Saturday, June 30, 2007

We won! (and what to do now)

I want to thank everyone for taking part in the defeat of the Senate illegal immigration bill. We have stopped the corrupt Mexican "government", crooked multi-millionare businesses, and all of their groups in America. We must now go on the offensive to remove illegal immigration from out state and America. Below is a statement from The Federation for American Immigration Reform, along with some other information.
June 28, 2007
Defeat of Cloture on Immigration Bill is a Defeat for Heavy-Handed Legislative Tactics and a Victory of Law Abiding Americans
FREEPER MEETING, July 14, from 3-5 pm in Little Rock. We will meet at Sharon’s house and will order in pizza (or whatever you want). Drinks and snacks will be furnished.
Just some of the things on our agenda: We will elect a leader, come up with ideas to defeat Blanche, and will have some handouts and havesuggestions for others. Of course, illegal immigration will be discussed. Please add to the above now or at the meeting.
Please try to come and bring somebody with you. We have got to do more than just mouth on FR if we want to see some changes in AR. No racist allowed. Please send me freep mail or email me at
There's an organization for state legislatures who are for immigration reform. Here is a link to the group of Arkansas legislatures. We would like to have more legislatures and candidates be a part of this group!,38

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Arkansas group ask for immigration reform

2 groups actually protested. One group wanted amnesty, the other wanted true immigration reform. My comments in red

The group is small, but their message speaks for an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants. Members of the Arkansas Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform were in southwest Little Rock to rally support from U.S. Senators on an immigration bill that if approved could offer legal status to millions of unlawful immigrants.Using a megaphone, one supporter yelled, “We spend $2 billion a year. (most likely a stat made by mixing legal with illegal)We're an economic force to be reckoned with."Coalition member Cesar Compadre says, “Our voices need to be heard. (your groups spend millions on lobbyist and most of the mainstream media cheerleads for you everyday). We need our senators to know that we are concerned that the immigration problem needs to be solved."Elvira Aguirre agrees; “I support immigration reform because I feel that everybody has a right to speak up and come have a better job and be free." (in Mexico?). While the group is in favor of some of the proposed reforms, they're not in agreement with a few of the amendments to the legislation; including one that would require immigrants to return home temporarily to gain lawful status. They say it wouldn't work; the U.S. government doesn't have the money.Arkansas Director for LULAC (League of Latin American Citizens) Carlos Cervantes says; “If they were to pick up 1,500 or 2,000 of undocumented and ship them out (it's every month in the video), it would take 20-25 years to do that."Cervantes continues, “We don't have the funds, we don't have the resources, we don't have the time, we don't have the manpower." (The Swifco raid caught over 1,000 illegals in 1 day, we could ship them out if we ignored the lawsuits from MALDEF and force more to leave by cutting taxpayer funded services)

But opponents are just as vocal. Tuesday, members of Keep Arkansas Legal stood outside Senator Blanche Lincoln’s office protesting the legislation.....arguing it would provide amnesty to illegals.Marilyn Gover says, “But they are taking jobs from all Americans.”But the coalition says---it's not about handouts.Aguirre says, “We don't want to steal anything. We don't want freedom. We just want a chance, a chance to live better."And now that millions of illegals are living in the U.S. both sides say something has to be done. Coalition members say some type of reform is needed very soon.If nothing is done this go-around in the senate, then the numbers of illegal immigrants in the country will more than double--- and then, they say there will really be a problem.

Stefanie Bryant, Reporter
Updated: 6/27/2007 10:46:41 PM

I was called by Stefanie on Wednesday at 3:30pm for more information, but I had work followed by church. Our group appears to be larger than the pro-illegal crowd and would have even been bigger had we had more time to plan. The Minuteman visit to the offices was bigger than both crowds! Channel 11 may have given more airtime to the pro-illegal crowd, but at least they made an effort to get our side of the story.

