This is the website of Keep Arkansas Conservative an organization dedicated to stopping big government legislation in Central Arkansas. If you have any photos, video, stories, or other material; feel free to contact us at -Kenny
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Consulate and meeting
This is an update about the consulate from Sharon Stark-
Ah, the Mexican Consulate will NOT be in the Pink Baskin Robbins trailer at 3500 S University, but in a beige brick house across 36th street that is behind a strip shopping center that contains a Bank of America branch. Presently the new Mexican Consulate has signs that warning of ASBESTOS. (I could think of a couple more:Premises Dangers to Liberty and Freedom. Report Illegal Activity. Sharon Stark, Little Rock
Mexican Consulate sees delayAsbestos removal slows move to University Avenue offices
BY DANIEL NASAW ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT-GAZETTEThe discovery of asbestos in the future home of Mexico’s Little Rock consulate has further delayed the office’s opening, now expected early next year, a Mexican official said Wednesday. Mexican Consul Andres Chao and his staff are working in an office in downtown Little Rock, where they moved last week after leaving state government office space provided virtually for free by the administration of Gov. Mike Huckabee. Chao said he had hoped to occupy the light brown, bungalow-style building in a strip mall at 3500 S. University Ave. in November, but legal difficulties and the asbestos removal have pushed back the opening until late January or early February. “When I came here, I tried to [move in] as soon as I can, to get to working with the community,†Chao said. “It’s a little complicated.†The Mexican government is renting the new building, and Chao said the owners were unfamiliar with the legal processes involved in contracting with a foreign government. The Mexican office is the first foreign consulate in the state, and Chao said attorneys spent six weeks hammering out the agreement. “It’s a little difficult to understand that the consulate is going to be part of Mexico,†Chao said. “We wasted a lot of time trying to put together, in the same communication channels, the lawyers for the owner and the lawyers for the foreign ministry of Mexico.†It took workers three weeks to remove the asbestos, a job completed last week. Now they’ve begun the remodeling. Huckabee in 2004 announced the plans to open a consulate in Little Rock, in part because of the growing Mexican presence in Arkansas.
Last July, Mexican officials moved into a small vacant office in a Little Rock building used by Arkansas Rehabilitation Services. The chief of that agency, Robert Trevino, had been Huckabee’s economic development adviser and point man on the consulate project. The space was to be unoccupied until November, and Trevino offered it after discussions with Chao’s assistant, Jorge Campos. The Arkansas Building Authority, which handles leases for state agencies, valued the office space at $572 per month. The consulate signed an agreement with Trevino to pay $1 a year. Trevino and Huckabee described the move as an intergovernmental courtesy, but others complained that a foreign government was using state space at below market rates. The Mexican Consulate will provide services to Mexican nationals and act as a liaison between U.S. and Mexican businesses. The consulate will supply consular ID cards to Mexican nationals, a service that provoked Republican complaints during the election campaign. Attorney general candidate Gunner DeLay of Fort Smith and lieutenant governor candidate Jim Holt of Springdale, both of whom lost to their Democratic opponents, said illegal aliens would abuse the cards, which can be used to open bank accounts. Holt and DeLay also said they were concerned about illegal aliens obtaining fraudulent cards. Chao said Mexicans seeking consular ID cards must produce their Mexican birth certificate and other original identification from Mexico.
This story was published Thursday, November 30, 2006
City's Immigration Plan Stretches to Nation's BorderBy Lori Harrison-StoneThe Morning News
ROGERS -- A meeting with Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials this week and a military trip to the Mexican border next week have Mayor Steve Womack thinking his local immigration efforts won't be futile.
Womack said Wednesday the meeting with Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials at the agency's Fort Smith office was a "direct response" to his letter asking the city be allowed to participate in 287(g) program of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996.
The program allows state and local law enforcement officers to be trained and certified to act as immigration officers; but, if approved to participate, Rogers is likely to be the first city government to participate in the program.
Few cities have the resources needed for the program, Womack said, adding Rogers' financial situation is very good. He believes the city is ready to commit the dollars now for the additional personnel, the federal agency's special identification system and any other costs.
Police Chief Steve Helms said Wednesday the federal identification system is similar to the Automated Fingerprint Identification System his department uses now, but it links to federal databases local law enforcement can't use. The system is set up so fingerprints are electronically scanned in and matched with proper identification information, including any official photograph that may have been taken.
"It's very impressive," Helms said, adding the digital system provides the needed information almost instantly. It also allows hard copies of fingerprints to be scanned in, which the Automated Fingerprint Identification System doesn't allow, and would likely be very useful, Helms said.At Monday's meeting, Womack, Helms and City Attorney Ben Lipscomb explained the city's objectives for participating in the program and assured the three attending Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials that there is no plan to act as a "vigilante force" out to hunt down illegal immigrants, Womack said.The six officers the city hopes to get trained and certified through the program would be called in to investigate and process illegal immigrants if, "during the course of normal police work," it's apparent that someone who is involved in an accident, traffic stop or other police contact, doesn't have proper paperwork, he said. (giving local police the ability to actually arrest illegals is a great start!)The Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials are expected to prepare a report of information gathered from the city for Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary Julie Myers, who will decide whether Rogers can participate in the program.
