requiring prospective students to provide a Social Security number or visa number has the practical effect of keeping out illegal immigrants, Ellis said it does not. The requirement merely allows schools to determine who is and is not legible for in-state tuition, he said."Nobody's going to get kicked out of school," he said.Ellis said he did not know if any Arkansas schools had opted to admit illegal immigrants at out-of-state tuition rates, but he said the schools "absolutely" are free to do so.Green said Wednesday he had not seen the opinion, but said he had no reason to disagree with McDaniel's interpretation of the law. Green said he believes state-run schools should not admit illegal immigrants, particularly at a time when funds are short for basic needs such as health care and roads, though he said that does not necessarily mean the law should be changed."I hate to think we have to pass a law about everything, to do what I think is the right thing," he said.
" What a way to remember 9/11-

Six months after the September 11 attacks, a Florida flight school belatedly received notification from the Immigration and Naturalization Service that two Osama bin Laden disciples--both of whom had enrolled in a professional flight program--had been approved for student visas. The INS notifications were received Monday (3/11) by Rudi Dekkers, owner of Huffman Aviation (Dekkers provided TSG with the below copies of the INS approvals for terrorist ringleader Mohammed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi). Investigators believe that Atta and al-Shehhi piloted the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center towers. In August 2000, Huffman Aviation filed--on behalf of Atta and al-Shehhi--forms requesting that the INS switch the pair's visa status from tourist to student, a change that allowed Atta and al-Shehhi to enroll in a professional pilot program. While those applications were granted last summer, the formal notification of the approval was not sent until this month. The INS blames a bureaucratic backlog, though others might come to another conclusion. "

Monday, September 08, 2008

Co-founder of Minuteman Project discuss immigration
Saturday, Sep 6, 2008
By Rob Moritz
Arkansas News Bureau

LITTLE ROCK - A co-founder of the anti-illegal immigration Minuteman Project on Friday accused some American businesses of fostering a "21st century slave trade" by hiring undocumented workers to toil long hours for low wages and few benefits. But Jim Gilchrist also said the nation is under no obligation to help the world's downtrodden masses. In a speech at the Clinton School of Public Service, Gilchrist decried what he said was exploitation of workers to entered the country illegally and questioned their overall benefit to the U.S. economy. "A low-wage pay illegal alien provided no benefits, provided no health care ... not the benefits that most American workers get, this makes them very attractive to those who engage in what I refer to as the 21st century slave trade," he said. On the other hand, Gilchrist asked, "except for life-saving treatment, under what authority are we required to house, shelter, feed, educate and medicate the world's impoverished population?"

"If that's what you want, that's fine, but that's not what I want," he said, adding that money the federal government spends to help illegal immigrants could be better used to improve education for citizens and to help the elderly. Gilchrist, a 59-year-old former newspaper reporter and retired CPA, co-founded the group that has sent hundreds of members to stand along the U.S. southern border in an effort to curb the flow of undocumented workers from Mexico into the country. During his 30-minute speech Friday at the Clinton School, Gilchrist, who has been booed or shouted down at many of his appearance across the country, praised a crowd of about 100 people for allowing him to speak without interruption.

"This far exceeds the rights afforded speakers at Columbia University," he said, referring to a 2006 incident at the New York City school where students stormed the stage and knocked over chairs and tables while he spoke. Before Gilchrist was introduced Friday, Clinton School dean Skip Rutherford asked the audience to be respectful. "People can agree to disagree," Rutherford said. But his appearance did grow testy at times. During a question and answer period, a member of the audience said Arkansas' Hispanic population, including illegal immigrants, had contributed greatly to the state's economy. "You make these people sound like they've come here to be taken care of," the man said.

John DiPippa, interim dean of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock law school, asked Gilchrist that if illegal immigrants were being used as slaves as he suggest, why did he oppose the 2007 a comprehensive immigration reform bill in Congress that would have given temporary amnesty to illegal immigrants in the U.S. The measure was approved in the House but defeated in the Senate. Gilchrist said he couldn't answer the question.

