Several conservatives in Arkansas participated in a march against the Federal Reserve. Here's some video footage of that event.
Another great letter about Bishop Taylor's Pro-illegal immigration Agenda:
Catholic Bishop Assumes Too Much
Once again, the Catholic Church, in the guise of Bishop Anthony B. Taylor, has given only half the picture of immigrants and a very blurred one at that. In your paper on page 7A on Nov. 7, the bishop stated what has become a paradigm in the Catholic Church concerning immigrants to wealthier countries from poorer ones and that is wealthier countries must provide the remedy to the inequality of wealth that drives poor to rich. What! Is this a redistribution of wealth disguised as immigration policy? He states, “...the human rights of undocumented (illegal) immigrants (aliens)” must and can be solved by “what Jesus Christ and our Christian faith has to say.” I cannot find any specific passage in the Bible referring to illegal immigrants or their “God-given rights” to be here. What God-given rights? You are here illegally. You have broken the law.Is it not of the Christian faith that God demands you obey the government He has instituted? Bishop Taylor believes in a one-world church based upon the Catholic precepts of Christianity based upon the following statement in your interview, “no dividing lines within our parishes, no second class citizens.” In effect no restrictions to the Catholic Church based upon national rights and laws. He then quotes Matthew as to helping the poor. I agree. But, breaking the law is a crime to all legal citizens; is it not a crime thus to all those who enter here illegally? Can you decide to obey one law and break the other? I think not. As Jesus told the disciples, “render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar’s” this is not simply a matter of coinage but a matter of law and civil obedience thereto. Therefore, go back from whence you came and re-enter this country legally. Otherwise to myself and millions of law-abiding American citizens you are simply a criminal.
Lynn McCullough Bentonville
There are a lot of things to deal with in the upcoming legislative session, but for now, everybody have a Happy Thanksgiving!
This is the website of Keep Arkansas Conservative an organization dedicated to stopping big government legislation in Central Arkansas. If you have any photos, video, stories, or other material; feel free to contact us at -Kenny
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Christian Doctrine on Illegal Immigration
Christian Doctrine on Illegal Immigration (response to pro-illegal Arkansas Pastoral Letter)
On November 5th of this year, Bishop Anthony B. Taylor of Little Rock introduced a pastoral letter titled “I Was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me…” to the Catholic Church and to the public. In a public statement announcing the letter, Bishop Anthony B. Taylor claims that “being able to immigrate to another country is an intrinsic human right”. Bishop Taylor also states that “We do support them being here illegally. They have a right to be here.” The Pastoral Letter is designed to indoctrinate Christians into supporting illegal immigration. KeepArkansasLegal believes that churches of all dominations can help any person’s immediate needs if it so chooses. But churches should not advocate breaking or eliminating laws that protect this nation. Nor should churches provide sanctuary to criminals. The link provided is to the letter “Christian Doctrine on Illegal Immigration.” This letter based on Biblical teaching, statistics, and facts about immigration. It is to be distributed to all churches and Christians in Arkansas.
Link for those who do not have PDF
Another discussion link about
On November 5th of this year, Bishop Anthony B. Taylor of Little Rock introduced a pastoral letter titled “I Was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me…” to the Catholic Church and to the public. In a public statement announcing the letter, Bishop Anthony B. Taylor claims that “being able to immigrate to another country is an intrinsic human right”. Bishop Taylor also states that “We do support them being here illegally. They have a right to be here.” The Pastoral Letter is designed to indoctrinate Christians into supporting illegal immigration. KeepArkansasLegal believes that churches of all dominations can help any person’s immediate needs if it so chooses. But churches should not advocate breaking or eliminating laws that protect this nation. Nor should churches provide sanctuary to criminals. The link provided is to the letter “Christian Doctrine on Illegal Immigration.” This letter based on Biblical teaching, statistics, and facts about immigration. It is to be distributed to all churches and Christians in Arkansas.
Link for those who do not have PDF
Another discussion link about
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Event in Springdale and Amnesty Warning
Got this in my email.
Citizens for a Future Springdale will be holding Candidate Run Off Town Hall Forums for the Mayoral race and Council races on November 18, 2008 at the Pontiac Coffee House, 515 S. Thompson, Springdale. This is a chance for Citizens of Springdale to ask the questions.
