Wednesday, October 01, 2008

UALR debate

Last night, UALR college students hosted a debate between democrats and republicans. I was able to ask both sides the following question: We know that illegal aliens can be forced to leave by attrition and enforcement from state and local governments. We have as examples Oklahoma, Arizona, Georgia, and Hazelton, PA. What have you done and what will you do in your elected position to force illegal aliens from the State of Arkansas? I will soon have up video footage of the event where illegal immigration was discussed. KTHV Channel 11 filmed the debate at UALR. The story from their link does not mention illegal immigration:
Barack Obama suggested this weekend that children of illegal immigrants should have an opportunity to attend community colleges. In an interview with WUNC this weekend, the Democratic presidential candidate said children who attend public schools should have the chance to continue to improve themselves. "For us to deny them access to community college, even though they've never lived in Mexico, at least as far as they can tell ... is to deny that this is how we've always built this country up," he said. The campaign of Republican John McCain issued a statement saying he was opposed to providing benefits to illegal immigrants, but did not address community college attendance, which has been a contentious issue in North Carolina. "John McCain does not support amnesty or benefits for undocumented immigrants," his campaign said in the statement. "He has consistently opposed giving amnesty or public benefits to undocumented immigrants."

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