Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Some local voting info

Radio Host Dave Elswick recently visited the Mexican Border. Here is some footage from that event:


This is a reminder that judicial nominees are also up for election:

Thanks to the sabotage of Attorney General Dustin McDaniel, we were unable to put the Secure Arkansas Petition on the Nov. 4th. There are however some important elections coming up, many of which have to do with illegal immigration. Phil Wyrick is running for Pulaski County Judge. He talked about a doctor who saw a Rosa Garcia at least 5 times in 1 week. Each Rosa Garcia was a different person! Wyrick was very familiar with the issue of illegal immigration and would be a great judge for Pulaski County. There is supposed to be a debate for Pulaski County Judge on the Dave Elswick Show 103108. In State Rep District 43, Candidate Steve Meckfessel has stated that he will fight to reduce illegal immigration in Arkansas. In North Little Rock, Ward 3, Bruce Foutch stated that he opposed illegal immigration and was familiar with the Dave Elswick show. I have will have some more research later on. Here's some more about election issues:

• REFERRED QUESTION 1: It would provide state backing for $300 million in bonds for water and other projects. I got a letter from a conservative activist about this issue:

Attention all farmers, ranchers & land owners,Just learned that the first legislation on the Nov. ballot pertaining to awarding several billion dollars towards parks, campgrounds, etc, also allows control of private water sources such as ponds. Be aware & VOTE NO!

Please spread the word -- early voting started today! Blessings,Loretta Weston

In Texas, the issue of water usage has become a big debate with illegal immigration causing a strain on the water system! Will we have to pay higher utilities for water to be directed to illegal aliens? With this government, who can say?

.• CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 1: A measure to strip language from the Constitution and provide more flexibility in the appointment of members to county election commissions. We actually need more scrutiny for the people who will be in charge of stopping ACORN and their illegal alien voters.

• CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 2: It provides for annual sessions of the legislature, including a financial session in even-numbered years. This means more time that we will have to spend watching them. It's more likely that this will produce more pro-illegal immigration legislation.

• CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 3 Lottery Lobbyist and Lt. Governor Bill Halter's plan to fund college scholarships by having a state lottery. Although the Amendment says "to fund scholarships and grants for Arkansas Citizens", we know that some universities will violate Federal Law in allowing illegal aliens to attend. Plus, if Joyce Ellliot and others have their way, we will be giving in-state tuition to illegal alien college students in addition to whatever lottery money is given to them. As long as illegal aliens are in our school system, we can't trust the leftist education system to "spread the wealth around".

Proposed Act 1; Person who is cohabiting outside of marriage may not adopt or be a foster parent of a child less than 18 years old. Not aware of illegals adopting kids. This is supported by Christian Conservatives, most of whom oppose illegal immigration. Those who oppose Proposed Act 1 include the leftist Arkansas Times and the Arkansas ACLU. That's reason enough to vote for it!

If you have any other information for the upcoming election, please let us know. To look at your own ballot, visit this link:

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