I can answer the question! An amnesty (aka comprehensive immigration reform) would have taken billions of dollars in order to help the "new citizens". Furthermore, the now legal workers would have been laid off and replaced with new illegals. Corrupt regimes like the Mexican Government would continue to neglect their citizens knowing that the American taxpayer will take care of the problem. Worst of all, many criminals and terrorist would be put on the path to citizenship due to an already overburdened immigration system (i.e. 2 of the Fort Dix six who were legal immigrants). How do I know this would happen? Because it is excacly what happened during the 1986 amnesty!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

A negligent leader

NEAR MISSION - Police say a suspected illegal immigrant working for a Democratic state representative brutally beat another man to death with a bat Monday morning. Froylen Casares, 24, was working at a ranch owned by state Rep. Kino Flores near the intersection of North Tropser and Yukon Roads when he killed a young Hispanic male whose name authorities have not released, said Hidalgo County Sheriff Lupe Treviño. "It was a very bloody, very bloody, very gruesome crime scene," Treviño said. Authorities continue to search for Casares, of Honduras, who fled the scene before they arrived at about 5:30 a.m. Flores, who has owned the ranch for eight years and uses it to ride his horses, said he hired the man without checking his background because he didn't appear to be an illegal immigrant.

"He was preppy. He looked the part. No indication. He fit in extremely well, he had family members here," the Democrat from Palmview said. "It just looks bad in general ... of course it's going to grab more traction. I certainly don't want to go around challeng-ing people's status."


According to the Texas Secretary of State website, nobody is running against Kino Flores in his district, which means he should be in power come November. The best we can do is make sure that we don't elect similar officials when we vote!

Reminder:Victory Watch Parties The 2008 Arkansas Victory Headquarters will host watch parties and phone banking for the Republican nomination of John McCain at three of their locations on Thursday, September 4, 2008. The event will begin at 7:00 p.m. and end around 10:00 p.m. SpringdaleVictory HQ2576 W. Sunset, Suite B Northwest Arkansas Contact: Shane Williams (479) 567-9914 Conway Victory HQ802 Front StFaulkner and Pope Counties: Michael Lambert (501) 548-1192 Little Rock Riverdale 10 Cinema2600 Cantrell Rd Saline, Pulaski and White: Jonathan Shuffield (501) 256-3637

Jim Gilchrist, president of the Minuteman Project Jim Gilchrist, a former U.S. Marine, is president of the Minuteman Project, an activist organization seeking to stop illegal immigration on the U.S./Mexican border. Gilchrist founded the Minuteman project in October 2004 after years of frustration over government enforcement of immigration laws. He is a frequent commentator on national television programs, advocating against illegal immigration. In the Marines, Gilchrist received a Purple Heart after sustaining wounds during a tour of service in the Vietnam War. He is the coauthor of "Minutemen: the Battle to Secure America’s Borders." When: Friday, September 5, 2008 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. – Lunch & Lecture *Bring your own lunch. Water and soft drinks provided. Where: Clinton School of Public Service Sturgis Hall*Reserve your seats by emailing <> or calling 501.683.5239.
There is some controversy over the Minuteman Project. I wanted to ask Gilchrist about this but I will not be able to attend Friday.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The kind of leaders we need

This article talks about what one leader did to stop illegal immigration. The term wetback is a word used by a former President of the United States of America. If you don't like the term, take it up with him.

"The rise in illegal border-crossing by Mexican 'wetbacks' to a current rate of more than 1,000,000 cases a year has been accompanied by a curious relaxation in ethical standards extending all the way from the farmer-exploiters of this contraband labor to the highest levels of the Federal Government."- Dwight Eisenhower.

( Little Rock , Arkansas – September 13, 2008) The 2008 election will be a time when we choose people to run the US. Everyone from President to Alderman will have their duties to the people who elect them. Groups such as LULAC, La Raza and The Chamber of Commerce will make an effort to fool voters into electing pro-illegal immigration candidates. These groups along with some in the media have portrayed an image that some industries would cease to exist without millions of uneducated fraudulently documented criminals who could be thieves, rapist, murderers or even terrorist.