These two pics are of the pro-illegal alien protesters

This is the pic from the keeparkansaslegal protest:

This is a video version of what showed up on TV at 10pm:


KLRK Fox 16 also showed up and interviewed Bobbie Warner. Unfortunately, they mixed their report of the protest with a sob story about a fool endangering his kids by fathering them with an illegal.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007



Tell Your Senators to vote NO on cloture on Thursday!!
On Tuesday afternoon, the Senate voted to revive the Kyl-Kennedy amnesty bill (S. 1639) and bring it back to the floor by a vote of 64-35 (Roll Call 228). Twenty-one Senators switched their votes from the previous cloture vote, held on June 7, which failed 45-50 (Roll Call 206). The Traitorous 21 can no longer claim they oppose amnesty. Today they voted to bring it back from the dead. The only recourse they have is to vote against the second cloture motion (to end debate), which will take place Thursday. The Traitorous 21:

Bennett (R-UT)
Gregg (R-NH)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Kyl (R-AZ)
Bond (R-MO)
Lott (R-MS)
Boxer (D-CA)
McConnell (R-KY)
Brownback (R-KS)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Burr (R-NC)
Pryor (D-AR)
Coleman (R-MN)
Snowe (R-ME)
Collins (R-ME)
Stevens (R-AK)
Craig (R-ID)
Warner (R-VA)
Domenici (R-NM)
Webb (D-VA)
Ensign (R-NV)

No Senator can hide behind procedural motions and then claim innocence by voting against the bill. We won’t buy it! A vote for cloture is a vote for amnesty! Now is the time to redouble our efforts! We have one last chance to make Senators listen to us! Thursday is the day of reckoning! Get the calls, emails, faxes going into Senate offices like never before! Call talk radio! Hand out this alert at your workplace, church, school, or even on the street! This is the time to save America!

Targets: Bond, Burr, Bennett, Bingaman, Boxer, Cochran, Coleman, Conrad, Ensign, Gregg, Hatch, Levin, Nelson, Webb

Capitol Switchboard: (202)-224-3121
Pryor, who voted against S1348 twice last time, voted to allow S1639 to come to the floor. In addition to calling Senator Lincoln, we need to keep pressure on Senator Pryor.
Here are some numbers to call in addition to the Capitol Switchboard:

Little Rock office: 501-324-6336
Toll Free: 877-259-9602
Fax: 501-324-5320
Senator number paid for by La Raza: 1-800-417-7666
The River Market
500 Clinton Avenue, Suite 401
Little Rock, AR 72201

Monday, June 25, 2007

Amnesty Kill Bill 2

June 26) Tomorrow (Tuesday, June 26), senators are scheduled to vote on a motion to invoke cloture on S. 1639, a revised version of S. 1348 supposedly containing all floor amendments already adopted. If it garners 60 votes, the motion would allow Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to bring to the floor. A “YES” vote on cloture is equivalent to a vote for amnesty.
Although approximately two dozen amendments could be considered following tomorrow’s cloture vote, NumbersUSA believes there are no circumstances under which the “compromise” could be improved enough to be worthy of support. Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) and others have made it clear that any provisions in the final bill with which they disagree will simply be stripped out during conference committee negotiations anyhow; in other words, just as this bill began in closed-door meetings, it will end in closed-door meetings.

12 SENATORS LEANING NO ON FINAL PASSAGE BUT PROBABLY LEANING YES ON CLOTURE (when it counts) U.S. Senate switchboard: (202) 224-3121

Bond ! (R-Mo.) Bingaman (D-N.M.)Burr (R-N.C.)Boxer (D-Calif.)Cochran (R-Miss.)Conrad (D-N.D.)Ensign (R-Nev.)Levin (D-Mich.)Gregg (R-N.H.)Nelson (D-Neb.) Hatch (R-Utah)Webb (D-Va.)
As for our Arkansas Senators, you can call them using the La Raza phone number system:
1-800-882-2005. (Spanish number) 1-800-417-7666. (English number)

1) The system will scan your phone number (or ask you to enter it) to verify your Senators.
2) The system will ask which Senator you would like to be connected to.
3) Before connecting, you will hear pro-illegal immigration message.
4) After the message, you will be connected to your Senator where you can tell them how you really feel.
5) After you are done, you can call again and connect to the other Senator's office.

On Tuesday June 26th at 10:00am, immigration activist in Arkansas will protest at the office of United States Senator Blanche Lincoln at 912 West Fourth Street in Little Rock. We will demand that Senator Lincoln vote against ending cloture on S1639. As much as I want to, I will not be able to attend.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

our economy depends on illegal aliens?

"The rise in illegal border-crossing by Mexican 'wetbacks' to a current rate of more than 1,000,000 cases a year has been accompanied by a curious relaxation in ethical standards extending all the way from the farmer-exploiters of this contraband labor to the highest levels of the Federal Government."- Dwight Eisenhower.

