by Brett Winterble (more by this author)
Posted 01/31/2008 ET
With John McCain’s all-too-easy road to the nomination paved through Florida and now nearly complete one thing is clear: The Republican Party has been hijacked. Over the past month a new Axis of Evil has emerged -- not one based in Damascus, Tehran or Pyongyang -- but instead in Cedar Rapids, Charleston, South Carolina, Derry, New Hampshire and Boca Raton, Florida. It is the liberal and “independent” voters in these 4 states that have nearly completed a deed that makes Kim Jong Il envious -- the near crippling of the American Electoral System. These four states have combined their native liberal populism with an imported liberal electorate and have forced the GOP to accept a nominee so distasteful that in more than one poll -- the numbers of voters choosing not to vote and those choosing to vote third party actually exceed those who will hold their nose and vote for Maverick, War Hero, Amnesty Supporter, John McCain.I can hear you saying, “surely you aren’t saying that South Carolina has gone liberal -- are you?” Are you kidding me? Drive through the Carolinas and count the number of license plates from NJ, NY and Pennsylvania. There is not much Dixie in the Carolinas; it’s more like Trenton and Long Island with fireworks. “But”, you protest, “New Hampshire, is Live Free or Die, it’s been a backbone of conservatism since the 1950’s.” No longer my friends -- NH has become an exurb of Boston, with Boston’s sensibilities and, ugh, their voting tastes. NH hasn’t been reliably conservative since Reagan’s first term. These voters would rather be loved by the Boston Globe, than respected by the Union Leader.But the evidence continues, you say, “Iowa, that’s America, with small town values and homespun sensibilities.” Wrong again -- Iowa is just a state brimming with farmers on the federal dole, college students and ex hippie professors looking to con, libs in training at Grinnell. And Florida? As my bubbies would say in Bay Ridge -- puhleeeez. It’s the 6th borough and has been since the mid 1960’s. Liberals have been sliding down the I-95 corridor since Kennedy was elected.Sadly these 4 states have done more than set the tone for the other 46 -- they’ve dictated terms. Frankly I could extend the analogy to include Nevada, which is down to about 13% native -- but why beat a dead horse.
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Remember the Arkansas Times Article titled "We're coming here to pick the country up"? Here's the link:
The article featured a man named Eduardo Martinez who claimed was a legal immigrant in support of illegal immigration. It turns out Eduardo illegally entered the US from Mexico in 1986. Eduardo was legalized during the amnesty program and became legal in 1988. Of course the AR Times will now claim that Eduardo is a reason why we should have another amnesty. Maybe if the AR Times bothered to interview business owners who are suffering because of illegal immigration instead of looking for someone who supports their agenda, they would get the truth instead of a liar!
Another great article about the Presidential Debates:
Federal Judge Sets Trial Date For Two Acambaro Defendants
FAYETTEVILLE -- A federal judge Thursday set a trial date for two men accused of knowingly harboring illegal immigrants. U.S. District Judge Jimm Hendren set March 10 as the trial date for Arturo Reyes Jr., 35, of Rogers and his brother, Armando Reyes, 33, of Lowell. The two men pleaded not guilty in Fort Smith on Monday to a three count indictment charging them with money laundering, conspiracy and abetting the harboring of illegal immigrants by providing them with employment. Documents further indicate the Reyeses' unlawful activity included identity theft, possession and use of counterfeit identity documents, and employment eligibility verification fraud. Federal officials say the Reyes brothers intentionally hired illegal immigrants to increase profit margins at the business and to fund lavish lifestyles. The two men remain in jail pending trial.
The Reyes brothers were arrested in a Dec. 11 raid by immigration task force members on several Acambaro restaurants and a food service company, Garcia Food Distributors. Silvia Reyes, 36, and Lucila Huaracha, 33, who live in Rogers, also face charges but they have not been arraigned and have no trial date. Both women are free on bond. The next round of federal indictments is set for Feb. 5 in Fayetteville. All four are in the country illegally, according to federal officials. Nineteen other people suspected of being illegal immigrants were arrested during the raids but their identities were not released. In addition to criminal charges, there's also a forfeiture action aimed at taking 11 properties worth more than $3 million, according to federal officials.
Is there someone who can cover this trial? photos? video? The article doesn't say where the courthouses are and the media only tends to give small leftist updates about it. Anybody have any pictures of the Acambaro houses or any more pictures of them? Here's the photo of the crime family from The Morning News: