Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Important event in Arkansas

Vic Snyder will be having 2 townhall meetings next Tuesday! This is from my NumbersUSA account, which is a very useful tool in dealing with illegal immigration. I should be able to attend the first meeting, but not the second:

Tuesday, August 28th, 2007 9:30-10:30am
Saline County Courthouse
200 North Main Street Benton, AR

Tuesday, August 28th, 2007 11am-12pm
Bryant Fire and Rescue Department
312 Royal Lane Bryant, AR

Please note: All meetings notices are provided by NumbersUSA members like you. If you have any questions or comments please contact Rep. Snyder's District Office:
1501 North University Suite 150
Little Rock, AR 72207
(501) 324-5941 (V), (501) 324-6029 (F)

Always be pleasant and polite. You should communicate urgency and conviction - not anger.
We have provided some questions you might want to ask in the talking points section below.
You can find information on the full congressional immigration battle here.
Find your Rep.'s voting record here. Find your Rep.'s immigration report card here.
If someone else asks one of the questions, ask another instead. You don't have to ask all the questions. Just one is enough in many cases. Ask the question in a way that makes sense to you. Weave in your personal stories. Stress how your support for the Congressman is linked to how he or she supports the cause of reform.

Talking point:
I am very concerned about totalization agreements that would grant Social Security benefits to illegal aliens. If any such agreement reaches and clears the White House, will you work to defeat it in Congress?
Talking points
About 200,000 illegal aliens self-deport every year. That number would rise significantly if Congress would pass legislation implementing Attrition Through Enforcement solutions. What will you do to help pass Attrition Through Enforcement legislation?
Would you support legislation to stop granting birthright citizenship to the children of illegal aliens?
Any legislation that pardons lawbreakers and rewards them with the object of their crimes is an amnesty. In other words, it doesn't matter if illegal aliens are given automatic citizenship or a temporary work card, whether they have to pay a fine or back taxes, whether they have to learn English or "touch back" across the border to change their status. If the end result is they get to stay and work, it is an amnesty. Rather than holding enforcement hostage to amnesty, will you work to simply enforce the laws already on the books?

Some of my questions: Do you think the Arkansas Taxpayers should pay $167 million dollars for illegals so that a handful of corrupt millionare CEO's can make more money?

Do you oppose the Security and Prosperity Plan? Will you support Duncan Hunter's legislation to deny Federal Funds to the superhighway?

What are we doing to reform countries like Mexico so that they won't force their people to come to the US?
I will label this story from; Better late then never :

1 comment:

Shelli Poole said...

I came to your site through a Google News Alert for Saline County or Benton or something. I own a website called that's a social network just for Saline County. I would love for you to join and post updates from this site or whatever else you want to blog. You can also post videos, photos, audio and widgets. Please join and tell others in Saline County they are welcome to do so also.