Our brand new website!
Keep Arkansas Legal finally has a website. Keep Arkansas Legal is a group of conservatives who are fighting to end illegal immigration in Central Arkansas. Our organization is mainly members of the Arkansas freerepublic.com chapter. I will try to update this website at least once a week and I should be able to get a few more moderators to help me soon. The first thing I want to post is a report of our last meeting Saturday, October 21st at the Chinese Buffet.
I had reserved a room at the Chinese Buffet, but they had forgotten. After the buffet, we chatted a little and then gave a report on our group since the last meeting October 7th. Our group had passed out flyers at several public events for our organization in addition to helping several immigration reform candidates. October 12th, several of our members along with several other conservatives packed the audience of the Jim Holt vs. Bill Halter debate for Lt. Governor at AETN Studios. While the audience couldn't make comments, we were able to make sure that Holt had more supporters than Halter. Jim Holt is the conservative candidate who has a very strong record on immigration reform in Arkansas. October 14th, we handed out flyers at Old Fashion Day in Benton. October 15th, our members took turns running the Arkansas Republican Party Booth at the Arkansas State Fair. October 21st, we handed out flyers at Octoberfest in Maumelle, Sherwoodfest in Sherwood, and Old Fashion Day in Bauxite right before our meeting.
At the meeting, we talked about the comments Beebe made about immigration. Beebe claimed that training State Troopers to enforce immigration laws would "overwork" state troopers. We also discussed ways to deal with the new Mexican Consulate in Little Rock Arkansas. The Consulate is supposed to be available December 1st at the former Baskin Robbins building on University Avenue. We also discussed ways to keep conservative activist involved in the 2007 legistlative session. Everyone at the meeting got a copy of The New American, a conservative magazine. Wed. October 25th, we plan to visit the "Push to the Polls Rockin' Rally" for Asa Hutchinson. Details Below:
Who: Asa and Gov. Huckabee, Gov. Huckabee's band, Capitol Offense
When: Wednesday, October 25, 6-8 p.m.
Where: Juanita's Mexican Restaurant1300 Main StreetLittle Rock
If anyone knows of any public events we can attend, let me know.
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