We are asking everyone to arrive between 5:30 to 6:00 pm so you
may have a chance to write your questions down, buy a cup of coffee,
and talk face to face with the candidates. The Forums will start shortly after 6:00 pm with Bob Caudle of The Morning News moderating.
The Council Forum will be held from 6:15 to 7:15 pm.
The Mayoral Forum will be held From 7:30 till 8:30 pm.
We are looking forward to seeing you in attendance.
Thank you,
Stephanie Vaughn
Chairman - Citizens for a Future Springdale
Now that the media has fooled the population into electing one pro-illegal immigration politician over a slightly less pro-illegal immigration policy, organizations that demand illegal immigration are planning another attempt at amnesty. The story below:
Advocates Ask Obama to Stop Raids, Offer Citizenship to Illegal Immigrants Washington Post ^ November 11, 2008 N.C. Aizenman
Posted on Tuesday, November 11, 2008 5:42:27 PM by HollyButler
Dozens of immigrant advocates from across the country convened in Washington today to call on President-elect Barack Obama to halt immigration raids, fulfill campaign pledges to revamp the nation's immigration system and offer the nation's estimated 12 million illegal immigrants a path to citizenship within his first year in office. The coalition, which includes activists from Los Angeles, New York and the Washington area, also announced plans to mobilize tens of thousands of immigrants and their supporters for a demonstration on the Mall on Jan. 21, the day after Obama's inauguration. more here...
I am working on response to Bishop Taylor's letter advocating the Catholic Church support illegal immigration. I should have the project completed by next Monday.
Citizens for a Future Springdale will be holding Candidate Run Off Town Hall Forums for the Mayoral race and Council races on November 18, 2008 at the Pontiac Coffee House, 515 S. Thompson, Springdale. This is a chance for Citizens of Springdale to ask the questions.
We are asking everyone to arrive between 5:30 to 6:00 pm so you
may have a chance to write your questions down, buy a cup of coffee,
and talk face to face with the candidates. The Forums will start shortly after 6:00 pm with Bob Caudle of The Morning News moderating.
The Council Forum will be held from 6:15 to 7:15 pm.
The Mayoral Forum will be held From 7:30 till 8:30 pm.
We are looking forward to seeing you in attendance.
Thank you,
Stephanie Vaughn
Chairman - Citizens for a Future Springdale
Now that the media has fooled the population into electing one pro-illegal immigration politician over a slightly less pro-illegal immigration policy, organizations that demand illegal immigration are planning another attempt at amnesty. The story below:
Advocates Ask Obama to Stop Raids, Offer Citizenship to Illegal Immigrants Washington Post ^ November 11, 2008 N.C. Aizenman
Posted on Tuesday, November 11, 2008 5:42:27 PM by HollyButler
Dozens of immigrant advocates from across the country convened in Washington today to call on President-elect Barack Obama to halt immigration raids, fulfill campaign pledges to revamp the nation's immigration system and offer the nation's estimated 12 million illegal immigrants a path to citizenship within his first year in office. The coalition, which includes activists from Los Angeles, New York and the Washington area, also announced plans to mobilize tens of thousands of immigrants and their supporters for a demonstration on the Mall on Jan. 21, the day after Obama's inauguration. more here...
I am working on response to Bishop Taylor's letter advocating the Catholic Church support illegal immigration. I should have the project completed by next Monday.
Friday, November 07, 2008
For Immediate Release
Kenny J. Wallis
President of KeepArkansasLegal
Little Rock, Arkansas
Little Rock, AR – November 7, 2008 –KeepArkansasLegal is concerned about a Bishop who believes that the US taxpayer is responsible for the citizens of every country and that poverty is a license to commit crime.
In a public statement announcing the letter “I was a stranger and You Welcomed Me: A Pastoral Letter on the Human Rights of Immigrants”, Bishop Anthony B. Taylor claims that “being able to immigrate to another country is an intrinsic human right”. Bishop Taylor also states that “We do support them being here illegally. They have a right to be here.” The Pastoral Letter is designed to indoctrinate Christians into supporting illegal immigration.
