Wednesday, January 24, 2007

HB1024 passes house!

HB1024 passed the House! The bill to deny state contracts to companies that hire illegal aliens passed the Arkansas House of Representatives with a 92-5 vote! The bill will now go before the
Senate Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs, no schedule has been posted yet. Here is the list of the Committee members:

Legislative Members

Senator Steve Faris 501-865-3333
Vice Chair:
Senator Gilbert Baker 501-327-8653
Senator Ed Wilkinson 479-996-4171
Senator Shawn Womack 870-424-5000
Senator Randy Laverty 870-446-5005
Senator Bobby Glover 870-552-7150
Senator Bill Pritchard 479-442-8611
Senator Jack Crumbly 870-633-7338

In Session Phone:501-682-2902
Out of Session Phone:501-682-6107

Here is the roll call vote on HB1024 before the House. Video footage should be up soon!

Yeas: 92
Abernathy Adcock Allen Anderson Berry Blount Bond T. Bradford Breedlove E. Brown J. Brown Burkes Burris Cash Cheatham Cook Cooper Cornwell L. Cowling
D. Creekmore Davenport Davis Dickinson S. Dobbins Dunn Edwards D. Evans L. Evans Everett Garner Gaskill George Glidewell R. Green Greenberg Hall Hardwick
Harrelson Harris Hawkins House Hoyt D. Hutchinson Jeffrey D. Johnson J. Johnson
Kenney Key Kidd King Lamoureux W. Lewellen Lovell Lowery Maloch M. Martin
Maxwell Medley Moore Norton Overbey Pace Pate Patterson Pennartz Pickett Pierce Powers S. Prater Pyle Ragland Rainey Reep Reynolds J. Roebuck Rogers
Rosenbaum Sample Saunders Schulte L. Smith Stewart Sullivan Sumpter Thyer
Wagner Walters Wells Wills Wood Woods Wyatt

Nays: 5
Flowers Hardy Hyde Shelby Webb

Not Voting: 3
T. Baker Chesterfield Mr. Speaker

Video 1

Video 2

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