For decades now we have seen the Television Media manipulate the American People with agenda setting stories, half truths, rigged polls, extra time/praise for politicians they like, less time/ criticism for politicians they don’t like, ignoring stories against their agenda and so forth. From ABC,CBS,NBC, and now CNN, we have had complaining about Reagan, to the Tailwind scandal, to giving Bill Clinton a pass on China/Travel/Waco/Elian Gonzales/Prisoner Blood/Pardon/ etc. gate, to ignoring the growth of terrorism, to the National Guard Memos, and a whole host of other lies to the American Public. Now we are to be informed about the primary elections for 2008.
The primary elections in Iowa and New Hampshire indicate a total lack of informing the public by the media about voting records. An overwhealming number of Christians oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants. The majority of conservative Christians vote against illegal immigration on ballot initiatives. Yet in Iowa , many of those same Christians voted for a candidate who wanted to reward illegals by giving their children scholarships. This candidate also struck a deal to have a company build a 1.2 million dollar Consulate which at least $60,000 of tax money was spent on while the county prisons in the state were falling apart! If you don’t know who I’m talking about, you need to go to and similar websites if you plan on voting. On the Democrat side, the candidate with the least experience won the most votes. The records of Democrats are basically the same, yet it appears that their primaries are based on emotion as well.
New Hampshire was a different story. This state allows independents to vote and even allows someone who claims they will live in the state to vote! Perhaps someone could see if you can claim residence in Spanish. John McCain won the majority of votes in The Granite State winning most of the delegates. The same McCain who was part of the amnesty bill, campaign finance reform, the gang of 14, and several other anti-conservative actions pulled ahead by having a few ads and supporting the surge in that country that the media won’t mention. Meanwhile, the media orchestrated a “comeback” for Hillary Clinton complete with polls showing here behind in double digits, planted chauvinist hecklers, and praise for the convenient teary-eyed emotional moment. The reality is that it was a disaster that Hillary didn’t win by double digits in a northeastern state.
Let’s not forget about the state that best represents the Republicans in the primaries so far, Wyoming . Even though it had more delegates than New Hampshire , Wyoming probably didn’t receive 1/10th the media coverage of the more leftist states. The Republican candidate who has the most delegates and the most money right now won that state, but apparently the pundits didn’t notice Wyoming as they are claiming that guy will drop out.
You can add Wyoming to the “News we won’t report pile” which includes good news from Iraq, good news about the economy, the 25 American deaths a day caused by illegal immigrants, Christian persecution, and just about anything else the left doesn’t like. The people most responsible for the "News we don't report pile" are the editors in the east coast offices of the news agencies along with their parent companies. General Electric,which has been criticized for doing business with terrorist sponsoring nations owns NBC, while Disney owns ABC, CBS Corp. is a complicated merger. Turner Broadcasting owns CNN. If your not looking at voting records and going to websites like, your giving your vote to a handful of lying, corrupt propagandist. Then there’s FoxNews, which has decided to propel the RINOs in the election for the sake of ratings. A “focus group” done after the S Carolina debates acknowledged that Thompson won but was then cohearsed by pollster Frank Luntz into claiming that winning the debate for the fourth state in the primary process was ‘too late”. None of the focus groups seem to care about voting records.
Unlike the media, we do have some good news. The alphabet media, along with CNN have been doing badly in the ratings. The less liberal but not conservative Fox News has been doing well in increasing viewers, but has taken some criticism from bloggers for rewarding candidates that look better on the TV instead of reporting voting records. Hopefully, the American voters will look past the PR stunts, the slick ads, the cohearsed focus groups, and other unimportant events and vote what the candidates. To get a record on gun rights, go to, for a record on prolife issues, visit, and for a record on stopping illegal immigration,visit Please don't vote on behave of the lying media!
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