But Womack isn't sitting back and waiting. He's busy with some military duty that may tie in with his municipal position and stance on immigration. As commander of the 233rd Regiment of the Arkansas National Guard, Womack heads up what he called "the largest infantry schoolhouse outside of Georgia," the home base for the Army's infantry division. His unit is gearing up to train National Guard troops to assist the U.S. Border Patrol in its efforts to secure the border. Womack will travel to Las Cruces, N.M., next week with two of his National Guard officers to see how the Border Patrol operates. The trip is a military trip planned for some time and won't cost Rogers anything, Womack said, but noted he sees a connection in his dual rolls. "I've been told that the border mission is effective," he said. "It tells me that, if you're illegal in this country, you don't want to be sent back because you may not be able to cross (the border) next time." If Rogers is able to participate in the federal immigration program, Womack said it will send a message to illegal immigrants the city is a risky place to be if they don't want to be deported. If the city does what it can to stop illegal immigration, he said, eventually Hispanics in the community will be more welcome because they won't be constantly suspected as illegal immigrants.
"The absence of that type of program has caused hardship on people who are here legally and living the American dream," he added. Temple Black, a spokesman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said agents involved in Monday's meeting weren't available to speak on the issue Wednesday. He also said the agency couldn't provide details of the city's likelihood of participating in the program until a decision is made.
In a news release issued Monday by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement about its work with the Mecklenburg County Sheriff's Office in North Carolina, Homeland Security's Julie Myers touted the success of the federal 287(g) program. Local and federal officials there have identified and charged nearly 1,000 "criminal aliens" and have already deported 128 of them since the 287(g) program was activated there in April, according to the release. "The ultimate goal of partnership is to improve public safety and homeland security, and the efforts here in Mecklenburg County are an example of how effective we can be when we work together," Myers said. "Our message to those individuals who think they can break our immigration laws and prey upon our communities is simple: You are mistaken. Together, we will find you and deport you."(awesome!)
What Is Just Communities?
Just Communities of Northwest Arkansas has been around about 10 years. Until recently, it was part of the National Conference for Community and Justice, which changed its name in the 1990s from the National Conference of Christians and Jews.
According to a Web site for the National Conference for Community and Justice, the name change in the mid-1990s was to better reflect the group's mission "to build whole and inclusive communities."(A bunch of PC liberals)
"The historic name confused many, who believed that NCCJ was an interfaith organization. Therefore, the new name is not a change in vision, but rather an affirmation of our abiding commitment to embrace the diversity of our nation," the Web site states.
(here's the link to their website:
Just Communities of Northwest Arkansas just this fall ended its affiliation with the National Conference for Community and Justice and joined the national network of Just Communities.
Source: Staff Report
Immigration Dialogue
The threat of bad weather has delayed plans by Just Communities of Northwest Arkansas to hold the first of what the group is calling Dialogue for Solutions meetings (illegal alien lobbyist efforts) in response to proposed local immigration action. The group plans to offer the city of Rogers some alternative solutions to the immigration issue (amnesty?).
The first meeting is expected to be held next Thursday, but is open to only 35 invited "local leaders," said Ana Hart, a member of the local organization's board. (so that the people can't see their lobbying efforts)
Names of the participants won't be released until the meetings are over and a report to the city is prepared. When that report is released in January, a contact list will be available for those participants who don't object to their name being released, she said.
"I think that dialogue is going to take us far beyond our own imagination," Hart said.
She described participants in the Dialogue for Solutions meetings as local Anglo, Hispanic and African American leaders and representatives of the following:
* University of Arkansas and NorthWest Arkansas Community College
* Rogers and Springdale police departments
* Rogers and Springdale school districts
* City of Rogers
* Local corporations, banks and hospitals (Tysons?)
* Nonprofit organizations(leftist groups, La Raza?)
* The Rogers-Lowell Area Chamber of Commerce(the greedy corrupt politicians who helped create this problem?)
* The League of United Latin American Citizens(Mouthpiece of Mexico)
Source: Staff Report
(Based on the groups that they are inviting to their "Dialogue for Solutions ", I would say they are still a bunch of PC liberals.)
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Alan Kerr's Victory
ALLEN KERR (REP) . . . . . . . . 920 54.15
Over Votes . . . . . . . . . 0
Under Votes . . . . . . . . . 0
Monday, November 27, 2006
Protest Event for Tommorrow
Tuesday Nov 28th is the runoff election for Justice of the Peace for Pulaski County District 3 between Allen Kerr and Kathy Lewison. According to Betty Manz, Kathy Lewison is an extreme liberal while Allen Kerr is a big conservative. Keep Arkansas Legal will be handing out material and holding the big STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION signs from the Jim Holt campaign at 10900 N Rodney Parham Rd Little Rock, AR. Here's the contact info for the Kerr Campaign: Kerr Financial 1429 Merrill Dr, Little Rock, AR 72211 (501) 225-3170
Here's a video of a protest in Maywood, CA on 11/11/06. It shows the real face of the illegal alien movement and why we need to stop this agenda in our state (Rated R language):
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Turning children into socialist

Turning children into socialist (who like illegal immigration)
Part of the socialist agenda is to indocrinate children into little communist. This includes having children believe the illegal alien agenda. In Houston, children were encouraged to pledge allegiance to Mexico, not America. Children like the one in the picture above were encouraged by schools to skip class. Some schools even provided transportation with taxpayer funded school buses.
Below are sections of SB1054 and HB2697. The state bills that allowed a THE INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE DIPLOMA (IBO) PROGRAM to be taught in Arkansas. This program is designed for one thing, to turn Arkansas children into socialist. Details about this program are available here:
Of course this very important news was not mentioned by the AR Democrat Gazette and the AR Times. I doubt anyone saw this on TV Channels KATV7, KARK4, or KTHV11. Nothing in either of the bills mentions what the IBO program actually teaches. What's the criteria for history, science, social studies? You'll probably have to ask the kids being taught!
