Monday, November 27, 2006

Protest Event for Tommorrow

Protest Event for tommorrow!

Tuesday Nov 28th is the runoff election for Justice of the Peace for Pulaski County District 3 between Allen Kerr and Kathy Lewison. According to Betty Manz, Kathy Lewison is an extreme liberal while Allen Kerr is a big conservative. Keep Arkansas Legal will be handing out material and holding the big STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION signs from the Jim Holt campaign at 10900 N Rodney Parham Rd Little Rock, AR. Here's the contact info for the Kerr Campaign: Kerr Financial 1429 Merrill Dr, Little Rock, AR 72211 (501) 225-3170

Here's a video of a protest in Maywood, CA on 11/11/06. It shows the real face of the illegal alien movement and why we need to stop this agenda in our state (Rated R language):

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