This is the website of Keep Arkansas Conservative an organization dedicated to stopping big government legislation in Central Arkansas. If you have any photos, video, stories, or other material; feel free to contact us at -Kenny
Friday, October 31, 2008
Be AFRAID of the illegal alien vote!
Secure Arkansas Concerned About Illegal Alien Voter Fraud
(Little Rock – October 29, 2008) Secure Arkansas is concerned that the Matricular card, which is a Mexican I.D. card, is being used as authentic identification for first time voters. This means that non-citizens will be voting in our elections.
Secure Arkansas' Chair, Jeannie Burlsworth, noted, "I am greatly concerned that our elections are being swayed by illegal aliens who are in our state trying to vote illegally."
Secure Arkansas calls on Arkansas' Election Officials to immediately ensure that the Matricular card is not accepted as identification for first-time voters.
# # #
Contact Secure Arkansas:
P.O. Box 21096
Little Rock, AR 72221
In order for an individual to vote in the U.S., he/she must be:
- a U.S. Citizen
- a legal resident of the state in which they reside
- 18 years old on or before election day
Matricular Cards are NOT an authentic form of identification. The FBI Office of Intelligence testifies that the consular I.D. card is not a reliable form of I.D. Only a few crooked businesses accept the card which is only useful to illegal aliens! Here are some pictures of the card:
If you see anyone showing this card while voting, contact the election commission immediately! Then contact the media, then contact us!
ar election commission (501) 682-5070 or toll free at (800) 482-1127
keeparkansaslegal 501-412-4063
more updates as they happen.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Events and stories for Halloween
10/31/08 Friday 3pm- Dave Elswick will host a radio debate between Buddy Villines and Phil Wyrick. I assume that callers will be able to ask questions.
Since most of the media, including our local media have decided not to talk about illegal immigration, I decided to post this story.
Posted on Sunday, October 26, 2008
Federal investigators said Juan Carrillo, an illegal alien living in Gentry, was the head of a multistate methamphetamine ring busted last month after a three-year investigation. Drug Enforcement Administration agents gathered evidence against Carrillo and his associates using six confidential informants, recorded telephone conversations and officers from 17 federal, state and local lawenforcement agencies. Using these tools, agents were able to piece together Carrillo’s operation and to undermine it by intercepting large methamphetamine shipments coming into Northwest Arkansas, an affidavit filed in the case shows. The U. S. attorney’s office declined to comment on the case Friday. However, the affidavit, filed in support of a search warrant sought by investigators, lays out the government’s case. The investigation culminated on Sept. 21 when Carrillo was arrested after officers caught him switching vehicles with an apparent courier who had just brought 5. 5 pounds of methamphetamine from California hidden inside the car’s dashboard, the affidavit shows. More here:
Monday, October 27, 2008
More breaks for illegal aliens
Gearhart Makes Push For Bachelor's Degrees
By Jon Gambrell The Morning News AP
LITTLE ROCK -- The state must do everything it can to encourage more students to seek bachelor's degrees, including possibly offering illegal immigrants the lower tuition rates given to residents, University of Arkansas Chancellor Dave Gearhart said Wednesday. Gearhart stopped just short of endorsing a possible legislative proposal that would give in-state tuition rates to illegal immigrants. Most higher education officials want to be "frankly forgiving if we can" when it comes to students living illegally in the state, he said."I don't think it would be appropriate for me to argue against any qualified student getting a four-year degree at our institution simply because of their parents," Gearhart told The Associated Press on Wednesday. "To me, it's not really the student's fault that they came here and their parents had an issue with immigration. To me, that's penalizing the student."In recent years, both the University of Arkansas and the University of Central Arkansas in Conway had offered students in-state tuition rates even if they didn't list a Social Security number in their applications. In May, the head of the state's Department of Higher Education issued an order requiring schools to ensure students receiving in-state tuition were legal residents.
In the time since, Gearhart said the university has identified about 25 students who may be illegal immigrants. Officials at the school worked to find private donations to cover the difference between in-state and out-of-state tuition -- about a $4,500 difference per semester per student, Gearhart said.Gearhart described his decision also as one of necessity in a state that ranks 50th in the nation in the number of residents with bachelor's degrees."Our position is that we're in the business of education," Gearhart said. "We know that by helping a student, any student, get a four-year degree is going to help the economy, it's going to help the state."Former state Rep. Joyce Elliott, a Democrat who faces no opposition in the November election for a state Senate seat from Little Rock, has said she likely will offer a bill next session to offer in-state tuition rates for illegal immigrants. While Gearhart said he has talked with Elliott about the idea, he repeatedly declined Wednesday to give explicit support for her possible bill."I'd like to see the legislation before I completely sign on, but I'm certainly in favor of helping students get a college degree," Gearhart said.