The information that is available was provided by Conservative Activist Debbie Pelley. Besides here, information about the IBO Program is also available at
It appears that if you want to know what's really going on in school, you can't depend on TV or newspapers anymore!
A Bill 2
Regular Session, 2005 SENATE BILL 1054 3
By: Senator Salmon (my former State Senator)
For An Act To Be Entitled 8
Subtitle 14
(C)(i) The teacher of the advanced placement course meets 25
Arkansas teacher licensure requirements and: 26
(a) Attends a College Board Advanced Placement 27
Summer Institute no less than once every five (5) years; or 28
(b) Completes an additional training plan for 29
advanced placement, within three (3) years of commencing the additional 30
training plan; or 31
(ii) The teacher of the course offered under the 32
International Baccalaureate Diploma Program meets Arkansas teacher licensure 33
requirements and attends the training required by the International 34
Baccalaureate Organization.(will they have to get educated in Moscow like Bill Clinton?)
6-16-802. Purpose. 34
(a) The purpose of this subchapter is to serve as a legislative 35
charter for the establishment, organization, and administration of a program
As Engrossed: S3/29/05 H4/7/05 SB1054
5 04-07-2005 13:27 KAC587
designed to improve the course offerings available to middle school, junior 1
high school, and high school students throughout the state.
tricken language would be deleted from and underlined language would be added to the law as it existed prior to this session of the General Assembly.
State of Arkansas As Engrossed: H4/7/03 H4/11/03 1
84th General Assembly A Bill Act 1467 of 2003 2
Regular Session, 2003 HOUSE BILL 2697
For An Act To Be Entitled 9
Subtitle 21
SECTION 10. Arkansas Code § 6-15-404 is amended to read as follows: 8
6-15-404. Program implementation.
(a) The State Board of Education will establish clear, specific, 10
challenging academic content standards which define what students shall know 11
and be able to do in each content area. Instruction in all public schools 12
shall be based on these academic content standards. 13
(b) The State Board of Education shall establish a schedule for 14
periodic review and revision of academic content standards to ensure Arkansas 15
academic content standards are rigorous and equip students to compete in the 16
global workforce. (become cheap labor like Mexico?)
The State Board of Education shall include the following elements 18
in the periodic review and revision of Arkansas Academic content Standards: 19
(1) External review by outside content standards experts.(United Nations? Europeon Socialist?) 20
(2) Review and input by higher education, workforce education, 21
and community members.(local socialist from Arkansas Education Association) 22
(3) Study and consideration of academic content standards from 23
across the nation and international level as appropriate.(standards from secular/socialist nations) 24
(4) Study and consideration of evaluation from national groups (NAMBLA, ACLU, NOW?) 25
or organizations as appropriate. 26
(5) Revisions by committees
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Citizenship of UA Student Revoked
Citizenship Of Former UA Student Revoked
A former University of Arkansas graduate student from the Middle East lost his U.S. citizenship Thursday and was sentenced to 15 months in federal prison. Arwah Jaber was previously acquitted of an aiding-terrorism charge but convicted of lesser offenses, including obtaining his citizenship fraudulently. He also was sentenced to three years supervised probation upon completion of his prison term. Jaber, who was born in the West Bank, was arrested at the Northwest Regional Airport on June 14, 2005, as he prepared to leave on a trip to the Middle East. Prosecutors said he planned to join Palestinian Islamic Jihad, labeled by U.S. authorities as a terrorist organization.
Jaber was acquitted June 20 of attempting to provide material support to a terrorist organization. But, the jury convicted Jaber of five lesser charges: obtaining his naturalization unlawfully, making false statements on passport and immigration applications, and two counts of making false statements on credit card applications.
(Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
Aryana Crowson, Assignment Editor
Created: 11/16/2006 9:37:14 PM
Updated: 11/16/2006 9:38:15 PM
Monday, November 20, 2006
Mexican Immigration Law
This is a youtube video that discusses Mexican Immigration Law. Since liberals in our courts like to use the laws of other countries over ours, I figure they will like these set of laws from Mexico:
Sunday, November 19, 2006
KeepArkansasLegal Meeting

KeepArkansasLegal Meeting
Keep Arkansas Legal had a meeting Saturday at around 3:00pm. We first had to eat and listen to the Razorbacks Game! For those who don't know, Arkansas won 28-14! We talked about the issue of immigration in general, things like the US, Mexico, Canada trans highway and the Border Patrol Agents who are facing trial for shooting a drug dealer.
A major part of the discussion was the loss of the 06 election by Republicans. We all agreed that failure to show victory in Iraq was the main reason for the loss. There were also failures on domestic issues, including illegal immigration
Sharon Stark talked about her accident where she had to pay 18,000 for a new car after she was hit by illegals. 3 illegals had struck the car. After the accident, they were approached by police. They had no ID and were let go.
Wren suggested that we contact Republican Congressmen and demand they NOT have pro-amnesty Congressman Mel Martinez be Chair of the RNC.
Part of the illegal immigration agenda is indoctrination of children to accept illegal immigration. Of course indoctrination of children is the sole purpose of the Department of Education and it's affiliates such as the Arkansas Education Association.
Several types of school indoctrination:
1. In Benton County there is a quiz for 15 year olds that convinces them into democrats. One of the questions is that if you OPPOSE same-sex marriage, you are a democrat. Jodie is trying to get a copy of the quiz.
2.In public elementary schools, the Southern Poverty Law Center has an event called Mix-it-Up where students meet people they usually don’t meet and then are encouraged to go to a website: This website has communist and homosexual links. The Southern Poverty Law Center accuses almost all immigration reform groups of being racist in one way or another.
