Bill Halter- the Jon Carey of Arkansas
You know, education -- if you make the most of it, you study hard and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq." -"joke" by John Kerry

Some Military Personel who know who John Kerry was really talking about.
But For Most Of His Life He's Earned A Living From A Taxpayer-Funded Salary. -Bill Halter, democrat candidate for Lt. Governor talking about his Conservative opponent Jim Holt.

A photoshopped banner response for Bill Halter
On Wednesday November 3rd, Jim Holt, Conservative Candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Arkansas, held a press conference with veterans at the Arkansas State Capitol. The press conference focused around the comments made by Liberal Candidate Bill Halter's statement about Jim Holt's salary. I missed most of the conference because of a flat. I got to the end and got to see KATV Channel 7 give an interview afterward, but I have yet to see any footage or statement of the press conference. None of the other networks have mentioned the conference either.
Like many of his public statements, Halter's comments were designed to be negative toward Jim Holt. Part of Halter's attack was to call Jim Holt a "career politician", a term which is generally negative. Democrats have their share of career politician such as Mike Beebe, Vic Snyder, and Bill Clinton. So it appears that being a "career politician" is only negative when that politician is conservative.
In addition, Halter seems to think that Jim Holt's service in the Army and National Security Agency is also a negative. Unlike Bill Clinton or Mike Beebe, most of Jim Holt's life has been spent in the military. So in addition to being called "uneducated" by John Kerry, our brave men and women fighting The War on Terror are now "welfare deadbeats" according to Bill Halter.
Since at least the Vietnam War, liberals have had an attitude that military personel are poor uneducated fools who join the military to earn a few quick bucks. Liberals and their friends in the Mainstream Media have often portrayed military service and wars as a giant scam by Republicans to get rid of the "poor and uneducated". Kerry accused the military in Vietnam of being barbarians "reminiscent of Ghengis Khan". Bill Clinton made huge cuts in the military as president. Today, liberals and media downplay military victories, such as killing over 4,000 Al Queda members in Iraq, while providing free propoganda service to our enemies whether they are communist or terrorist.
So perhaps Halter's comment about mlitary personel who earn taxpayer's salary was a little taste of what he really thinks of the military. Like his stance on illegal immigration, it's hard to know. Perhaps Halter could send a million dollars to the military instead of trying to buy the Lt. Governor position in Arkansas.
Some photos of the press conference.

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