Saturday, October 13, 2007

Immigration Report Not Coming (This is actually a good thing!)

I thought this section would look better at the front
At A Glance Just Communities
Just Communities of Northwest Arkansas has been around for about 10 years. It was once affiliated with the National Conference for Community and Justice (another leftist group), but is now a part of the national network of Just Communities. Just Communities advances diversity (by not allowing the public), challenges assumptions (blames America) and advocates for understanding and respect through cultural awareness (with lawsuits,protest, and claims of racism), diversity education and training (claim racial profiling), according to the group's Web site. Just Communities began calling meetings for Dialogue for Solutions in November. The group sponsored meetings with community leaders with the stated purpose of finding alternative solutions to the immigration issue. The report was supposed to be published in early-to-mid 2007, but wasn't. Source: Staff Report

ROGERS -- A proposed report from Just Communities on local immigration issues isn't going to happen. Ana Lorena Hart said Wednesday the group would not be issuing the report that was to be titled "Dialogue for Solutions." Just Communities sponsored a few community meetings where people gathered to discuss immigration, Hart said. A report was to be based upon the information gathered during the meetings. The report was to include specific recommendations on immigration issues in Rogers (how to stop immigration reform).
However, the representation of the people gathered to provide input was not broad enough (I wonder why?) Hart said, adding that those attending did not adequately reflect the people of Rogers. Hart did not elaborate on what was meant by "broad enough." Hart said she thought the endeavor was successful in that Just Communities was able to gather people together and start a positive dialogue on what had been a negative issue: immigration. The outcome of those meetings has been implemented, Hart said, citing a meeting with Mayor Steve Womack as evidence. However, Womack said he hasn't spoken with Hart or anyone else from Just Communities since the conclusion of the meetings.
Womack said he spoke with Don Bland before the meetings commenced. Bland (perfect name for a liberal) is the chairman of Just Communities Board of Directors. The meetings took place at the Rogers-Lowell Area Chamber of Commerce, Womack said, adding that the sessions were not open to the public. Womack did not attend any of the meetings, although he said several residents called City Hall to complain that the meetings were closed to the public. (so much for diversity!)"This is what frustrates me about this whole thing," Womack said. "Everyone agrees there is a problem with illegal immigration in the United States, but no one ever came back to us with any alternative solutions."

original link to story

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