The idea that America needs an exploitation system to be successful has been argued before. Many of our Founding Fathers wanted to end slavery when they created this country, but delegates from the South argued that ending slavery would destroy the economy. Early in the 19th century, as the Abolitionist Movement gained strength, pro-slavery politicians used the term "peculiar institution" to describe slavery. They also created The Slave Power a pro-slavery lobby group. The effort to maintain slavery was so successful, that it took the deaths of thousands of Americans in The Civil War to end it.

Then there was practice of Child Labor, which was very popular among mining, agricultural, and oddly enough the newspaper industry. The infamous Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst used underpaid homeless boys called “newsies” to sell papers. The media moguls were forced to reform their exploitation system after the Newsboys Strike of 1899. Perhaps this is the reason why the New York Times and other newspapers cheerlead for another exploitation system, illegal immigration. Federal regulation of child labor was achieved in Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938.

In 1954, Dwight Eisenhower began Operation Wetback. Some 750 agents targeted agricultural areas with a goal of 1000 apprehensions of illegal aliens a day. By the end of July, over 50,000 aliens were caught in the two states. Around 488,000 people fled the country for fear of being apprehended. Operation Wetback deported around 80,000 Mexican nationals in the space of almost a year, local INS officials estimated that an additional 500,000-700,000 had fled to Mexico before the campaign began.

Despite the ending of slavery, child labor, and a massive reduction in illegal immigration, America was able to become the greatest agricultural and industrial nation in the world. Today companies like Tyson Foods, Cargill, and Swiftco, are trying to create for themselves an exploitation system that destroys the middle class and creates a culture of corruption similar to that of the Third World. For Arkansas, they fund groups like The AR Farm Bureau. Stanley Reed, President of the AR Farm Bureau recently stated, “If legislation fails to take into account the unique needs of agriculture – which includes our increased dependence on immigrant labor, our vulnerability to competitively priced, foreign-grown produce and our inability to pass along cost increases – we will all watch as Congress literally takes billions of dollars out of the pockets of farmers and sends it to our competitors overseas”. Tyson Foods, one of the companies that is “dependent on immigrant labor”, paid their CEO Richard Bond $1.14 million in salary according to yahoo finance.

Illegal aliens are 4.4% of the U.S. workforce, according to the Dept. of Labor. Legal workers are doing over 95% of the jobs illegals aren’t doing. Illegals are not the “backbone” of the U.S. economy yet, but many want them to be. Fortunately, we have leaders who want to stop illegal immigration like Mayor Lou Barletta of Hazelton, PA. Despite his law that required proof of citizenship to get an apartment being overturned in the Supreme Court, Barletta managed to force out several illegal aliens from Hazelton. Oklahoma recently passed an immigration reform bill that is forcing thousands of illegals to leave despite repeated lawsuits. Georgia has passed similar legislation. In Maricopa County Arizona, Sherrif Joe Arpaio is enforcing the laws that many Federal officials refuse to enforce. This election, we need to help the Eisenhowers, Barlettas and Arpaios who will actually fix the illegal immigration problem.

###For Additional Information Please Contact:
Kenny J. Wallis, President
Illegal Alien given a pass 16 times kills a 3 year old.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Who's helping illegal immigration in Arkansas

This looks like some sort of Pro-illegal immigration townhall meeting in NWA.

ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE ‘Hispanic presence’ monsignor’s topic Monsignor David LeSieur of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church in Rogers will discuss “No Longer Strangers: The Hispanic Presence in Our Midst” at noon Sept. 17 at First United Methodist Church in Springdale. The event is part of the Shiloh Museum’s “Sandwiched-In Series.” More information is available by calling (479 ) 750-8165.
This was taken from the spanish translation of the Arkansas Catholic Church website. I used an internet translator so some of the language is a little off. I would call and ask if they take responsibility for helping the next child molester/murderer/terrorist/person who starts epidemic etc.
Director: Frank Head
Catholic charities Services of Immigration provide advice and aid with immigration to low cost to families and individuals that are eligible for the immigration benefits and which they cannot pay private attendance. The mission of Catholic Charities Services of Immigration is to help the people so that they clarify legal his status in the United States and this way they avoid the problems that affect to families related to separation, economic suffering and social isolation. (like immigration laws)
The following services are offered:
Advising of needs related to immigration.
Preparation and procedure of requests and documents with United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.
Reference to lawyers for legal attendance and procedures of deportation. (How to help MALDEF/ACLU sue the US)
Support and reference of information to other agencies of the community. (where to get welfare)
Factories and seminaries on immigration in different events from the community. Support for the immigrants with the representatives of the congress.

The office of Little Rock this abierta (won't translate) Tuesday for consultations only for the people who have appointment.In Springdale all the Tuesdays are received to people for consultation without appointment beginning the 8:30 a.m. (possible place to video tape)The cost of the consultation is of $20 (is this supposed to be tithe?).

Catholic charities Services of Immigration in Little Rock are been exhorting their clients to that they are alert to the news of the 31 of May of Immigration and the Service bureau of Citizenship of the United States about the migratory fraud.It knows His Rights Certain “notaries” say that they can help the people to process his documents according to the new laws. The new laws of immigration first must be approved by the House of Representatives and the Senate of the United States and being signed by President George Bush. At this moment, no new law has been implemented. According to USCIS, “If the project of migratory reform becomes law, the Service bureau of Citizenship and Immigration of the United States (USCIS) will inform to him to the public about the form in which they will have to come. Until then, it will be necessary to have much caution with any person, organization or commerce who assure that she can help to ask for benefits under this law of migratory reform.”

For more information about the migratory fraud, to call to Catholic Charities Services of Immigration to (501) the 664-0340 or to (479) 927-1996.

2022 W. Sunset Ave.
Springdale, AR 72762(479) 927-1996 Fax: (479) 927-2979

Monday, September 01, 2008

Events and updates 090108

I hope that everyone has had a good Labor Day weekend. Here are some events coming up where immigration reform activist can get educate others about this issue.

Victory Watch Parties

The 2008 Arkansas Victory Headquarters will host watch parties and phone banking for the Republican nomination of John McCain at three of their locations on Thursday, September 4, 2008. The event will begin at 7:00 p.m. and end around 10:00 p.m.

SpringdaleVictory HQ2576 W. Sunset, Suite B Northwest Arkansas Contact: Shane Williams (479) 567-9914

Conway Victory HQ802 Front StFaulkner and Pope Counties: Michael Lambert (501) 548-1192

Little Rock Riverdale 10 Cinema2600 Cantrell Rd Saline, Pulaski and White: Jonathan Shuffield (501) 256-3637
Jim Gilchrist, president of the Minuteman Project Jim Gilchrist, a former U.S. Marine, is president of the Minuteman Project, an activist organization seeking to stop illegal immigration on the U.S./Mexican border. Gilchrist founded the Minuteman project in October 2004 after years of frustration over government enforcement of immigration laws. He is a frequent commentator on national television programs, advocating against illegal immigration. In the Marines, Gilchrist received a Purple Heart after sustaining wounds during a tour of service in the Vietnam War. He is the coauthor of "Minutemen: the Battle to Secure America’s Borders."

When: Friday, September 5, 2008 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. – Lunch & Lecture *Bring your own lunch. Water and soft drinks provided.
Where: Clinton School of Public Service Sturgis Hall*Reserve your seats by emailing <> or calling 501.683.5239.
An update on an illegal alien crime story that has gotten little coverage.

___________________________ 6, 2008 at 6pm – War Memorial Stadium
Arkansas Razorbacks play the University of Louisiana - Monroe in Little Rock on September 6th. Get tickets here!