Kenny J. Wallis
President of KeepArkansasLegal
Little Rock, Arkansas
Little Rock, AR – November 7, 2008 –KeepArkansasLegal is concerned about a Bishop who believes that the US taxpayer is responsible for the citizens of every country and that poverty is a license to commit crime.
In a public statement announcing the letter “I was a stranger and You Welcomed Me: A Pastoral Letter on the Human Rights of Immigrants”, Bishop Anthony B. Taylor claims that “being able to immigrate to another country is an intrinsic human right”. Bishop Taylor also states that “We do support them being here illegally. They have a right to be here.” The Pastoral Letter is designed to indoctrinate Christians into supporting illegal immigration.
The first problem with Bishop Taylor’s statement is that he seems to show no compassion for Hispanics when they live in their corrupt native countries. Deuteronomy 16:19: “Do not pervert justice or show partiality. Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous.” The Mexican Government is well known for its corruption and negligence toward its people. When Mexico ignored hundreds of murders in Juarez, we heard virtually nothing from those that claim to care about Hispanics. Nor do we hear any demand that the Mexico pay for housing, healthcare, education, and other necessities that the Mexican government is supposed to provide Mexicans. That burden has been put upon the American taxpayer thanks to people like Bishop Taylor. One can only imagine if we told US citizens that the only right they had was to immigrate to Canada! Bishop Taylor could also put pressure on corrupt businesses such as Tyson Foods to stop hiring illegals and breaking US law, instead he’s helping corrupt businesses by helping the trafficking of illegals. Helping illegal immigration also helps the human/drug trafficking business, which enslaves and abuses the neglected citizens of other countries. It is not Christian to be a useful idiot of evil.
Then there’s the argument that the Bible’s command to help the poor means aiding illegal immigration. Hillary Clinton justified illegal immigration by citing the story of The Good Samaritan. Bishop Taylor’s letter also cites Bible Verses that concern the poor. In none of these verses is a command for government to raise taxes to help the poor. The Bible’s statements to help the poor are directed to individuals to give of themselves, not tax others. In Luke 10:35, The Good Samaritan used his own money, not the money of someone else. Furthermore, there are many who help the poor for their own gain.
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When Jesus was anointed in John 12:3-8 One of his disciples stated,” Why wasn't this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year's wages. He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it. Many in the illegal immigration agenda claim to help the poor so that they can advance the ideas of multiculturalism, “Aztlan” (the racist Hispanic succession of the Southwest from the United States), socialist equality, and similar agendas. To criticize their agenda is portrayed as being “mean” to those in poverty. There are also those who think that it’s OK to break the law if you are “helping the poor”. Peter 4:15-16, states “If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. 16However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.
Bishop Taylor’s belief that anyone has a divine right to go and live wherever they want has no Biblical bases. What if the 15-20 million illegal aliens in the US decided they had a divine right to live in Vatican City? In every instance of immigration in the Bible, the Jewish people were told directly by God Himself. Groups like La Raza claim that Aztlan, the Southwest US, is the Promised Land for Hispanics. Does Bishop Taylor believe in the idea of Aztlan?
KeepArkansasLegal believes that churches of all dominations can help any person’s immediate needs if it so chooses. But churches should not advocate breaking or eliminating laws that protect this nation. Nor should churches provide sanctuary to criminals. If an illegal alien can be justified in their crimes because they are poor, minorities with children, then so can a car thief, shoplifter, bank robber etc. It is our belief that The Church should advocate for ending illegal immigration in the US by attrition and enforcement and that demand the reform of 3rd world countries.
Kenny J. Wallis
President of KeepArkansasLegal
Little Rock, Arkansas
A link to Bishop Taylor's Letter:
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