KeepArkansasLegal Meeting
Keep Arkansas Legal had a meeting Saturday at around 3:00pm. We first had to eat and listen to the Razorbacks Game! For those who don't know, Arkansas won 28-14! We talked about the issue of immigration in general, things like the US, Mexico, Canada trans highway and the Border Patrol Agents who are facing trial for shooting a drug dealer.
A major part of the discussion was the loss of the 06 election by Republicans. We all agreed that failure to show victory in Iraq was the main reason for the loss. There were also failures on domestic issues, including illegal immigration
Sharon Stark talked about her accident where she had to pay 18,000 for a new car after she was hit by illegals. 3 illegals had struck the car. After the accident, they were approached by police. They had no ID and were let go.
Wren suggested that we contact Republican Congressmen and demand they NOT have pro-amnesty Congressman Mel Martinez be Chair of the RNC.
Part of the illegal immigration agenda is indoctrination of children to accept illegal immigration. Of course indoctrination of children is the sole purpose of the Department of Education and it's affiliates such as the Arkansas Education Association.
Several types of school indoctrination:
1. In Benton County there is a quiz for 15 year olds that convinces them into democrats. One of the questions is that if you OPPOSE same-sex marriage, you are a democrat. Jodie is trying to get a copy of the quiz.
2.In public elementary schools, the Southern Poverty Law Center has an event called Mix-it-Up where students meet people they usually don’t meet and then are encouraged to go to a website: http://www.tolerance.org/. This website has communist and homosexual links. The Southern Poverty Law Center accuses almost all immigration reform groups of being racist in one way or another.
3.Sharon Stark has textbooks that show that America “stole” land from Mexico.
The Denver Library has changed half of their books to Spanish.
4.We want to contact John Boozman about opposing Martinez for RNC Chair. We could create a half page postcard to send to Boozman.
The meeting wasn't all doom and gloom. Here is some of the good news. There is a government site that allows you to scan legal status for workers. Tenants also have the ability to scan legal status of renters for $10 by calling the State Police. Anyone can call. American Center for Law and Justice will provide legal services for someone being sued by the ACLU. The Thomas Moore Law Center does the same. Rogers is preparing immigration ordinances that will be harder to sue against than the ones in Hazelton, Penn. There has been no ruling on the Hazelton ordinances, so there is a chance that they could survive just like Prop 200 in Arizona. We are also working on sending a half page flyer and brochure that is a simplified version of the flyer.
For our part, we are going to spread the word about illegal immigration. Here are some events we plan to get involved in:
Tuesday Nov 28th
Runoff election for Justice of the Peace for Pulaski County District 3 between Allen Kerr and Kathy Lewison. According to Betty Manz, Kathy Lewison is an extreme liberal while Allen Kerr is a big conservative. Immigration is not a big issue in this election, but having a conservative replace a liberal is always good for the cause. If you want to help out in the Kerr campaign, here is the contact information:
Kerr Financial
1429 Merrill Dr,
Little Rock, AR 72211
(501) 225-3170
I will be doing phonebanking for the Kerr campaign Monday at 1:00pm.
Tuesday Nov 28
Keep Arkansas Legal will be handing out material and holding the big STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION signs from the Jim Holt campaign at Pleasant Valley Church of Christ: Here is a schedule of volunteers created so far.
8:30am-? Wrenn
10am-6 Kenny
6-close Bobbie
6-close Jodie
There are other polling locations to hold signs. I'll get a list ASAP. We would also like to get hold of some more of those big signs.
Tuesday Nov 28th (a very busy day!). Rogers Arkansas will have it's City Council meeting.
New City Hall at 301 W. Chestnut, 621-1117. Should be at 7:30pm. Keep Arkansas Legal will be involved several activities in Little Rock, but we would very interested in what happens at this City Council meeting. We would be very interested if someone who lives near Rogers would like to go and report what happens at this meeting. The last meeting had several arguments for and against immigration.
Friday Dec 1st-
The Mexican Consulate is supposed to have it's Grand Openning. The actual location of the Consulate is actually not clear. Sharon will research this further.
There are numerous local community meetings to inform people about illegal immigration. We are getting schedules of those meetings and will post them ASAP.
Saturday Dec 2nd-
Last but not least, we will be having our next meeting at Sharon's House at 3:00pm. Reminders will be sent. Please invite anyone you know or email me at keeparkansaslegal@yahoo.com
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