Elliott said changing the law would help other students, not just illegal immigrants.
"I don't think anyone is against students having the opportunity," Elliott said. "It's just that we're having to try to find a way to work within the laws."Illegal immigration is a politically sensitive topic in Arkansas, home to one of the nation's fastest growing Hispanic communities. More than 150,000 Hispanics now live in the state, many drawn by construction work and jobs in poultry plants. Recent reports suggest half of the state's immigrant population lives in the U.S. illegally.
Gov. Mike Beebe, who has repeatedly said that "illegal means illegal," opposes offering in-state tuition to illegal immigrants. As attorney general, Beebe issued a 2005 opinion that said offering the benefit likely would violate the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.Gearhart said he's spoken with Beebe's office and hasn't heard "anyone who wants to penalize students." Matt DeCample, a spokesman for Beebe, said Gearhart had not met with anyone in the governor's office about the in-state tuition ban. DeCample said Beebe held by his stance."From our end, it's a legal issue far more than a philosophical issue," he said. During the interview, Gearhart also declined to say whether he'd support a measure on the November ballot to create a statewide lottery. The lottery, which would go toward a fund for college scholarships, already received the backing of former Chancellor John White.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Events coming up
Argenta Family Fun Day scheduled for Sunday, October 26, 2008 from 4p.m. until 8p.m. at the Corner of 4th and Orange. Join us for Food, fun and Music!
Argenta - Downtown NLR
Corner of 4th and Orange
North Little Rock, Arkansas 72114-
October 28th 2008 5:30pm- Poll watcher training to stop illegal aliens and other ACORN voters from voting at the RPA HQ at 6th and Cross
Levy Project Improvment Movement
Every 4th Thursday,October 30th 7:00pm
North Heights Recreation Ctr, 4801 Allen
Information: 753-5299
4801 Allen Street
North Little Rock, AR 72118
October 31st 3:00pm- Dave Elswick Show; A Debate is supposed to take place between Phil Wyrick and Incumbent Judge Buddy Villines at 3pm. I assume that people will be able to call in with questions.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Some local voting info
This is a reminder that judicial nominees are also up for election:
Thanks to the sabotage of Attorney General Dustin McDaniel, we were unable to put the Secure Arkansas Petition on the Nov. 4th. There are however some important elections coming up, many of which have to do with illegal immigration. Phil Wyrick is running for Pulaski County Judge. He talked about a doctor who saw a Rosa Garcia at least 5 times in 1 week. Each Rosa Garcia was a different person! Wyrick was very familiar with the issue of illegal immigration and would be a great judge for Pulaski County. There is supposed to be a debate for Pulaski County Judge on the Dave Elswick Show 103108. In State Rep District 43, Candidate Steve Meckfessel has stated that he will fight to reduce illegal immigration in Arkansas. In North Little Rock, Ward 3, Bruce Foutch stated that he opposed illegal immigration and was familiar with the Dave Elswick show. I have will have some more research later on. Here's some more about election issues:
• REFERRED QUESTION 1: It would provide state backing for $300 million in bonds for water and other projects. I got a letter from a conservative activist about this issue:
Attention all farmers, ranchers & land owners,Just learned that the first legislation on the Nov. ballot pertaining to awarding several billion dollars towards parks, campgrounds, etc, also allows control of private water sources such as ponds. Be aware & VOTE NO!
Please spread the word -- early voting started today! Blessings,Loretta Weston
In Texas, the issue of water usage has become a big debate with illegal immigration causing a strain on the water system! Will we have to pay higher utilities for water to be directed to illegal aliens? With this government, who can say?
.• CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 1: A measure to strip language from the Constitution and provide more flexibility in the appointment of members to county election commissions. We actually need more scrutiny for the people who will be in charge of stopping ACORN and their illegal alien voters.
• CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 2: It provides for annual sessions of the legislature, including a financial session in even-numbered years. This means more time that we will have to spend watching them. It's more likely that this will produce more pro-illegal immigration legislation.
• CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 3 Lottery Lobbyist and Lt. Governor Bill Halter's plan to fund college scholarships by having a state lottery. Although the Amendment says "to fund scholarships and grants for Arkansas Citizens", we know that some universities will violate Federal Law in allowing illegal aliens to attend. Plus, if Joyce Ellliot and others have their way, we will be giving in-state tuition to illegal alien college students in addition to whatever lottery money is given to them. As long as illegal aliens are in our school system, we can't trust the leftist education system to "spread the wealth around".
