Monday, April 06, 2009

Events update 040609

SB799 was passed over during the Senate Session 040609. It is on the agenda for Tuesday 040709 and can still be brought up. We need people to continue to call to make sure this bill does not pass. The Arkansas Senate will start their regular session at 1:30pm with SB799 being the first bill.


HB1947-A tax reduction bill is up for a vote in the Senate Committee on Revenue and Taxation in the OSC after the Senate adjorns. It's later on the agenda but it could be up for a vote. You can track the bill here:
On April 15th, there will be several Arkansas Tea Party protest. The two big protest for Central Arkansas will be at the following locations:

Arkansas State Capitol
Little Rock

Post Office Facility
515 East McCain Blvd
North Little Rock

To find out more about Tea Parties in Arkansas, visit these links:

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