Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Arkansas Apportionment Footage

The State of Arkansas held a public meeting for apportionment of the Arkansas State Legislator. This redistricting based on the 2010 Census would establish the boundries for Arkansas House and Senate members. The apportionment process is handled by 3 state officies; Governor Mike Beebe, Attorney General Dustin McDaniel, and Secretary of State Mark Martin. Mike Beebe and Dustin McDaniel are Democrats while Mark Martin is a Republican.

The United States Congressional Districts were horribly Gerrymandered in favor of the Democrats with "The Fayetteville Finger". This was blocked in the Arkansas Legislator despite democrats being the majority in both House and Senate in exchange for a better map that still slightly benefits Democrats.

The Secretary of State Mark Martin has made a rough draft map, so has the apportionment board. Governor Mike Beebe's office and the Attorney General's office have not made rough draft despite FOI acts filed to request a rough draft. You can call the Governor's office at 501-682-2345. You can call McDaniel's office at (501) 374-0080.Every voter needs to see yet another example of corrupt democrat officials refusing to show transparancy to the public they are supposed to serve.

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