Proposed Act 1; Person who is cohabiting outside of marriage may not adopt or be a foster parent of a child less than 18 years old. Not aware of illegals adopting kids. This is supported by Christian Conservatives, most of whom oppose illegal immigration. Those who oppose Proposed Act 1 include the leftist Arkansas Times and the Arkansas ACLU. That's reason enough to vote for it!
If you have any other information for the upcoming election, please let us know. To look at your own ballot, visit this link:
Monday, October 20, 2008
Events coming up
Of particular interest to us the budget concerning the State Police on Tuesday October 21st . Items such as Meth Investigation, Homeland Security, Automated Fingerpring System, and Various Federal Programs are on the agenda. The State Police budget is early on the Agenda.
You've probably heard of the 6 year old kidnapped in Vegas, but here's a detail you may not have heard about:
A great letter to the NWA Times:
List of problems grows
I do not understand why many Arkansans go to church on Sunday but will vote Democrat even if the presidential and vice-presidential candidates are both pro-choice. The speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, recently tried to muddy the political water by [suggesting ] that the Catholic Church was vague on the issue of abortion. What ? Yet many Arkansans will say," Well, my parents and grandparents have always voted Democratic."When have Americans voted for party over philosophy ? I guess some Arkansans are just two-faced ? Furthermore, the Democratic Party is very slow to act on the energy issue.
Is it wrong for us to want lower gas prices while we look far into the future for alternative fuels ? What about an increase in taxes ? How will that affect us or the U. S. economy ? What about the Russia-vs.-Georgia surprise or the Israel-vs.-Iran crisis ? Who is watching the security of our nation ? We have not even solved the Social Security mess or the immigration debacle. I am very confused about Americans, Arkansans and U. S. politicians. We just keep adding to this list without solving any problems. It is time for us to solve problems, not add more items to that list. DANIEL PYNE / Cabot
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Trick or Treat from Illegal Immigrants
Another version of the story
A news release from the U. S. attorney’s office Wednesday said six of the 13 suspects were determined to be illegal aliens and were being held by the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The news release did not specify which suspects were in the country illegally. Local, state and federal agencies conducted the long-term investigation, according to the news release. Authorities executed four search warrants in Northwest Arkansas and seized 15 pounds of methamphetamine during the investigation. The indictment also seeks the forfeiture of all currency and property constituting proceeds from the methamphetamine operation. Groom said the forfeiture would be pursued as part of the criminal case and the trial jury would determine what, if any, property or money would be forfeited. Officials revealed no further details of the investigation or the drug ring Wednesday.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Time to get busy!
Wed- 10/15/08 6pm- Illegal alien activist Paula Crisotomos will give a lecture. Most likely to discuss how America is responsible for the education of illegal immigration anchor babies.
Wed- 10/15/08 8pm- There will be a watch party for the final Presidential Debate at the Riverdale Cinema for free.
Fri- 10/17/08 11:45?-12:45?- Illegal aliens are dropped off at Los Arcos Mexican Restraunt by a bus from Dallas usually every Friday. I have filmed this event and sent it to Border Patrol. Here is some video that has caught the attention of at least one pro-illegal immigration supporter!
Fake goods lead police to illegal alien at fair
Posted on Tuesday, October 14, 2008
At least a dozen people get arrested at the Arkansas State Fair and Livestock Show every year. Just not the way it happened to Bourkare Ouiya, 52, of Aurora, Colo. Little Rock police and U. S. customs and immigration officials found Ouiya selling counterfeit name-brand shoes and purses and discovered that he was from North Africa originally and was in the United States illegally. He remained in the Lonoke city jail, held by the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, on Monday. And while it is his immigration status that led to his arrest, it is the 179 pairs of fake Nike shoes and 210 purported designer purses — 102 from Coach, 48 from Chanel, 24 from Dolce & Gabbana, 20 from Louis Vuitton, 12 from Gucci, two from Kate Spade and one each from Fendi and Christian Dior — that have police and fair officials the most curious. “This is probably the first I’ve seen of a commercial vendor selling counterfeit items,” Ralph Shoptaw, the fair’s president and general manager since 2005, said Monday. “I just heard about this for the first time last night and I can tell you I was surprised.” Little Rock Police Department spokesman Lt. Terry Hastings said officers usually arrest as many as 25 or 30 people during the course of the State Fair. More here:
I guess this illegal was selling the fake designer goods Americans won't sell. Once again we see that Many countries in North Africa have been havens for terrorist, such as Mohammed Atta who lived in Egypt. My question. If this man had committed a terrorist attack, who would be responsible? We can partially blame the crooked carnival company Degeller who "needed a guestworker" to sell their fake crap and couldn't afford a background check on Ouiya. For now, all we can really do to Deggeller is boycott and complain:
Our local politicans are another story. We have some bad incumbents like Pulaski County Judge Buddy Villines who's laziness and corruption has created a catch and release situation for illegal alien and US criminals. Then we have even worse incumbents such as Joyce Elliott state senator elect for District 33. Elliott has promised again to push for in-state tuition for illegal aliens in the AR legislature. Fortunately, we have candidates such as Steve Meckfessel, candidate for House District 43. Meckfessel has state that "As State Representative, I will work to ensure Arkansas does not become a safe haven state for illegal immigrants." This election we can throw out leaders that are pro-illegal immigration andelect people who will solve the problem. Now is the time to find out who you are voting for and where they stand. This is also the time to let us and everyone else know who to vote for/against!