The first problem with Bishop Taylor’s statement is that he seems to show no compassion for Hispanics when they live in their corrupt native countries. Deuteronomy 16:19: “Do not pervert justice or show partiality. Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous.” The Mexican Government is well known for its corruption and negligence toward its people. When Mexico ignored hundreds of murders in Juarez, we heard virtually nothing from those that claim to care about Hispanics. Nor do we hear any demand that the Mexico pay for housing, healthcare, education, and other necessities that the Mexican government is supposed to provide Mexicans. That burden has been put upon the American taxpayer thanks to people like Bishop Taylor. One can only imagine if we told US citizens that the only right they had was to immigrate to Canada! Bishop Taylor could also put pressure on corrupt businesses such as Tyson Foods to stop hiring illegals and breaking US law, instead he’s helping corrupt businesses by helping the trafficking of illegals. Helping illegal immigration also helps the human/drug trafficking business, which enslaves and abuses the neglected citizens of other countries. It is not Christian to be a useful idiot of evil.
Then there’s the argument that the Bible’s command to help the poor means aiding illegal immigration. Hillary Clinton justified illegal immigration by citing the story of The Good Samaritan. Bishop Taylor’s letter also cites Bible Verses that concern the poor. In none of these verses is a command for government to raise taxes to help the poor. The Bible’s statements to help the poor are directed to individuals to give of themselves, not tax others. In Luke 10:35, The Good Samaritan used his own money, not the money of someone else. Furthermore, there are many who help the poor for their own gain.
…Continued on page 2
When Jesus was anointed in John 12:3-8 One of his disciples stated,” Why wasn't this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year's wages. He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it. Many in the illegal immigration agenda claim to help the poor so that they can advance the ideas of multiculturalism, “Aztlan” (the racist Hispanic succession of the Southwest from the United States), socialist equality, and similar agendas. To criticize their agenda is portrayed as being “mean” to those in poverty. There are also those who think that it’s OK to break the law if you are “helping the poor”. Peter 4:15-16, states “If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. 16However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.
Bishop Taylor’s belief that anyone has a divine right to go and live wherever they want has no Biblical bases. What if the 15-20 million illegal aliens in the US decided they had a divine right to live in Vatican City? In every instance of immigration in the Bible, the Jewish people were told directly by God Himself. Groups like La Raza claim that Aztlan, the Southwest US, is the Promised Land for Hispanics. Does Bishop Taylor believe in the idea of Aztlan?
KeepArkansasLegal believes that churches of all dominations can help any person’s immediate needs if it so chooses. But churches should not advocate breaking or eliminating laws that protect this nation. Nor should churches provide sanctuary to criminals. If an illegal alien can be justified in their crimes because they are poor, minorities with children, then so can a car thief, shoplifter, bank robber etc. It is our belief that The Church should advocate for ending illegal immigration in the US by attrition and enforcement and that demand the reform of 3rd world countries.
Kenny J. Wallis
President of KeepArkansasLegal
Little Rock, Arkansas
A link to Bishop Taylor's Letter:
Kenny J. Wallis
President of KeepArkansasLegal
Little Rock, Arkansas
Little Rock, AR – November 7, 2008 –KeepArkansasLegal is concerned about a Bishop who believes that the US taxpayer is responsible for the citizens of every country and that poverty is a license to commit crime.
In a public statement announcing the letter “I was a stranger and You Welcomed Me: A Pastoral Letter on the Human Rights of Immigrants”, Bishop Anthony B. Taylor claims that “being able to immigrate to another country is an intrinsic human right”. Bishop Taylor also states that “We do support them being here illegally. They have a right to be here.” The Pastoral Letter is designed to indoctrinate Christians into supporting illegal immigration.
The first problem with Bishop Taylor’s statement is that he seems to show no compassion for Hispanics when they live in their corrupt native countries. Deuteronomy 16:19: “Do not pervert justice or show partiality. Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous.” The Mexican Government is well known for its corruption and negligence toward its people. When Mexico ignored hundreds of murders in Juarez, we heard virtually nothing from those that claim to care about Hispanics. Nor do we hear any demand that the Mexico pay for housing, healthcare, education, and other necessities that the Mexican government is supposed to provide Mexicans. That burden has been put upon the American taxpayer thanks to people like Bishop Taylor. One can only imagine if we told US citizens that the only right they had was to immigrate to Canada! Bishop Taylor could also put pressure on corrupt businesses such as Tyson Foods to stop hiring illegals and breaking US law, instead he’s helping corrupt businesses by helping the trafficking of illegals. Helping illegal immigration also helps the human/drug trafficking business, which enslaves and abuses the neglected citizens of other countries. It is not Christian to be a useful idiot of evil.