3.Sharon Stark has textbooks that show that America “stole” land from Mexico.
The Denver Library has changed half of their books to Spanish.
4.We want to contact John Boozman about opposing Martinez for RNC Chair. We could create a half page postcard to send to Boozman.
The meeting wasn't all doom and gloom. Here is some of the good news. There is a government site that allows you to scan legal status for workers. Tenants also have the ability to scan legal status of renters for $10 by calling the State Police. Anyone can call. American Center for Law and Justice will provide legal services for someone being sued by the ACLU. The Thomas Moore Law Center does the same. Rogers is preparing immigration ordinances that will be harder to sue against than the ones in Hazelton, Penn. There has been no ruling on the Hazelton ordinances, so there is a chance that they could survive just like Prop 200 in Arizona. We are also working on sending a half page flyer and brochure that is a simplified version of the flyer.
For our part, we are going to spread the word about illegal immigration. Here are some events we plan to get involved in:
Tuesday Nov 28th
Runoff election for Justice of the Peace for Pulaski County District 3 between Allen Kerr and Kathy Lewison. According to Betty Manz, Kathy Lewison is an extreme liberal while Allen Kerr is a big conservative. Immigration is not a big issue in this election, but having a conservative replace a liberal is always good for the cause. If you want to help out in the Kerr campaign, here is the contact information:
Kerr Financial
1429 Merrill Dr,
Little Rock, AR 72211
(501) 225-3170
I will be doing phonebanking for the Kerr campaign Monday at 1:00pm.
Tuesday Nov 28
Keep Arkansas Legal will be handing out material and holding the big STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION signs from the Jim Holt campaign at Pleasant Valley Church of Christ: Here is a schedule of volunteers created so far.
8:30am-? Wrenn
10am-6 Kenny
6-close Bobbie
6-close Jodie
There are other polling locations to hold signs. I'll get a list ASAP. We would also like to get hold of some more of those big signs.
Tuesday Nov 28th (a very busy day!). Rogers Arkansas will have it's City Council meeting.
New City Hall at 301 W. Chestnut, 621-1117. Should be at 7:30pm. Keep Arkansas Legal will be involved several activities in Little Rock, but we would very interested in what happens at this City Council meeting. We would be very interested if someone who lives near Rogers would like to go and report what happens at this meeting. The last meeting had several arguments for and against immigration.
Friday Dec 1st-
The Mexican Consulate is supposed to have it's Grand Openning. The actual location of the Consulate is actually not clear. Sharon will research this further.
There are numerous local community meetings to inform people about illegal immigration. We are getting schedules of those meetings and will post them ASAP.
Saturday Dec 2nd-
Last but not least, we will be having our next meeting at Sharon's House at 3:00pm. Reminders will be sent. Please invite anyone you know or email me at
Friday, November 17, 2006
Murder in Arkansas
I thought I had posted this story earlier but I had somehow forgotten. I can only keep up with so much. Here's the story below
Illegal Immigrant Criminals Fall Through Cracks
This article was published on Sunday, November 12, 2006 5:16 PM CST in News
By Robin Mero
The Morning News
BENTONVILLE -- Manuel Camacho's journey through the United States as an illegal alien has come to a standstill. He now resides in the Benton County Jail awaiting an accomplice to murder trial in a road rage shooting. Police say Camacho drove the car from which three shots were fired to kill Daniel Francis, 32, a diesel mechanic headed home after work on May 6.
Camacho, 25, was born in Mexico but immigrated to southern California. His childhood was marred with violence, police say. His brother was killed in a drive-by shooting. His father avenged the death by murdering the shooter and the shooter's entire family. Camacho joined the Surenos 13 street gang and tattooed the number "13" on his neck.
Officials describe his criminal history in California as "lengthy," peppered with charges such as shooting at an inhabited dwelling or vehicle -- and assault with a firearm. After a 2000 arrest in Salinas, Calif., Camacho was deported back to Mexico, officials from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement say. But by 2003 Camacho was living in Northwest Arkansas.
How he managed to return to the United States and live here freely for at least three years -- despite many brushes with police -- shows how easily illegals camouflage themselves by using fictitious names and taking advantage of procedures to identify dangerous illegal aliens some say are loosely knit.
Immigration officials say they rely on police, and parole and probation officers, to identify illegals and call for help. Local police say for years the immigration service has been understaffed, and they've learned not to call unless a serious felony offense is involved.
When the Rogers mayor recently rallied for a crackdown on illegal immigrants -- by suggesting an ordinance prohibiting landlords from renting to illegals and employers from hiring illegals -- he deemed them responsible for the lion's share of Rogers drug crimes.
"It's unacceptable more than half the hard drug cases city narcotics officers deal with involve illegal immigrants. If something's not done about it, we're going to lose control of the quality lifestyle we enjoy," Mayor Steve Womack said.
The enforceability of that type of ordinance is unclear, and Womack later said that estimate may be too high. But the question lingers, are illegal immigrants causing more than their share of crime in Northwest Arkansas? And whose job is it to identify them?
After deportation, Camacho returned to the United States and settled in Northwest Arkansas working as a day laborer. Rogers police encountered him almost a dozen times between 2003 to 2006. He was a suspect in a rape case that wasn't pursued. He was convicted of driving while intoxicated, third-degree battery, criminal mischief and three times of not having a driver's license. He had speeding tickets -- one for driving between 46 and 50 mph over the speed limit.
