I had a meeting at my church before the meeting at the Eagle Forum. When I got there, I heard Betsy Hagan talking about the superhighway, The North American Union of Mexico, Canada, and the United States, the likely return of HB1525(in-state tuition for illegals), pre-k, and gay adoption.
In talking about HB1525, Betsy mentioned that we defeated the bill with lobbying. It is our belief that the bill would have passed if not for the effort of conservative activist who blocked the bill. It is likely that a similar bill will be introduced in the more liberal 2007 session. Betsy mentioned a lobbying term called “bill in the pocket” where a legistlature holds the power to introduce a bill.
Betsy mentioned that the Pre-K law was passed because legistlatures were threatened by having buses taken from their district by Bill Clinton. Her point was that we need to develop relationships with lawmakers in order to get them to vote our way.
Thursday January 11th 9:30-11:30 State Capitol Cafeteria, Eagle Forum legistlature day! Eagle Forum will have a meeting with conseratives and state government officials. This is a great opportunity to meet with and lobby your representatives. We also need to apply presure in the form of phone calls. Donna Reed’s Homeschooler group will do phone calls among other things.
New Anchor Baby
There is a rumor that Ms. Elvira Arellano, the illegal alien hiding in a Chicago "church" is pregnant! There is also a rumor that Reverend "Slim" Coleman is the father! This website talks about the story:
Here is the pro illegal website that is supposed to be the original source. I have not been able to find the story on this site: http://www.matt.org/ . Lou Dobbs has also reported about this incident. Here is part of the Minuteman Statement about Arellano:
TAKE ACTION: Have you had enough? Since Elvira Arellano is calling upon allies locally and internationally, we are responding likewise. Some people are comparing this criminal to a civil rights activists; some even call her a modern day Rosa Parks -- that is offensive. This is not about civil rights -- it's about the rights of Americans who demand that criminals be punished.
We are appealing to people across the United States: take time to write a letter! We cannot allow the fugitive Elvira to stay here in the United States and create precedence for illegal aliens across America. The country you save may be your own!
We are asking that you write a letter to Michael Battle, Director of the Executive Office for United States Attorneys, the man who is the "boss" of U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald (the Special Counsel for Northern Illinois). You can make your letter short, but be sure to include two things:
1) Please ask U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald to investigate why ICE/Homeland Security in Illinois has not deported Elvira Arellano, and
2) Please ask, why hasn't Rev. Coleman of Adalberto United Methodist Church been arrested for aiding and abetting an illegal alien and a fugitive?
U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald already knows about these lawbreakers in Chicago. Let's give him another chance to enforce our immigration laws for the good of all Americans.
Sincerely,Chris SimcoxMinuteman Civil Defense Corps
PLEASE click below NOW to send a FREE message to Director Battle, asking him to direct Patrick Fitzgerald to enforce the law: Select to: ENFORCE THE LAW Now!!!http://capwiz.com/sicminc/issues/alert/?alertid=9202486&type=mcdc
NOTE: You can also send a postal letter directly to Fitzgerald here: U.S. Attorney Patrick FitzgeraldSpecial Counsel Northern IllinoisWashington Office:Bond Federal Building1400 New York Avenue, NW, Ninth FloorWashington D. C. 20530
Be sure to send this Alert to EVERYONE you know who wants to help DEMAND that U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald enforce our immigration laws in Chicago! Thank you! For more information about Minuteman Civil Defense Corps activities go to:
Border Watch: www.minutemanhq.com/HQ Border Fence: http://www.minutemanborderfence.com/Internal Activities: http://www.minutemancivildefensecorpspac.com/