Then there’s the argument that the Bible’s command to help the poor means aiding illegal immigration. Hillary Clinton justified illegal immigration by citing the story of The Good Samaritan. Bishop Taylor’s letter also cites Bible Verses that concern the poor. In none of these verses is a command for government to raise taxes to help the poor. The Bible’s statements to help the poor are directed to individuals to give of themselves, not tax others. In Luke 10:35, The Good Samaritan used his own money, not the money of someone else. Furthermore, there are many who help the poor for their own gain.
…Continued on page 2
When Jesus was anointed in John 12:3-8 One of his disciples stated,” Why wasn't this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year's wages. He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it. Many in the illegal immigration agenda claim to help the poor so that they can advance the ideas of multiculturalism, “Aztlan” (the racist Hispanic succession of the Southwest from the United States), socialist equality, and similar agendas. To criticize their agenda is portrayed as being “mean” to those in poverty. There are also those who think that it’s OK to break the law if you are “helping the poor”. Peter 4:15-16, states “If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. 16However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.
Bishop Taylor’s belief that anyone has a divine right to go and live wherever they want has no Biblical bases. What if the 15-20 million illegal aliens in the US decided they had a divine right to live in Vatican City? In every instance of immigration in the Bible, the Jewish people were told directly by God Himself. Groups like La Raza claim that Aztlan, the Southwest US, is the Promised Land for Hispanics. Does Bishop Taylor believe in the idea of Aztlan?
KeepArkansasLegal believes that churches of all dominations can help any person’s immediate needs if it so chooses. But churches should not advocate breaking or eliminating laws that protect this nation. Nor should churches provide sanctuary to criminals. If an illegal alien can be justified in their crimes because they are poor, minorities with children, then so can a car thief, shoplifter, bank robber etc. It is our belief that The Church should advocate for ending illegal immigration in the US by attrition and enforcement and that demand the reform of 3rd world countries.
Kenny J. Wallis
President of KeepArkansasLegal
Little Rock, Arkansas
A link to Bishop Taylor's Letter:
Election results and an upcoming Holy War
This is probably the best analysis of how the election will affect illegal immigration:
Friends of ALIPAC, We would like to thank all of you who contributed and worked so hard on this year's elections. Together, we endorsed more candidates than ever before and were able to reach more people than ever before with our recommendations. We also set a new organizational record for the amount of money we spent and the support we could offer candidates who stand with you against amnesty and for more immigration enforcement. For Democrats, Obama won and the party picked up some new seats in the US Senate and House. Obama promised a path to citizenship for illegal aliens just like McCain and the strong dissatisfaction with the Bush administration was stronger and more dominant than it was in 2006. The good news for our side is that many Democrats ran to the right of their Republican opposition to win. We saw more Democrats touting how they would be tough on immigration enforcement than ever before. How many of them mean it is anyone's guess, but we will soon launch an operation to bring more Democrat members of Congress to our side.
A Pro-Illegal Immigration Bishop will attempt to indoctrinate Christians for 2009.
Bishop Taylor's first pastoral letter teaches on rights of immigrants
Three-week Advent study to be held in all parishes in diocese
Published: November 8, 2008
By Malea Hargett Editor
Five months after being ordained the bishop of Little Rock, Bishop Anthony B. Taylor is issuing his first pastoral letter in hopes of teaching his flock about the human rights of undocumented immigrants."I Was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me: A Pastoral Letter on the Human Rights of Immigrants" was introduced to the priests of the state Nov. 5 during a study day. On Nov. 7, diocesan employees gathered at St. John Center for a similar event. Bishop Taylor said he believes the human rights of immigrants is a topic that many Catholics are not informed about properly. "I hope that people will open their hearts to the call of Jesus in our time," he said in an interview with Arkansas Catholic. "There is lots of information people don't have at their disposal that is really relevant to this topic. More than that, I hope it goes down from their head to their heart and see what the Lord is asking of us. ... It is the biggest area where the teaching of the Church is not well-known."