Once, he was stopped for playing "unnecessarily loud" music in his vehicle and claimed to be a member of a "South 18th Street" gang, police said. None of these arrests, or resulting checks with the Arkansas Crime Information Center, flagged Camacho as having been deported or being illegal.
Camacho does have a history of using aliases: Carlos Rodriges, Manuel Camacho-Ambriz, Steven Alexander Ambriz. When arrested after the May shooting, he also had a counterfeit resident alien card bearing the name "Manuel Garcia" with his picture. But fingerprints, which Reyes said were a key component, didn't help either.
"All I need is your fingers," Reyes had said Nov. 3. "We have millions of prints on file. If you've encountered immigration before, or are in the ACIC (system), the information is all tied together. It doesn't matter what your name is; we keep pictures, names, prints."
At least two of Camacho's arrests in Rogers required fingerprints be taken, said Police Chief Steve Helms. Case files document a fingerprint check with the FBI in 2003. The report shows Camacho's early felony arrests in California, and the 2000 arrest in Salinas, but there is no mention of him being an illegal alien or of the deportation, Helms said on Friday.
Reyes didn't respond Friday to a message left on his voice mail about the information from Helms. But in an earlier interview, he acknowledged his small staff must prioritize cases and that detecting illegal status requires a lot of legwork by police. That's why the government created the Law Enforcement Support Center in Burlington, Vt.
Police call a toll-free number and within seven minutes are told, "'Yes, he's a keeper, put him in jail on our bill ... and we fax a detainer,' or 'Cut him loose.'" "It's hard to point fingers after the fact, but we just didn't get the call (about Camacho). I promise you, if I had gotten the call and didn't take action, after what has happened, I'd have been disciplined," Reyes said.
Helms said he's never been told about the support center. "(Immigration) has indicated to us they don't have the manpower unless there are felonies involved. Yes, we had contact with Camacho. Did we investigate his immigration status? No. We'd be calling immigration every five minutes every day," he said.
Reyes said Homeland Security offers training through Immigration and Custom Enforcement that gives municipal officers some jurisdiction to handle immigration issues. Helms said he's interested in sending some officers, and perhaps himself, through the training. In the meantime, Reyes said he's increasing communications with police.
"I'm going to be calling every police department in my jurisdiction about offering training once a month, especially with the small departments," Reyes said.
Camacho's tale is mirrored by Jose and Ricardo Mora, subjects of recent news stories about an accidental shooting of a Rogers undercover narcotics officer. Immigration officials claim the brothers were deported in 2000, but local police encountered the men since then. They are now in the Benton County Jail facing felony drug charges from an October drug raid.
Rogers police may further hesitate to call for immigration assistance because of a racial profiling lawsuit the department faced in 2000. "I imagine some of the guys (are not calling) out of fear of profiling, and obviously we need to do a little better telling the guys, 'It's OK to ask,'" Helms said. "As a rule, we do not ask for immigration papers solely for the purpose of determining status, but they have to have some identification to confirm who they say they are."
The class-action federal lawsuit was filed by the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund on behalf of Hispanics who felt they were contacted by Rogers police officers based on ethnicity. The sides reached a settlement agreement to end the lawsuit in 2003.
Researching someone's identity can be somewhat of an art form, and it's possible the racial profiling case has a chilling effect on how officers interact with possible noncitizens, said Rogers City Attorney Ben Lipscomb.
The two others facing charges with Camacho in the road rage shooting are resident aliens. If convicted, they will lose privileges to live in the United States and be deported after serving their sentences, Reyes said. Serafin Sandoval-Vega is accused of firing the gun that killed Francis, and Roxana Hernandez faces the same charge as Camacho, accomplice to capital murder and accomplice to a terroristic act.
Benton County prosecutors are seeking the death penalty against Sandoval-Vega and Camacho. The Mexican government, which opposes the death penalty, is sending two attorneys to help represent them through the Mexican Capital Legal Assistance Program.
Steve Malone of Florida will assist in Camacho's case, and Danalyn Recer of Houston with Sandoval-Vega. They will appear Monday with the defendants' state-appointed attorneys before Benton County Senior Circuit Judge Tom Keith, who will conduct an omnibus hearing.
Recer is also assisting in a Sevier County capital murder case against Paula Mendez, who is charged with smothering to death her three children.
update about Rogers and meeting
I was able to contact Mayor Steve Womack's Assistant, Wendy Shumate about the situation in Rogers. I called the office by phone after several emails. There were stories that he may or may not make the illegal immigration control proposal at the last city council meeting. The Mayor decided to have 6 officers of the Rogers Police Department take part in the Immigration and Customs Enforcement 287(g) program, which provides state and local law enforcement with training and authorization to identify, process and, if needed, detain illegal immigrants. As part of that process, the mayor wrote a letter Tuesday to Homeland Security Assistant Secretary Julie Myers asking to approve the training for the six Rogers police officers. According to Shumate, there are over 50 towns across America passing similar legistlation. She also states that there has been overwhealming support for Womack's actions.
As usual, the biggest objection to the mayor's effort to control illegal immigration is that it is racist. This is of course the same worthless claims made by defenders of welfare fraud, racial quotas, and other leftist agendas.
Martin Montes, a Rogers resident, suggested the city not take such drastic action that might ignite racial tension in the city. Instead, he said, the city should "promote understanding" and "proactive discussion." He also encouraged the city to address specific problems by cleaning up neighborhoods, enforcing parking regulations and other code enforcement issues.