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
More Reasons to fight illegal immigration
LITTLE ROCK -- An incoming state senator is asking higher education officials in the state to get behind a renewed push to approve in-state college tuition rates for undocumented students who graduate from Arkansas high schools. Some state university chancellors say they are supportive, though Gov. Mike Beebe maintains federal law prohibits what former state Rep. Joyce Elliott of Little Rock proposed in a failed 2005 bill that Elliott plans to resurrect when the 2009 legislative session begins in January. Robert Potts, chancellor of Arkansas State University in Jonesboro, said Tuesday that while he could not offer an opinion on behalf of the university, he personally agrees with Elliott on the issue.
HUD: Five Million Fraudulent Mortgages Held by Illegals KFYI ^ OCT 7 2008 KFYI
Posted on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 8:55:53 PM by HollyButler
One illegal alien was arrested this year in Tucson after allegedly using a stolen social security number to buy two homes and rack up over $780,000 in bad debt. Some five million fraudulent home mortgages are in the hands of illegal aliens, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. It's not known how many of those have contributed to the subprime housing mortgage meltdown, but it has affected every state, including Arizona.
The problem began years ago when banks were forced to give mortgages without confirming social security numbers or borrower identification. As a result, illegal immigrants were able to obtain home mortgages which they could not afford. One illegal alien was arrested this year in Tucson after allegedly using a stolen social security number to buy two homes and rack up over $780,000 in bad debt.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Good News, Local News and Bad News
AP Feds: 300 suspected illegals held after SC raid Tuesday October 7, 11:14 am ET
Prosecutors say 300 suspected illegal immigrants detained after SC chicken plant raid
GREENVILLE, S.C. (AP) -- Federal agents say they have detained more than 300 suspected illegal immigrants in a raid on a South Carolina chicken processing plant. Assistant U.S. Attorney Kevin McDonald says the raid began shortly before 9 a.m. Tuesday during a shift change at House of Raeford's Columbia Farms plant. Federal prosecutors and immigration agents have been investigating the plant's hiring practices. McDonald says 12 people have been arrested in past months, and seven have pleaded guilty. McDonald says a recent review of 825 workers' immigration paperwork showed false information for more than 775. A woman at the company's Rose Hill, N.C., headquarters had no immediate comment. The raid was in Greenville, about 100 miles southwest of Charlotte, N.C.
An economic slowdown and increased enforcement of immigration laws have resulted in a decline in the number of illegal aliens living in the United States, a study released Thursday shows.
His style may be similar to JFK, but the substance couldn't be more different. Bottom line: Obama is more from the Teddy wing than the RFK wing of that particular family. And if I were Obama, the last person I'd be taking 'driving' lessons from would be Teddy.Obama takes big risk on driver's license issue Sen. Barack Obama easily won the African American vote in South Carolina, but to woo California Latinos, where he is running 3-to-1 behind rival Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, he is taking a giant risk: spotlighting his support for the red-hot issue of granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
UALR debate
Barack Obama suggested this weekend that children of illegal immigrants should have an opportunity to attend community colleges. In an interview with WUNC this weekend, the Democratic presidential candidate said children who attend public schools should have the chance to continue to improve themselves. "For us to deny them access to community college, even though they've never lived in Mexico, at least as far as they can tell ... is to deny that this is how we've always built this country up," he said. The campaign of Republican John McCain issued a statement saying he was opposed to providing benefits to illegal immigrants, but did not address community college attendance, which has been a contentious issue in North Carolina. "John McCain does not support amnesty or benefits for undocumented immigrants," his campaign said in the statement. "He has consistently opposed giving amnesty or public benefits to undocumented immigrants."