Saturday, March 22, 2014

Liberty & the Constitution vs. Open Borders & Anarchy

On March 15, the UCA Young Americans for Liberty chapter's state convention was held in Conway, Arkansas. Many activist from across Arkansas and a few other states. Most of the speakers were very helpful in advancing liberty in addition to being very entertaining.
Then there was Sheldon Richman, who gave a presentation that talked about the mistakes made in foreign policy by the United States of America. Richman talked about the many mistakes the USA made in terms of foreign policy, which are many, but didn't bother to mention any good things America has done. Afterwards, I asked why those who support putting troops overseas also oppose securing the border. Richman never answered the question, stated that he didn't know much about the issue, and instead advocated for open borders. Videos of my encounter with Richman are here:


If it's a government program in Spanish, it's for illegal aliens. Here's a photo by Matt Drudge of a van advertising Obamacare in Florida.

I haven't seen any vans in Arkansas, but there is some print material that will supposedly be stopped by the recent amendment to funding for the private option.


Monday, March 17, 2014

Watch out for Special Election Taxes & Illegal Immigration.

Last Tuesday, Taxpayers in Pulaski County rejected the bureaucrats at Pulaski Technical College and an attempted 1.9 Millage Tax increase. With only 3,468 for and 10,236 against, the PTC Millage Tax Increase was rejected by 74.69%! Thanks to all who campaigned and voted against this tax! I wish I could say that we know longer have to worry about special election, but sadly, there will likely another special election in Arkansas that we have to fight against. As soon as that happens, conservatives will need to mobilize and yet again defeat bureaucrats. This facebook group will be changed to defeat whatever special election sneaks up on us. Join it to stay involved.!/groups/VoteNoMarch11inPulaskiCounty/

Last week was busy for me even after defeating the Pulaski Technical College Millage Tax.
I just found out that the Legislature of New York State rejected a magnet for illegal aliens. In-state tuition for illegal aliens was defeated by 1 vote earlier today.A Sandinista Communist was elected Mayor of New York City over a Libertarian not long ago in this blue state, so it was surprising to see this act of hispandering fail.

I was part of the grassroots effort to defeat the Republican and Democrat party leadership at the time and stop in-state tuition for illegal aliens in Arkansas. Since then, reforms by people like myself have resulted in the Republican Party of Arkansas rejecting in state tuition for illegal aliens.
The failures of both political parties to deal with illegal immigration has resulted in independent movements like Remember1986 and Young Americans for Liberty. I attended the Young Americans for Liberty Arkansas Convention Saturday where I had to deal with the illegal alien issue. I'll write about that later. Details of this story are below.

Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe wants to make us more dependent on 3rd world energy.

What will happen when an illegal alien does this in Arkansas?

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Latest video footage of the Arkansas Private Option and fight against the Pulaski County Millage Tax

The last 3 Republicans to switch to an Aye vote for the Arkansas Private Option were Hammer, Slinkard & Carnine. The version passed by the Senate, SB111 shouldn't have any problems before being signed by the pro-Obama Governor Mike Beebe. Video Footage is below.

Representative Joe Farrer how do we pay for Arkansas Obamacare?
Representative Kim Hammer changes to a yes vote
Representative Randy Alexander are we free?
Paired vote deals and final vote on the Arkansas Private Option


The Pulaski County Millage Tax election is being sneaked in at extra expense for a vote on March 11th, next Tuesday! Here's where you can fight against tax increases and get some free food. More events will be planned soon.!/events/1474323566122059/