Saturday, March 3rd, 12:00pm. keeparkansaslegal had a lunch/meeting with Southern Field Representative for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, Joyce Mucci. We discussed many national issues, things we have done in Little Rock Arkansas, and some upcoming issues we will have to deal with. Afterwards, we visited the building where Mexico will have it's illegal alien supporting Consulate! Here are some events coming up concerning illegal immigration in Arkansas:
Monday, March 5th at 2:30pm-
We will be having a rally at the Arkansas State Capitol Rotunda. We will highlight the achievements made in immigration reform as well as what we will need to do in the Arkansas Legislative Assembly. We will also talk about what to do regarding the Mexican Consulate being built at Asher and University. Our guest speaker is Joyce Mucci, Southern Field Representative for the Federation of American Immigration Reform.
Tuesday, March 6th at 5:30pm-
Little Rock City Board of Directors will have a meeting at Little Rock City Hall Board of Directors Chambers . At the beginning of the meeting there will be a "community feedback" session. Here is where you can voice your opinion about the $50,000 (so far) of tax money given to the building of the Mexican Consulate, among other things.
Wednesday, March 7th at 10:00am-
According to Bobye Holt, a bill to require proof of citizenship before voting (HB2120), should be before the State Agencies on Govnmn't Affairs Committee. The AR Assembly website does not have this information yet so we will keep an eye on it.
Here is some footage of our visit to the Mexican Consulate followed by some more information about the building.
After MONTHS of remodeling, demolition, rebuilding, a building permit for 3500 S University was finally issued by the City of Little Rock. All the permits are in the same form: Name, Address, Amount exceptthe Mexican Consulate. It goes: Baldwin & Shell, 3500 S. University, Little Rock, demolition and remodel for Mexican consulate, $430,000.
In checking the City of Little Rock 2006 budget, they do have an Economic Development line item in their budget with a balance in 2006 of $162,538. This is account where the $50,000 for the Mexican Consulate is from.
Page 24 of the City of Little Rock 2006 Budget states: Economic Development Fund . .created to provide resources to develop public facilities that promote job creation in the City.
As an American citizen, I hear a great deal about illegal immigration with little to no action. I am asking you to March & Ride for your country.
When: Sunday November 4, 2007. 11am
Where: Your state capital building and NBC news stations.
What to do: March at their doorsteps, make your motorcycles heard, call radio stations, news stations - spread the word!
Tell them to close the border now! Let only those with papers cross. We can do this, put troops around our nations’ boarders. We have a national guard, demand your governor, senators, and congressional representatives put guardsmen from each state on the boarders. Aid the existing boarder patrol and lock it down. Next, we can deal with those who have already passed illegally. Send your message! Don’t let them say no or it will cost us money –American citizens are paying the taxes already.
Tell them they have twelve months before election day. No smear campaigns – Only campaigns that focus on Americans security at home.
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you guys are a bunch of hicks that are not educated in our contries history, i suggest you all get a history book and educate yourself on how this country was brought its o.k to be a white immigrant but not a color immigrant! Also while your at it get a bible and love all your brothers, sisters and neighbors all the same, stop the discrimination spend more time loving and caring then hating and trying to distroy!This is the Lords land and theres no place in the bible were it says immigrants are not allowed,remember that at the end we are all going to the same place and their is nothing you can say or do to kick them out. Be more passionate about saving the earth!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
As a voter and an American citzen I am tired of being told that these illegal immigrants have rights under the law and the constitution.Illegal is illegal no matter what.Amnesty is not the answer,enforcemnet is.Take the money for the benefits these people are reaping from the back of the tax payer,and put it toward more patrolmen on the border and an update of the security.Put the drone technology to work patroling the "inaccesible" areas on our southern borders.Give the border patrol the tools to do their job,not health care and benefits for non american citzens.There are right ways to go about things and running jumping or swimming across are not it
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