Don Bland, representing Just Communities of Northwest Arkansas, which he said had "a mission of promoting understanding and respect between all people," encouraged positive and collective solutions to the immigration issue. His organization is planning what he called "dialogue for solutions" meetings soon and will provide a report to the city by the first of the year on the results of those discussions.
Manny Gomez, representing the local chapter of the League of United Latin American Citizens, encouraged city leaders to sit down with diverse groups in the city and come up with solutions to the problems rather than training police officers in immigration law.
Ann Baker of Rogers said she voted for Womack because he pledged to do something about illegal immigration when he ran for office. Baker said those here illegally have "no commitment to this community, to this state, to this country."
The next city council meeting will be at 11/28 at around 7:30pm. You can see some of the public comments made at the last city council meeting by citizens of Rogers at this link:
Also, Keep Arkansas Legal will have a meeting Saturday 3:00pm at Bobbie Warner's house: 17000 Lawson Road, Little Rock. We will discuss what to do about the Mexican Consulate in Little Rock as well as what we can do in Rogers, Arkansas. We'll also have various stories and plan how we can stop illegal immigration legistlation in the democrat dominated governments.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Texas town considers anti-illegals bill
Texas town considers anti-illegals bill
By ANABELLE GARAY, Associated Press WriterSun Nov 12, 2:27 PM ET
This Dallas suburb could become the first city in Texas to adopt a sweeping ordinance intended to keep out illegal immigrants, a cause for concern among its large minority population.
More than 50 municipalities nationwide have considered, passed or rejected laws banning landlords from leasing to illegal immigrants, penalizing businesses that employ undocumented workers and making English the local official language.
But until now, that trend hasn't been matched in the Lone Star State. "This is the first town in Texas that had the guts to do what's right," Susie Hart, who grew up in Farmers Branch, said during a recent demonstration outside City Hall. "The education system is tanking, health care has gone through the roof, everybody is bilingual." Such sentiments and the proposed ordinance trouble many people in Texas, where many Latino families can trace their roots here to the era before statehood.
"This is not just a Farmers Branch problem," Elizabeth Villafranca said of the proposal. Villafranca, whose family owns a Mexican restaurant in Farmers Branch, said she worries that such laws will spread to other cities if the City Council approves the proposal. The measure is expected to be submitted to the council on Monday, but there was no indication when it might be put to a vote.
Since 1970, Farmers Branch has changed from a small, predominantly white bedroom community with a declining population to a city of almost 28,000 people, about 37 percent of them Hispanic, according to the census.It also is home to more than 80 corporate headquarters and more than 2,600 small and mid-size firms, many of them minority-owned.
The local debate over illegal immigration began in August and spawned demonstrations by both sides of the issue. Council members adopted a resolution criticizing the federal government for not aggressively addressing the issue. A councilman has given city attorneys drafts of an ordinance that would make English the city's official language and proposals to fine companies and landlords who do business with illegal immigrants.
The Farmer's Branch proposal follows a vote this year in Hazleton, Pa., to fine landlords who rent to illegal immigrants, deny business permits to companies that employ them and require tenants to register and pay for a rental permit. However, a federal judge temporarily blocked enforcement of the Hazleton ordinance while he considers a lawsuit against the town by the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund, the American Civil Liberties Union and other groups.
More than a dozen other Pennsylvania cities have taken up similar ordinances, as have several others in the South and a handful in California. Many of the towns and counties have based their ordinances on a model provided by the Immigration Reform Law Institute, which favors limits on immigration and is affiliated with the Federation for American Immigration Reform.
"They've all expressed a great deal of frustration with the failure of the federal government to respond" to illegal immigration, said Mike Hethmon, the institute's general counsel.
Critics fear the spread of anti-illegal immigration rules will lead to sanctioned discrimination and racism.
"It's basically saying those people are illegal in their very nature; it is all right to be against them because they are lawbreakers. Many people are assuming that all immigrants are lawbreakers, and that people who are different, who speak a different language, are to be shunned," said Cesar Perales, president and general counsel of the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund.
On the Net:
Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund
Immigration Reform Law Institute
Saturday, November 11, 2006

Shooting An Accident, Prosecutor Decides
By Robin Mero The Morning News
BENTONVILLE -- Benton County Prosecutor Robin Green issued a report Thursday saying the Oct. 20 shooting of an undercover Rogers Police officer was an accident. Undercover narcotics officers from the Rogers Police Department and the Benton County Sheriff's Office were serving a search warrant at 703 E. Mimosa Place when one of their guns discharged, shooting Rogers officer Brian Culpepper in the leg. Green investigated the events and determined the shooting was an accident and no charges are warranted. Sheriff Keith Ferguson and Rogers Police Chief Steve Helms said Thursday they expected that decision. "I agree it was an accident," Ferguson said. "(An accidental shooting) is one of the hazards of our profession and a possibility every time we go into a situation where drugs are being sold. "Helms agreed, calling the incident an "unfortunate accident." After surgery and hospitalization, Culpepper is recuperating well at home but no timetable has been set for his return to work, Helms said.
Green's report mirrored a description of the incident from a search warrant.Officers served two separate, but related, search warrants that day in Rogers, the first at 4:23 p.m. at a nearby motel room, where they seized 117 grams of methamphetamine. Jose Mora, 32, an illegal alien, was arrested there in connection with felony drug charges. A second man, Carlos Vega, was arrested in connection with felony drug charges and resisting arrest because he fought officers at the motel, according to the report. Police then traveled to the second location, the Mimosa Place home.Nine officers announced themselves at the door by shouting "Sheriff's office" and "Search warrant," then forced entry into the home.
