Secure Arkansas Concerned About Illegal Alien Voter Fraud
(Little Rock – October 29, 2008) Secure Arkansas is concerned that the Matricular card, which is a Mexican I.D. card, is being used as authentic identification for first time voters. This means that non-citizens will be voting in our elections.
Secure Arkansas' Chair, Jeannie Burlsworth, noted, "I am greatly concerned that our elections are being swayed by illegal aliens who are in our state trying to vote illegally."
Secure Arkansas calls on Arkansas' Election Officials to immediately ensure that the Matricular card is not accepted as identification for first-time voters.
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Contact Secure Arkansas:
P.O. Box 21096
Little Rock, AR 72221
In order for an individual to vote in the U.S., he/she must be:
- a U.S. Citizen
- a legal resident of the state in which they reside
- 18 years old on or before election day
Matricular Cards are NOT an authentic form of identification. The FBI Office of Intelligence testifies that the consular I.D. card is not a reliable form of I.D. Only a few crooked businesses accept the card which is only useful to illegal aliens! Here are some pictures of the card:

If you see anyone showing this card while voting, contact the election commission immediately! Then contact the media, then contact us!
ar election commission (501) 682-5070 or toll free at (800) 482-1127
keeparkansaslegal 501-412-4063
more updates as they happen.