Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Illegal Alien Ten Commandments (To leftist claiming amnesty/guest worker plans are Christian)

(I saw a press conference about this from the Lou Dobbs show last night and found out about this movement looking at stories on the web)

Posted on 05/08/2007 10:40:48 AM PDT by pulaskibush
Many of those advocating an amnesty/guest worker program have decided to claim that Christianity on their side. A handful of leftist church leaders are preparing to grant sanctuary to illegal immigrants facing deportation in an effort to unite evangelicals behind comprehensive immigration reform. Jim Wallis of Sojourners called upon Christians to lobby for "compassionate" comprehensive immigration reform that treats illegal immigrants with grace. More about that story here:
What Jim Wallis and other "leftist Christians" fail to realize is that illegal aliens are the neglected citizens of other countries forced by poverty to leave their families and homelands. These neglected citizens are then transported by abusive human smugglers just to be exploited by companies like Swiftco. The cost and risk of illegal immigration is then put upon the American Taxpayer. This is the "compassion" that pro-illegals show.
The attempt to defend an evil practice with Christianity is not a new scam. American Slavery was seen as a way to “convert” Africans into Christians. If Jim Wallis has no problem encouraging human smuggling for cheap labor from Mexico, how can he object to human smuggling for even cheaper labor from an African country such as Sudan? Jesus did help the poor, but he also publicly criticized the corrupt government officials who caused poverty. Today's leftist Christian appears to give corrupt regimes a pass. With this twist in Christianity, the rules have to be “altered” to fit this agenda. Therefore, here are the new rules for the Pro-illegal Alien Agenda.

I. Thou shalt allow multi-million dollar corporations who exploit illegals to cheat the tax code and put the burden of the expenses of illegals on the American taxpaying worker.

II. Thou shalt ally with organizations that promote socialism, a form of government that has persecuted millions of Christians worldwide.

III. Thou shalt claim that illegals are the needed by the economy even though they are less than 5 percent of the workforce.

IV. Thou shalt accuse anyone who criticizes illegal immigration of being racist, xenophobe, “uncompassionate” and other names regardless of their argument.

V. Dishonor United States sovereignty, laws, citizenship, culture, and the effort of legal immigrants to become citizens by legalizing illegals.

VI. Thou shalt allow anyone to commit crime who happens to be an illegal, poor, minority, female, and has kids.

VII. Thou shalt ignore the drugs, weapons, criminals, diseases, and terrorists that enter this country because of illegal immigration.

VIII. Thou shalt ignore the fact that 2,158 Americans are killed every year by illegal aliens. More than by Iranian and Syrian backed terrorist in Iraq.

IX. Thou shalt only show “compassion” to Hispanics when it can be blamed upon the United States of America and ignore the suffering Hispanics in their Countries by negligent governments.

X. Thou shalt ignore the belief in Jesus Christ, The Ten Commandments, the un-born, government corruption, family values, and other Christian values to make your definition of “compassion” as the requirement for being a Christian.

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