KeepArkansasLegal meeting 12/2-2pm
Our meeting was a quick one because of work schedules and stuff.
We looked at youtube for illegal alien footage. Youtube has a lot of footage of illegals vandalizing and assaulting others who oppose them. We also saw some new websites to add to the keeparkansaslegal website. Also on the web, we tried to find the contact information for Carl Wynn, an immigration reform activist who has been fighting companies that hire illegals on his own.
Sharon Stark talked about illegal immigration activities going on around her neighborhood. We all watched on Foxnews as we talked about the attack on Tancredo at Michigan State U.
Betty talked about a book that mentions how the Russian mofia took over after communism collapsed and how depressed the former communist countries are. After chatting, Foxnews talked about the murder of the Russian spy. His Italian comrade was also poisoned!
Sharon talked about how living in an overpopulated country and the huge regulations involved. There are only certain times of the day you could take a shower, drive, and other activities. She also showed us a brochure that she hands out to the illlegals living in her area which has decreased some of their sloppy behavior in her neighborhood.
Southwest Little Rock UPS PO Box 21414 LR, AR 72221
Cirweb.littlerock, Enforce/complaint1.php
Some items we need to address for the future:
Need to find an actual picture of a green card. They are taking jobs Americans will do. We need more pictures and more statistics on Arkansas, as well as less national information for our flyers.
2007 Legistlative Session.- There will probably be an attempt to pass hate crimes legistlation, In state tuition for illegals (HB1525), and possibly other bad bills. The session will start in January. We have begun a list of real conseratives in the Arkansas Congress. They so far include: Denny Altes, Jeremy Hutchinson, Bobby Glover, and Sid Rosenbaum, We will want to have their contact information by the time legistlation starts. We want to contact democrats about testifying against hate crimes laws and possibly make some legistlation of our own.
There’s some kind of instruction book that goes out that tells the governor and legistlatures what to do in every state. We need to find out about this book? The Farm Bureau also puts out a “manuel” that's a proposed legistlative agenda.
We have reached out to other conservative organizations. I have put up links to other organizations. I was also told to get hold of a group that is stopping the government's effort to dump florine into our water supplies. We hope to work with them in the upcoming session. Bobbie mentioned some high school students interested in getting involved. We also keep in contact with the Eagle Forum and Debbie Pelly.
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