Little Rock, AR – June 20 2007- KeepArkansasLegal would like to disprove one of the biggest lies being repeated by illegal alien supporters; that our economy depends on illegal aliens. On June 20 2007, Farm Lobby groups in Arkansas announced support for the pending comprehensive immigration reform legislation (now S1639) currently in the US Senate. These groups along with some in the media have portrayed an image that some industries would cease to exist without millions of uneducated fraudulently documented criminals who could be thieves, rapist, murderers or even terrorist.

The idea that America needs an exploitation system to be successful has been argued before. Many of our Founding Fathers wanted to end slavery when they created this country, but delegates from the South argued that ending slavery would destroy the economy. Early in the 19th century, as the Abolitionist Movement gained strength, pro-slavery politicians used the term "peculiar institution" to describe slavery. They also created The Slave Power a pro-slavery lobby group. The effort to maintain slavery was so successful, that it took the deaths of thousands of Americans in The Civil War to end it.

Then there was practice of Child Labor, which was very popular among mining, agricultural, and oddly enough the newspaper industry. The infamous Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst used underpaid homeless boys called “newsies” to sell papers. The media moguls were forced to reform their exploitation system after the Newsboys Strike of 1899. Perhaps this is the reason why the New York Times and other newspapers cheerlead for another exploitation system, illegal immigration. Federal regulation of child labor was achieved in Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938.

In 1954, Dwight Eisenhower began Operation Wetback. Some 750 agents targeted agricultural areas with a goal of 1000 apprehensions of illegal aliens a day. By the end of July, over 50,000 aliens were caught in the two states. Around 488,000 people fled the country for fear of being apprehended. Operation Wetback deported around 80,000 Mexican nationals in the space of almost a year, local INS officials estimated that an additional 500,000-700,000 had fled to Mexico before the campaign began.

Despite the ending of slavery, child labor, and a massive reduction in illegal immigration, America was able to become the greatest agricultural and industrial nation in the world. Today, Tyson Foods, Cargill, Swiftco, Greene Poultry, and a few other multi-millionaire companies are trying to create for themselves an exploitation system that destroys the middle class and creates a culture of corruption similar to that of the Third World. For my state of Arkansas, they fund groups like The Poultry Federation and The AR Farm Bureau. Stanley Reed, President of the AR Farm Bureau recently stated, “If legislation fails to take into account the unique needs of agriculture – which includes our increased dependence on immigrant labor (peculiar institution?), our vulnerability to competitively priced, foreign-grown produce and our inability to pass along cost increases – we will all watch as Congress literally takes billions of dollars out of the pockets of farmers and sends it to our competitors overseas”. Tyson Foods, one of the AR companies that is “dependent on immigrant labor”, paid their CEO Richard L. Bond $1.14 million in salary according to yahoo finance. Cry me a river!

According to the Dept. of Labor, illegal aliens are 4.4% of the U.S. workforce, meaning legal workers are doing over 95% of the jobs illegals aren’t doing. Illegal aliens are not the “backbone” of the U.S. economy yet, but many want them to be. We do not want the American People to be fooled again.
501-412-4063 or 501 570-0336

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Anti-illegal immigration groups rally against bill

Rallies at the Nixon Library and Huntington Beach pier draw supporters.
The Orange County Register

One after another, the speakers at the podium declared that the United States is on the verge of a civil war. "This is your culture," said presidential candidate and U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo. "Fight for it." Tancredo spoke to hundreds of supporters Saturday night at the Nixon Presidential Library in Yorba Linda, asking them to keep vigil over an immigration bill expected to be debated this week in the U.S. Senate(S1348).

Congressional leaders have been working for weeks to broker a deal that could potentially offer some sort of legalization plan for millions of undocumented immigrants living in the United States. And that shook the crowd at the Nixon library to its core.

"This bill cannot pass," Tancredo declared. "It will mean the tipping point has been passed." Terming the current legislation the "no-illegal alien left behind act," Tancredo told supporters they needed to flood Capitol Hill with phone calls and e-mails to stave off any sort of legislation. Supporters, like Joe Turner who heads the organization Save Our State, also told the audience that "the preservation of Western civilization" depended on curbing illegal immigration.

Most speakers rallied against multi-culturalism and what they called "the illegal alien invasion." Jeannie Goodin, a leader of the Eagle Forum, said only a candidate like Tancredo could stem the rising tide against American values brought by illegal immigration. "He will return America to its God-ordained foundation," she said.

