Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Several conservatives in Arkansas participated in a march against the Federal Reserve. Here's some video footage of that event.

Another great letter about Bishop Taylor's Pro-illegal immigration Agenda:

Catholic Bishop Assumes Too Much
Once again, the Catholic Church, in the guise of Bishop Anthony B. Taylor, has given only half the picture of immigrants and a very blurred one at that. In your paper on page 7A on Nov. 7, the bishop stated what has become a paradigm in the Catholic Church concerning immigrants to wealthier countries from poorer ones and that is wealthier countries must provide the remedy to the inequality of wealth that drives poor to rich. What! Is this a redistribution of wealth disguised as immigration policy? He states, “...the human rights of undocumented (illegal) immigrants (aliens)” must and can be solved by “what Jesus Christ and our Christian faith has to say.” I cannot find any specific passage in the Bible referring to illegal immigrants or their “God-given rights” to be here. What God-given rights? You are here illegally. You have broken the law.Is it not of the Christian faith that God demands you obey the government He has instituted? Bishop Taylor believes in a one-world church based upon the Catholic precepts of Christianity based upon the following statement in your interview, “no dividing lines within our parishes, no second class citizens.” In effect no restrictions to the Catholic Church based upon national rights and laws. He then quotes Matthew as to helping the poor. I agree. But, breaking the law is a crime to all legal citizens; is it not a crime thus to all those who enter here illegally? Can you decide to obey one law and break the other? I think not. As Jesus told the disciples, “render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar’s” this is not simply a matter of coinage but a matter of law and civil obedience thereto. Therefore, go back from whence you came and re-enter this country legally. Otherwise to myself and millions of law-abiding American citizens you are simply a criminal.

Lynn McCullough Bentonville
There are a lot of things to deal with in the upcoming legislative session, but for now, everybody have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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