Two females were in the living room. One female began screaming, refused commands to get down and reached for the couch area. Fearing she was reaching for a weapon, a sheriff's detective grabbed the back of her neck with his left hand. He held his weapon in his right hand. The female began bending and twisting away from him and they both began to fall. During the fall, the woman's hand grasped the officer's right hand, which held his weapon, and squeezed. "It is uncertain whose finger was on the trigger at the time of their fall," Green's report says. However the woman, who has been identified by two names -- Maria Ayon-Torres and Hermenia Vega -- was deported immediately after the incident. Officials said she would not have been deported if charges were planned. The woman is the wife of Carlos Vega, the man who fought police at the motel, Green confirmed Thursday. The second woman at the home, Juana Hurtado, was holding a baby throughout the incident. She was not involved in the struggle, according to the report.
At the home, 13 grams of methamphetamine were seized. Ricardo Mora later arrived at the home and was arrested in connection with felony drug charges. Helms said that, when Culpepper is able, all of the officers will be asked to sit down and evaluate the incident. Policy changes for serving warrants may be appropriate."We will see if anything should have been done differently," Helms said.
THE MORNING NEWS' Melissa Blakley contributed to this report.
This is the official statement from the Prosecuting attorney:
ON OCTOBER 20, 2006
After careful review of the investigation by the Arkansas State Police into the shooting of an undercover Rogers Police officer on October 20, 2006, while executing a search warrant at 703 East Mimosa, Rogers, it is the determination of this office that the shooting was accidental in nature.Specifically, the findings of this Office are as follows:Undercover narcotics officers with the Rogers Police Department and the Benton County Sheriff's Office served two separate - but related - search warrants on October 20, 2006 in Rogers. The first search warrant was served at a motel room at 4:23 p.m.
In the course of executing that search warrant, officers encountered resistance from one Hispanic male in the motel room, with it taking four officers to secure him and effectuate his arrest. After securing 117 grams of methamphetamine, the narcotics officers traveled to 703 East Mimosa, Rogers, for execution of a related search warrant.Specifically, nine undercover officers arrived at 4:53 p.m. at 703 East Mimosa Street in Rogers to execute this second search warrant. All officers were wearing tactical vests complete with "SHERIFF" or "POLICE" in either white or gold. Several detectives had law enforcement badges attached to their gear as well. Four undercover officers wore tactical hoods (masks) while five officers did not. Upon receiving no response to repeated shouts of, "Sheriff's Office! Search warrant!," officers made forced entry into the home. Two females were in the living room, with one female holding a small child and the second female near a couch in that room.
As officers entered the house and spread out to secure it, the female near the couch began screaming. This female refused to follow commands to get down and instead reached for the couch area. Fearing that she was reaching for a weapon, the nearest officer, a Benton County Sheriff's Detective, grabbed the back of her neck in an attempt to take her to the ground. The officer used his left hand, as his right hand was holding his service weapon. The female began bending and twisting away from him. During the struggle, the officer and the female began falling backwards to the floor. As they were falling, the female's hand grasped the officer's right hand, which contained his weapon, and squeezed. It is uncertain whose finger was on the trigger at the time of their fall. As the shot was fired and the officer and female fell to the floor, a second officer fell to the floor as well.
The Sergeant in the room immediately began yelling, "Who's shooting? Who is shot?" and other officers entered the room. Blood began pooling around the second officer, and officers immediately began rendering medical aid and calling for an ambulance. The officer whose gun had fired assisted in rendering aid to the fallen officer.The female subject began screaming and refusing commands to get up, forcing officers to physically remove her from the room. [It should be noted that this female is the wife of the male subject who was arrested at the motel moments earlier, and who fought the officers upon his arrest at that location]. The fallen officer was transported to St. Mary's Hospital and is now recovering. The methamphetamine seized at this residence, consisting of 13 grams of methamphetamine, was taken into evidence.It is the determination of the Benton County Prosecuting Attorney's Office that the shot which was fired was the result of an Accidental Discharge, and accordingly, no charges will be filed.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
I believe the biggest reason for Republican failure in the election was a poor effort in stating how we were fighting in Iraq. Al Queda did a better job of mentioning how many foreign fighters had been killed in Iraq than the Republicans did. A captured video from Zarqawi's replacement stated that 4,000 foreign fighters had died in the war for Iraq. Ever heard any numbers of how many terrorist we've killed from Bush? Ever heard of how many enemies killed in Afghanistan?
There were other factors that kept Republicans at home; pork barrel spending, nothing for Social Security, nothing for ANWAR, failing to confirm several federal appointees, and of course a weak effort reform illegal immigration. Republicans could have energized their base by sticking with Sensenbrenner and passing the Border Fence wall (HR4437). Instead, too many Republicans and the White House tried hispander to the illegal immigration crowd. Somehow they thought that spanish speaking thug wearing a Che Guevera shirt marching with a mexican flag would somehow vote them over the democrat party of goverment handouts.
Democrats now control all the executive positions in Arkansas and still control the Arkansas House and Senate. Bills such as HB1525 (in-state tuition for illegals), will most likely appear in the 2007 Legistlative Session. On a national level, the dreaded amnesty will have a much better chance of passing and it is highly unlikely that the wall or any other real immigration reforms will be funded. There can be some good come out of this loss if Republicans realize they need to bee more conservative in issues like illegal immigration.
