Tuesday, January 23, 2007

HB1024 update 01 23 07

HB1024, the bill to deny state contracts to companies that hire illegals, cleared the Committee on Public Health that met at 10:00am 01/23/07. The bill passed 17-2!. Here are some details about what happened:

Rick Green introducted the bill. After the introduction, supporters of the bill spoke in favor of the bill and immigration reform. Representative Gaskill gave the best support. The 2 Representatives who opposed the bill were Flowers and Hardy. Flowers basically tried distract Green by claiming that HB1024 would involve the Federal Government. Green mentioned that the bill deals with state contracts and only denies them if the company is found to be hiring illegals. Green also mentioned that 2 states have already adopted this type of law.

Representative Hardy whined about the fact that the bill does not include contracts in the private sector. Green stated that state contracts involve taxpayer money and that contracts in the private sector can be dealt with later.

The other opposition was from Rita Sklarr (maybe mispelled, don't care) of the ACLU. Sklarr repeated the complaint about the Basic Pilot Program. Green pointed out that not even the Basic Pilot Program is required. Only that a company make an effort to prove legal status of workers. Here's video footage of the Committee meeting:



HB1024 should go before the House Wed. 01/24/07 at 1:30pm. We will still need to fight for this bill and put pressure on Representatives such as Barry Hyde. Keep making phone calls and try to visit!

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