The Arkansas Times, recently ran an article by Doug Smith titled “We’re coming here to pick the country up”. The article is part of an effort by the Arkansas Times to portray illegal immigration as a positive influence on Arkansas and the United States of America . Although the article gives some space for immigration reform Mayor Steve Womack, most of the article is the same rhetoric we have heard from the pro-amnesty crowd for the past several years. Here are some statements from Doug Smith’s article along with some analysis. Here's a link to the story:
“The Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation provides a statistical picture of immigrants in Arkansas ”
This is in reference to the study done by the Foundation during the amnesty-lite debate. A lot of the demographic information is useful and was used by the immigration studies done by Rick Green last year. On the other hand, the part of the study that deals with costs and benefits is an absolute lie used to display illegal aliens as a positive on the Arkansas Economy. Doug’s article has some “facts” from the study which includes a claim that immigrants give a surplus of $19 million or $158.00 per immigrant. The reader is just supposed to assume that illegals in AR a plus for the economy and not get angry about reports of illegals getting other benefits. The day the study came out, conservative websites like this one showed that the whole study mixed legal immigrants with illegal aliens to make illegals look better. This is like a doctor asking for a health report on Britney Spears and getting a 1,000 page report on her hair. The taxpayers need to know how much those crossing the border are costing them, but the W.R. Foundation, which funded the amnesty marches in 2006, doesn’t want them to know. Neither does the AR Times.
“Tyson is one of the founders of a new group formed to block anti-immigrant legistlation.”
The name of the group is the Arkansas Friendship Coalition, which includes the Anti Christian Lawyers Union (ACLU). Tyson Foods is going on trial in March 2008 for cheating American workers and hiring illegals. It seems their “friendship” does not include US workers. Even though Tyson Foods apparently “needed” illegals, it was still able to pay the CEO John Tyson $1.17 million in 2006. Do you think the AR Times would have mentioned this if Tyson Foods were a tobacco company?
“When Anglos see a guy working on the roof, they change their minds”
When many Whites, Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics saw illegals working on TV they called Congress and demanded no amnesty!
“We’re coming to pick the country up, not destroy it”
Like Mexico ? Like L.A? Our successful capitalist system is being destroyed by the Third World Exploitation System. The illegals should be picking up their countries, not picking up greedy anti-American Corporations like Tyson Foods.
“The AR Friendship Coalition maintains that immigration is a federal issue and that state and local money should not be wasted to fix a problem of the federal government”
By “state and local money” should that include welfare, WIC, HUD, food stamps, education, and other state funded programs? What about the cost citizens pay when they are involved in an accident with an illegal? Does that include the $50,000 from the Little Rock Economic Development Fund that went towards the Mexican Consulate instead of the Pulaski County Prison that is falling apart? Those who are pro illegal immigration want anyone who can cross our border to get state benefits and not have to worry about state laws. You can be sure that the Arkansas Friendship Coalition will oppose laws that require proof of citizenship for welfare and laws that allow the State Police to enforce immigration law.
“We never racially profiled and we won’t That’s a lot of crap”
Steve Womack did an excellent job in pointing out that the 287G Program allows police to enforce immigration law on those already committing a crime. He has a passion about this issue I wish I had seen in Presidential Candidates Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter.
“In Europe , they’re tearing down the walls, while some Americans want to build new walls or strengthen old ones. We want to build bridges instead of fences, he said.”
This is from the Mexican Consular officer in Little Rock Andres Chao. In Europe , islamo-facist mobs are causing riots and murdering movie directors. Honor killings, Al Queda Cells, and increases in crime are happening in European countries that have failed to deal with illegal immigration.
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