Our best hope is to make the politicians realize that the people of Arkansas want immigration reform. We have some examples of immigration reform winning in this election. Arizona was able to make English the official language and Tom Tancredo once again won re-election. In Arkansas, we now have to fight the illegal alien agenda. The mayor of Rogers is preparing to pass city ordinances against illegal immigration. We also have to prepare for protesting the openning of a Mexican Consulate. There is also the 2007 legistlative session. We must fight now more than ever.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Bill Halter- the Jon Carey of Arkansas
You know, education -- if you make the most of it, you study hard and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq." -"joke" by John Kerry

Some Military Personel who know who John Kerry was really talking about.
But For Most Of His Life He's Earned A Living From A Taxpayer-Funded Salary. -Bill Halter, democrat candidate for Lt. Governor talking about his Conservative opponent Jim Holt.

A photoshopped banner response for Bill Halter
On Wednesday November 3rd, Jim Holt, Conservative Candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Arkansas, held a press conference with veterans at the Arkansas State Capitol. The press conference focused around the comments made by Liberal Candidate Bill Halter's statement about Jim Holt's salary. I missed most of the conference because of a flat. I got to the end and got to see KATV Channel 7 give an interview afterward, but I have yet to see any footage or statement of the press conference. None of the other networks have mentioned the conference either.
Like many of his public statements, Halter's comments were designed to be negative toward Jim Holt. Part of Halter's attack was to call Jim Holt a "career politician", a term which is generally negative. Democrats have their share of career politician such as Mike Beebe, Vic Snyder, and Bill Clinton. So it appears that being a "career politician" is only negative when that politician is conservative.
In addition, Halter seems to think that Jim Holt's service in the Army and National Security Agency is also a negative. Unlike Bill Clinton or Mike Beebe, most of Jim Holt's life has been spent in the military. So in addition to being called "uneducated" by John Kerry, our brave men and women fighting The War on Terror are now "welfare deadbeats" according to Bill Halter.
Since at least the Vietnam War, liberals have had an attitude that military personel are poor uneducated fools who join the military to earn a few quick bucks. Liberals and their friends in the Mainstream Media have often portrayed military service and wars as a giant scam by Republicans to get rid of the "poor and uneducated". Kerry accused the military in Vietnam of being barbarians "reminiscent of Ghengis Khan". Bill Clinton made huge cuts in the military as president. Today, liberals and media downplay military victories, such as killing over 4,000 Al Queda members in Iraq, while providing free propoganda service to our enemies whether they are communist or terrorist.
So perhaps Halter's comment about mlitary personel who earn taxpayer's salary was a little taste of what he really thinks of the military. Like his stance on illegal immigration, it's hard to know. Perhaps Halter could send a million dollars to the military instead of trying to buy the Lt. Governor position in Arkansas.
Some photos of the press conference.

Friday, November 03, 2006
Ripple effect
By Jennifer Turner Staff Writer //
Posted on Thursday, November 2, 2006
ROGERS — Less than a week after Rogers Mayor Steve Womack revealed plans to emulate a Pennsylvania town’s effort to crack down on illegal immigration through city ordinances, those ordinances were temporarily blocked by a federal judge. Womack asked Rogers aldermen last week to review ordinances created in Hazleton, Pa., to punish those who employ and house illegal immigrants. Womack said many of the crime-related problems in Rogers involve illegal immigrants, and an ordinance aimed at employers and landlords who employ or rent to the illegals could serve as a solution.
On Tuesday, Judge James M. Munley in the U. S. District Court for the middle district of Pennsylvania issued a temporary order blocking the ordinances from being enforced in Hazleton. He said the laws could cause irreparable harm to the city’s residents. The ordinances were challenged in court by local business owners and residents who said they would be negatively impacted by the ordinances. Rogers attorney Ben Lipscomb said Wednesday the judge’s ruling will affect how the Rogers ordinance is drafted.
Munson’s ruling states that potential harm to the city is not greater than potential harm faced by plaintiffs as some legal immigrants risked losing their homes and businesses because of the law. The most disturbing part of the ruling, Lipscomb said, is the reasonable probability of eventual success on the merits.
“ It is sufficient to note, (the ) plaintiff has raised serious claims, and there is a reasonable probability of success on the merits on one or more of the claims, ” Munley wrote.
Also, the ruling states Hazleton had not supported any of its “ vague complaints about the presence of illegal immigrants” with hard evidence or statistics.
Lipscomb would not say if Rogers has evidence or statistics to back up the city’s claims.
“ We are still in the process of determining that, ” he said. “ I believe there is at least anecdotal evidence that a great percentage of crimes that are committed by immigrants are committed by illegal immigrants, but that is just anecdotal. ” Lipscomb noted that most aliens come to the United States to work. To do that, illegal immigrants must obtain fraudulent documents or work for cash only — both illegal activities.
Even before the federal judge’s ruling, Lipscomb planned to draft a significantly different version of the Hazleton ordinances for Rogers, with strengthened nuisance language. The proposed ordinance will be complaint-based, and complaints must be written in an affidavit and notarized. Lipscomb had planned to have a draft ordinance prepared by the end of this week, but after the Hazleton ruling, he said he needs more time.
Womack will make the immigration proposal on November 14th 2006 as Rogers City Council Meeting. It will be at New City Hall at 301 W. Chestnut, 621-1117. Should be at 7:30pm.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Here's a half page flyer I designed. It's a Get Out the Vote Card for Christian Voters in Arkansas. It can be printed on a full sheet of papter, cut in half (lengthways), and then mailed like a campaign card or handed out. You can right mailing stuff or information on the back. A more efficient way is to print a bunch of flyers out and then put them back into your printer so that they will be printed on other side. Make 2 half paged designs that have mailing stuff or information that fit on a whole page like the flyer, then print again. Then cut in half and distribute.