Bishop Taylor, who is fluent in Spanish and has worked in Hispanic ministry for 28 years, said he believes being able to immigrate to another country is an "intrinsic human right." "They do have a right to immigrate when circumstances require," he said. He agrees illegal immigration is bad because it is nearly impossible for immigrants, predominantly from Mexico, to come to the United States legally. "We do support them being here illegally. They have a right to be here," he said. "We are here to serve everybody. Not just Catholics. We are not a country club. We are here to bring the love of Jesus to everybody. They are here because there is no way to get documents, not because they don't want documents. They do not want to immigrate without documents. ... You can't be obliged to do what you can't do. Immigration laws should correspond to the reality." The 30-page document includes five appendices with additional resources, information on what the U.S. bishops' conference has said and supporting Scripture references. The bishop consulted with several priests and laypeople over the past three months when writing the letter. Booklets of the letter will be made available in all parishes and missions in English and Spanish. In order to get parishioners to read and discuss the letter, Bishop Taylor asked Cackie Upchurch, director of Little Rock Scripture Study, to write a three-week Advent study guide for small group sharing. "The purpose of the pastoral letter is not to just go on record but rather to teach," he said. "People learn not just by reading a document but also by dialoguing and sharing with others, especially if the concepts are new and are hard to get your mind around." The pastoral letter will be distributed to parishioners on the feast of Christ the King Nov. 23. At the Masses, parishes are also asked to play a recorded homily by Bishop Taylor. The study sessions are expected to be held in churches through Dec. 20. The season before Christmas was chosen because "Advent is a time of longing and expectation, a time of hope," Bishop Taylor wrote in his letter introducing the pastoral letter. "What changes do we need to make here in Arkansas in order to ensure that today's Marys and Josephs -- today's Marías and Josés -- receive a warm welcome truly worthy of the Savior whose birth we celebrate on Christmas?"
Bishop Taylor said immigration is a likely topic of several bills in the General Assembly at the State Capitol in January, and he hopes laypeople will be educated about the topic before the legislators meet. "I hope there will be a change in American law that provides for the protection of the human rights of everyone in this country and that immigration reform is in the interest of the common good." In the pastoral letter Bishop Taylor has not suggested specific changes in the law he would like to see. "My role is that of teaching faith and morals," he said. "It is for the laypeople to come up with ways to implement that." Copies of the pastoral letter will be sent to the state's representatives and senators. "Hopefully they'll learn from the mistakes made in Oklahoma," he said. "Even economics, you have to learn from that. If you think the economy is in trouble now, do we need more disruption in our economy now?" Oklahoma legislators passed House Bill 1804, and it went into effect Nov. 1, 2007. The law, believed to be the toughest illegal immigration law in the country, makes it a felony to transport or shelter undocumented workers and requires employers to verify all of their employees are here legally. Many employees moved to Texas and Arkansas after the law started being enforced, thus hurting the agriculture and service industries. While serving as a pastor in Oklahoma until his ordination June 5, Bishop Taylor said, "It is so sad to see the way people's spirits get crushed by oppressive things that happen to them, by mistreatment in the workplace," he said, "where people are powerless and they were doing everything right." Bishop Taylor acknowledges that immigration, particularly illegal immigration, draws out "a lot of strong feelings" among Arkansans. "It is not a topic that I am uncomfortable with because the teaching of the Church is so clear," he said. "I am anticipating getting feedback of all sorts. I am especially anticipating feedback from persons whose eyes have been open to something that they haven't given much thought to and to the conversion experience that that stimulates." The complete pastoral letter is available to download in English and Spanish at
My first thought when I saw this was why wait until after one of the most important elections in history to write a pastoral letter? Bishop Taylor appears to have the attitude that poverty is a license for crime. Also, Bishop Taylor makes no effort in demading an end to the government corruption that causes the illegal immigration. A more detailed rebuttal will be sent soon.
Friends of ALIPAC, We would like to thank all of you who contributed and worked so hard on this year's elections. Together, we endorsed more candidates than ever before and were able to reach more people than ever before with our recommendations. We also set a new organizational record for the amount of money we spent and the support we could offer candidates who stand with you against amnesty and for more immigration enforcement. For Democrats, Obama won and the party picked up some new seats in the US Senate and House. Obama promised a path to citizenship for illegal aliens just like McCain and the strong dissatisfaction with the Bush administration was stronger and more dominant than it was in 2006. The good news for our side is that many Democrats ran to the right of their Republican opposition to win. We saw more Democrats touting how they would be tough on immigration enforcement than ever before. How many of them mean it is anyone's guess, but we will soon launch an operation to bring more Democrat members of Congress to our side.
A Pro-Illegal Immigration Bishop will attempt to indoctrinate Christians for 2009.
Bishop Taylor's first pastoral letter teaches on rights of immigrants
Three-week Advent study to be held in all parishes in diocese
Published: November 8, 2008
By Malea Hargett Editor
Five months after being ordained the bishop of Little Rock, Bishop Anthony B. Taylor is issuing his first pastoral letter in hopes of teaching his flock about the human rights of undocumented immigrants."I Was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me: A Pastoral Letter on the Human Rights of Immigrants" was introduced to the priests of the state Nov. 5 during a study day. On Nov. 7, diocesan employees gathered at St. John Center for a similar event. Bishop Taylor said he believes the human rights of immigrants is a topic that many Catholics are not informed about properly. "I hope that people will open their hearts to the call of Jesus in our time," he said in an interview with Arkansas Catholic. "There is lots of information people don't have at their disposal that is really relevant to this topic. More than that, I hope it goes down from their head to their heart and see what the Lord is asking of us. ... It is the biggest area where the teaching of the Church is not well-known."
Bishop Taylor, who is fluent in Spanish and has worked in Hispanic ministry for 28 years, said he believes being able to immigrate to another country is an "intrinsic human right." "They do have a right to immigrate when circumstances require," he said. He agrees illegal immigration is bad because it is nearly impossible for immigrants, predominantly from Mexico, to come to the United States legally. "We do support them being here illegally. They have a right to be here," he said. "We are here to serve everybody. Not just Catholics. We are not a country club. We are here to bring the love of Jesus to everybody. They are here because there is no way to get documents, not because they don't want documents. They do not want to immigrate without documents. ... You can't be obliged to do what you can't do. Immigration laws should correspond to the reality." The 30-page document includes five appendices with additional resources, information on what the U.S. bishops' conference has said and supporting Scripture references. The bishop consulted with several priests and laypeople over the past three months when writing the letter. Booklets of the letter will be made available in all parishes and missions in English and Spanish. In order to get parishioners to read and discuss the letter, Bishop Taylor asked Cackie Upchurch, director of Little Rock Scripture Study, to write a three-week Advent study guide for small group sharing. "The purpose of the pastoral letter is not to just go on record but rather to teach," he said. "People learn not just by reading a document but also by dialoguing and sharing with others, especially if the concepts are new and are hard to get your mind around." The pastoral letter will be distributed to parishioners on the feast of Christ the King Nov. 23. At the Masses, parishes are also asked to play a recorded homily by Bishop Taylor. The study sessions are expected to be held in churches through Dec. 20. The season before Christmas was chosen because "Advent is a time of longing and expectation, a time of hope," Bishop Taylor wrote in his letter introducing the pastoral letter. "What changes do we need to make here in Arkansas in order to ensure that today's Marys and Josephs -- today's Marías and Josés -- receive a warm welcome truly worthy of the Savior whose birth we celebrate on Christmas?"
Bishop Taylor said immigration is a likely topic of several bills in the General Assembly at the State Capitol in January, and he hopes laypeople will be educated about the topic before the legislators meet. "I hope there will be a change in American law that provides for the protection of the human rights of everyone in this country and that immigration reform is in the interest of the common good." In the pastoral letter Bishop Taylor has not suggested specific changes in the law he would like to see. "My role is that of teaching faith and morals," he said. "It is for the laypeople to come up with ways to implement that." Copies of the pastoral letter will be sent to the state's representatives and senators. "Hopefully they'll learn from the mistakes made in Oklahoma," he said. "Even economics, you have to learn from that. If you think the economy is in trouble now, do we need more disruption in our economy now?" Oklahoma legislators passed House Bill 1804, and it went into effect Nov. 1, 2007. The law, believed to be the toughest illegal immigration law in the country, makes it a felony to transport or shelter undocumented workers and requires employers to verify all of their employees are here legally. Many employees moved to Texas and Arkansas after the law started being enforced, thus hurting the agriculture and service industries. While serving as a pastor in Oklahoma until his ordination June 5, Bishop Taylor said, "It is so sad to see the way people's spirits get crushed by oppressive things that happen to them, by mistreatment in the workplace," he said, "where people are powerless and they were doing everything right." Bishop Taylor acknowledges that immigration, particularly illegal immigration, draws out "a lot of strong feelings" among Arkansans. "It is not a topic that I am uncomfortable with because the teaching of the Church is so clear," he said. "I am anticipating getting feedback of all sorts. I am especially anticipating feedback from persons whose eyes have been open to something that they haven't given much thought to and to the conversion experience that that stimulates." The complete pastoral letter is available to download in English and Spanish at
My first thought when I saw this was why wait until after one of the most important elections in history to write a pastoral letter? Bishop Taylor appears to have the attitude that poverty is a license for crime. Also, Bishop Taylor makes no effort in demading an end to the government corruption that causes the illegal immigration. A more detailed rebuttal will be sent soon.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Update on Voter Info
Early Voting: Mon. November 3rd –8:00 am—ends at 5:00 pm. Even if your not an official poll watcher, you can observe and record any election fraud.