Lupe Moreno, who recently ran a brief campaign for a local supervisors seat, told the crowd of about 200 that massive deportations of undocumented immigrants should be stepped up. "Deportation. Yes we can," said Moreno, mimicking a decades-old chant in Spanish from the farm workers movement to a standing ovation. Earlier in the day, Rep. Dana Rohrbacher, R-Huntington Beach, and about 30 people from the Minuteman Project and the Fire Coalition on Saturday protested the resurrection of the Senate Immigration bill and demanded the release of two Border Patrol agents held in a Mississippi jail.

"The next president, who wants my vote, will have to give a pardon to Ramos and Compean. This is betrayal by America." Rohrbacher told the crowd near the Huntington Beach pier. Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean are serving prison sentences for shooting a Mexican illegal-immigrant drug smuggler north of El Paso, Texas. Since their imprisonment 28 months ago, there have been repeated efforts to get them pardoned.

Rohrbacher asked Americans of all ethnicities to urge the Senate and their congressmen to prevent the passage of the immigration bill. The bill includes increased enforcement, a new temporary-worker program and a plan to legalize an estimated 12 million undocumented immigrants. "We won a great victory this week when the Senate had to pull back on the immigration bill," he said. "This (next) week they're coming back. We've got to block their attempt to legalize this. The patriots will save America, despite the president and the Congress."
The protest drew the attention of beach-goers, vacationers and motorists. "We came here for the beach but stayed for the protest," said Jonathan Price, 17, from Arcadia.

Contact the writer: 714-796-2221 or
You can also look at comments on freerepublic by going here:
We won round 1, now it's time for round 2!

As far as I know, you can use the La Raza/Soros phone numbers 800-417-7666 or 800-882-2005 to contact Pryor and Lincoln. If they don't work, you can use the U.S. Senate switchboard: (202) 224-3121.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Immigration Resolution Fails

Immigration Resolution Fails

Bentonville -- A resolution against contracting vendors that employ illegal immigrants failed at the Committee of 13 meeting Tuesday. "It's a nice statement, but I don't think it's going to do anything," said Justice of the Peace Bobby Hubbard. "It's just a nice little resolution, and it means nothing."The resolution followed a state law, Act 157, passed during the legislative session this year. The new law prohibits state agencies from contracting with businesses that employ illegal immigrants.

"Basically, it's a statement of our intent to comply with state regulations," said Benton County Attorney Robin Green. Earlier this month, Justice of the Peace Burton Schindler met with Green and Benton County Comptroller Richard McComas to create the resolution. Schindler presented his idea to force businesses that contracted with the county to sign an affidavit saying employees were legal residents about two months ago, but the new resolution required no signature and no special form. With about 8,000 venders doing business with the county, McComas worried the county wouldn't be able to enforce the ordinance or that it would require extra employees. (fine the companies that hire illegals and use the money to get extra employees) The resolution presented Tuesday created no additional workload for county offices, Schindler said.

"We're going to make a public example in protecting taxpayers' money," he said. Schindler said officials from the U.S. Boarder Patrol and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement supported resolutions against employing illegal immigrants. Illegal immigration could be controlled if employers didn't employ any illegal immigrants, Schindler said. If the county discovered any companies employing illegal workers, the county would stop doing business with that company, Schindler proposed. Justice of the Peace Kurt Moore said the resolution didn't go far enough. He wanted a resolution that was more than lip service, he said. Hubbard pointed out contractors may not know they employ illegal immigrants. "I'm asking and asking my subcontractors and they're saying 'Well, they have a driver's license,'" Hubbard said. (Mistakes cost the American taxpayer money, why not these subcontractors)

In other business, the committee passed adding the $5 fee to traffic citations, and approved changing the time of the Committee of 13 meetings to 6 p.m. with an added public comment time at the end of the meeting. The Quorum Court will consider both issues at 5 p.m. June 28.

How They Voted.

Justices of the peace voting against the resolution were Chris Glass, R-Northeastern Benton County, Craig Brown, R-Rogers, Frank Harrison, R-Rogers, David Hill, R-Bentonville, Kurt Moore, R-Southwestern Benton County, Bob Stephenson, R-Southwestern Benton County, Bobby Hubbard, R-Northwest Benton County , and Jim Wozniak, R-Bella Vista.

Justices of the peace voting in favor were Debbie Hobbs, R-Rogers, Frank Winscott, R-Southeastern Benton County, Tim Summers, R-Bentonville, Marge Wolf, R-Rogers, and Burton Schindler, R-Bella Vista.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Immigration Bill killed for now but still hanging around!

