Thursday, March 05, 2009

AR Session Update 030509

HCR1011-The State Sovereignty Resolution was voted down in the House Committee on State Agencies/Government Affairs. The vote was down party lines. 8 FOR & 10 AGAINST, with a Democrat and Republican absent. You can call the AR House switchboard here: 501-682-6211

Here is the list of Committee Members and how they voted on state sovereignty-
Rep. Rick Saunders, Chair NO Rep. Eddie Cheatham, Vice Chair NO
Rep. Lindsley Smith NO Rep. Steve Harrelson NO Rep. Gene Shelby NO
Rep. Ed Garner YES Rep. Clark Hall ABSENT Rep. Donna Hutchinson ABSENT
Rep. Larry Cowling NO Rep. Dan Greenberg YES Rep. Duncan Baird YES
Rep. Andrea Lea YES Rep. Jonathan Dismang YES Rep. Butch Wilkins NO
Rep. Uvalde Lindsey NO Rep. Linda Tyler NO Rep. Karen Hopper YES
Rep. Davy Carter YES Rep. Tiffany Rogers NO Rep. Mary Slinkard YES

I videotaped the committee meeting, which I will post later. The bill is on the agenda for 030609: You can track the bill here:


It's Back!
In state tuition for anchor babies/illegals has been introduced yet again. Joyce Elliott, who wrote the 2005 version has introduced SB799 TO INCREASE ACCESS TO POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION. The bill being sent to the Senate Committee on Education. No schedule yet. A better story is posted by KARN News Radio 102.9 along with an activist section.
Here are the members of the Senate Education Committee, their phone numbers and email address.
Chairman Senator Jimmy Jeffress (D) Crossett 870-364-8291
Vice Chair Senator Steve Bryles (D) Blytheville 870-763-1365
Senator Kim Hendren (R) Gravette 479-787-6500
Senator Shane Broadway (D) Bryant 501-682-6050
Senator Gene Jeffress (D) Ouachita 870-689-3537
Senator Mary Anne Salmon (D) NLR 501-753-4521
(my state senator)
Senator Johnny Key (R) Mountain Home 870-425-5200
Senator Joyce Elliot (D) LR 501-568-3917
You can also call the AR Senate switchboard here: 501-682-2902

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