Sue Cowan Williams Library at 1800 S. Chester (501-376-4282)—LR
Dee Brown Library at 6325 Baseline Road (501-568-7494)—LR
Roosevelt Thompson Library at 38 Rahling Circle (501-821-3060)—LR
McMath Library at 2100 John Barrow Road (501-225-0066)—LR
William F. Laman Library at 2801 Orange Street—NLR
Jacksonville City Hall at #1 Industrial Drive-Jacksonville
Jess Odom Community Center at 1100 Edgewood Drive (501-851-6990)—Maumelle
Jack Evans Senior Citizen Ctr at 2301 Thornhill Drive (501-834-5770)—Sherwood
Matricular Cards could still be used for the election Monday and Tuesday. Here's a freerepublic post:
I got this email about the State Representative race in district 43
Jim Nickels - the Most Liberal Candidate for State Representative in Arkansas. Nickels’ views on many issues are liberal and not what most voters in district 43 would agree with. District 43 includes Sherwood, parts of North Little Rock, and parts of Jacksonville.
Here are a just few examples of his views:
· Believes that taxes are a way for government to redistribute the wealth**
· Against the death plenty***
· Supports State Funding of Embryonic Stem Cell Research***
· Supports Affirmative Action***
· He is funded by Trail Lawyers, Unions, and the head of the Arkansas Friendship Coalition – a pro illegal immigration group.
** When Nickels' is asked what his opinion of using tax dollars to redistributethe wealth, he stated "Any taxing system is income redistribution, I don'tcare where the tax comes from the government always redistributes it."
****Jim Nickels Tax Video
Based on Nickel’s view I think we can safely assume he will stand in the way of job growth, will support pro illegal immigration policies, and like Obama believes wealth should be transferred from those that work to those that don’t.
Voters in District 43 deserve to know the truth.*
****Arkansas Sectary of State’ web site
Illegal Immigration makes it to the Presidential Election:
Sue Cowan Williams Library at 1800 S. Chester (501-376-4282)—LR
Dee Brown Library at 6325 Baseline Road (501-568-7494)—LR
Roosevelt Thompson Library at 38 Rahling Circle (501-821-3060)—LR
McMath Library at 2100 John Barrow Road (501-225-0066)—LR
William F. Laman Library at 2801 Orange Street—NLR
Jacksonville City Hall at #1 Industrial Drive-Jacksonville
Jess Odom Community Center at 1100 Edgewood Drive (501-851-6990)—Maumelle
Jack Evans Senior Citizen Ctr at 2301 Thornhill Drive (501-834-5770)—Sherwood
Matricular Cards could still be used for the election Monday and Tuesday. Here's a freerepublic post:
I got this email about the State Representative race in district 43
Jim Nickels - the Most Liberal Candidate for State Representative in Arkansas. Nickels’ views on many issues are liberal and not what most voters in district 43 would agree with. District 43 includes Sherwood, parts of North Little Rock, and parts of Jacksonville.
Here are a just few examples of his views:
· Believes that taxes are a way for government to redistribute the wealth**
· Against the death plenty***
· Supports State Funding of Embryonic Stem Cell Research***
· Supports Affirmative Action***
· He is funded by Trail Lawyers, Unions, and the head of the Arkansas Friendship Coalition – a pro illegal immigration group.
** When Nickels' is asked what his opinion of using tax dollars to redistributethe wealth, he stated "Any taxing system is income redistribution, I don'tcare where the tax comes from the government always redistributes it."
****Jim Nickels Tax Video
Based on Nickel’s view I think we can safely assume he will stand in the way of job growth, will support pro illegal immigration policies, and like Obama believes wealth should be transferred from those that work to those that don’t.
Voters in District 43 deserve to know the truth.*
****Arkansas Sectary of State’ web site
Illegal Immigration makes it to the Presidential Election:
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