On Thursday June 7th, S1348 (Comprehensive Immigration Reform) was tabled after a second vote to end cloture failed. For those not familiar with the legislative process. Pro-illegal Senators wanted to END debate on the bill and vote it through. Of course they had orginally wanted to vote on the bill before Memorial Day! As for the Senators from Arkansas, Lincoln voted to end debate on the bill while Pryor voted no. While this is a victory we must not forget that the problem of illegal immigration still exist. We must also not forget that many powerful people want to try to push comprehensive immigration reform onto the American People. The fate of the United States of America is still up in the air!

First off, the fence is still being built at around 1 mile every 3 months. At that pace, every person who is not a part of the drug cartel, elitist family monopoly, crooked government cesspoole that has run Mexico into the ground will be able to go across the border by the time the wall is built. We assume that Mexican Army will still be abusing Central and South America along it's southern border as it has always done.

Second, companies like Tyson Foods, Cargill, Swiftco, Greene Poultry, and other crooked companies will still be able exploit illegals, buy off politicians, and fund anti-American organizations like La Raza. The American taxpayer will have to pay for the welfare, education, and other services of illegal workers and their friends/family. The media will still claim that the 4.4% of illegal aliens in the workforce are the backbone of the US economy and that we can't remove illegals from America. They will ignore events like Operation Wetback, the Hazelton incident, and immigration reform in the State of Georgia.

Third, more Americans will still be killed by illegals than by terrorist acts. We will still be vunerable to terrorist attacks from those illegaly in the country and the majority of meth, cocaine, heroin, and other drugs will still enter the United States from Mexico.

Finally, it appears that the powers that be want to try to cram another amnesty/comprehensive immigration reform down the throats of the American Voters. President Bush stated earlier today, "I'm going to work with those who are focused on getting an immigration bill done and start taking some steps forward again. I believe we can get it done. I'll see you at the bill signing."

I do want to thank the American voters in Arkansas and everywhere else who called, faxed, mailed, emailed and worked to stop Amnesty Renamed II from leaving the Senate Floor last Thursday. We must now stop the Federal Government from making illegal immigration worse while enacting true immigration reform like Hazelton and Farmer's Branch. We did it before, and we can do it again.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Immigration Reform Updates

Got this in my email:
Supporters of ALIPAC:
THERE IS GOOD NEWS FOR OUR TEAM! The first CLOTURE VOTE has FAILED by a vote of 33 YEA Vs 66 NEA! This means the Senate has voted not to allow S. 1348 to proceed, at this time to an official vote! Since many of the primary sponsors of the bill, Senators Reid and Graham, voted against closing debate as well, this signifies the following.
1. They do not have the votes they need, at this time to pass a cloture vote of 60+ votes.
2. They are trying to allow more amendment discussions and votes to try and call for CLOTURE later today.

More details about who votes on S1348 here:;page=501
Our video footage has gained a fair amount of viewers and some comments. Here's a sample of comments from Arkansas Minutemen Visit Part 1 (edited for content):

smiFromBelarus (9 hours ago) marked as spam
It a shame people like this exist, they are pure racists and hypocrites. Since it is not acceptable to hate black they now take out their hatred on Mexicans.
jsxdude (6 hours ago) It is not racist to want illegals out of our country that they have no right to be in, and they are draining our resources with the medical expenses and welfare.If you can't see this ,you are pretty f***ing blind
smiFromBelarus (5 hours ago)
Im not blind, I have my eyes open and they are much more open to the WAR in Iraq which is costing MUCH more money than immigrants. If you are not racist why not support an amnesty? which will getr taxes paid by immigrants.
keeparkansaslegal (1 hour ago)
The US Senate has already stated that amnesty will cost the American Taxpayer 2.5 trillion dollars. Your eyes are only open to the anti-American Agenda. That's why you don't see that we're killing terrorist in Iraq, or that Mexico is a lazy corrupt dictatorship neglecting it's people.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Minutemen visit Arkansas Senators

I just got an email for an event in Little Rock for conservatives:

Conservative activist are meeting at Dixie Cafe on Rodney Parham/I 430 to grip/eat/plan.
Come join us after work - 5:30 on.
map to Dixie Cafe
Myra and Rick Scott
Robert Lyon
Sharon Stark

On Friday June 1st, members of the Hot Springs Minuteman project visited the offices of Senator Blanche Lincoln and Senator Mark Pryor. Joining them were members of,, and other immigration reform activist. This is footage from that event. Despite what some in the media claim, people are still against the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill (S1348) which may be up for a vote this week! There are 10 videos in all. The image below is a link to the first video.