Friday, August 22, 2008

Northwest Arkansas Events

Secure Arkansas recently held several events in NW Arkansas. We discussed the many problems that illegal immigration is causing in the state and the Northwest Arkansas Community. We also discussed the corruption of the Mexican Government and the many successes we have already have. There were specific stories of how illegal aliens effected the housing market and the schools. Video footage of the event will be up soon, but I wanted to remind everyone about another event coming up in Northwest Arkansas .

Saturday August 23rd time unknown- The Mexican Consulate based in Little Rock is supposed to have a mobile consulate at the Springdale Civic Center. This mobile consulate is supposed to give out Matricular Cards and show illegals how they can get services. According to the story, there are over 350 appointments for visits to this event. We would any video footage, photographs, or eye witness accounts of this event. You can email me or Secure Arkansas about this or other issues concerning illegal immigration.

Monday August 25th-Thursday August28th- The Democrat 2008 Convention will be held in Denver. Websites such as and should have live threads and important information about the event as it happens. Of particular interest is what the speakers will say (or won't say) about illegal immigration.

Monday September 15th time unknown- There are supposed to be school board elections in Springdale. According testimony at the Townhall meeting, over 1,000 illegal immigrant kids suddenly appeared in the Springdale School District! I have no information on candidates on where they stand on illegal immigration.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They shouldn't be allowed to go to our schools! The words illegal alien should be sufficient to stop that. Anyway at all that our schools (or anything else in this whole beautiful country OF OURS...) would have to be altered to suit them should be quite simple to say NO WAY! It burns me up that 'our' government, which is turning into 'their' government because of how they have turned their backs on U.S.- is dumping supporting all 12 million of them on us! It infuriates and saddens me how because of our government this country we love so dearly will soon be destroyed. You hear about all the kidnappings and beheadings- that will go on here just the same or worse when bush gets his way. If our wimpy governor would get off his lazy ass and quit pointing fingers saying that's not my problem, we could quit filling up with them here. I don't care who likes it and who doesn't, I don't want them here and I want something done! Something the AMERICAN people need to address and stand by is that this is OUR COUNTRY. We support it 100% and we damn sure have a say. But nobody listens to us, they are deaf to our voices. All their hear is theirs. What we need to do first is worry about Arkansas and bug the crap out of our governor to do something! He doesn't need to just sit on his hands while it fills up- with people run out of states that thank GOD 'are' doing something. I envy them, tremendously. Too mahy STUPID people here just plain and simply don't care. ...and I would like to slap them for that. because of their stupidity our state will be destroyed. The thought of AMERICAN flight is enraging. WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING- NOW! And get them out of OUR COUNTRY. It is so unfair for innocent AMERICANS to be dying because of their criminals- that are only getting their hands slapped for it, and sometimes not even that. How pathetic. Sure wouldn't be that way if it was us. I do wish that everyone of us would send letters constantly to bubba two- I mean our governor, telling him to do something!! What is he waiting for? He is showing his lack of ability to take care of this proud state we call our home, and enraged citizens should let him know what they think of him doing nothing while it fills up with criminals and illegals that we have to support. Who would have ever dreamed we would be ripped off by our own government. But the biggest question- is why?