Thursday, January 31, 2008

News Updates 01/31/08

Who Hijacked the Primaries?
by (more by this author)
Posted 01/31/2008 ET

With John McCain’s all-too-easy road to the nomination paved through Florida and now nearly complete one thing is clear: The Republican Party has been hijacked. Over the past month a new Axis of Evil has emerged -- not one based in Damascus, Tehran or Pyongyang -- but instead in Cedar Rapids, Charleston, South Carolina, Derry, New Hampshire and Boca Raton, Florida. It is the liberal and “independent” voters in these 4 states that have nearly completed a deed that makes Kim Jong Il envious -- the near crippling of the American Electoral System. These four states have combined their native liberal populism with an imported liberal electorate and have forced the GOP to accept a nominee so distasteful that in more than one poll -- the numbers of voters choosing not to vote and those choosing to vote third party actually exceed those who will hold their nose and vote for Maverick, War Hero, Amnesty Supporter, John McCain.I can hear you saying, “surely you aren’t saying that South Carolina has gone liberal -- are you?” Are you kidding me? Drive through the Carolinas and count the number of license plates from NJ, NY and Pennsylvania. There is not much Dixie in the Carolinas; it’s more like Trenton and Long Island with fireworks. “But”, you protest, “New Hampshire, is Live Free or Die, it’s been a backbone of conservatism since the 1950’s.” No longer my friends -- NH has become an exurb of Boston, with Boston’s sensibilities and, ugh, their voting tastes. NH hasn’t been reliably conservative since Reagan’s first term. These voters would rather be loved by the Boston Globe, than respected by the Union Leader.But the evidence continues, you say, “Iowa, that’s America, with small town values and homespun sensibilities.” Wrong again -- Iowa is just a state brimming with farmers on the federal dole, college students and ex hippie professors looking to con, libs in training at Grinnell. And Florida? As my bubbies would say in Bay Ridge -- puhleeeez. It’s the 6th borough and has been since the mid 1960’s. Liberals have been sliding down the I-95 corridor since Kennedy was elected.Sadly these 4 states have done more than set the tone for the other 46 -- they’ve dictated terms. Frankly I could extend the analogy to include Nevada, which is down to about 13% native -- but why beat a dead horse.

More here:

Remember the Arkansas Times Article titled "We're coming here to pick the country up"? Here's the link:

The article featured a man named Eduardo Martinez who claimed was a legal immigrant in support of illegal immigration. It turns out Eduardo illegally entered the US from Mexico in 1986. Eduardo was legalized during the amnesty program and became legal in 1988. Of course the AR Times will now claim that Eduardo is a reason why we should have another amnesty. Maybe if the AR Times bothered to interview business owners who are suffering because of illegal immigration instead of looking for someone who supports their agenda, they would get the truth instead of a liar!

Another great article about the Presidential Debates:
Federal Judge Sets Trial Date For Two Acambaro Defendants

FAYETTEVILLE -- A federal judge Thursday set a trial date for two men accused of knowingly harboring illegal immigrants. U.S. District Judge Jimm Hendren set March 10 as the trial date for Arturo Reyes Jr., 35, of Rogers and his brother, Armando Reyes, 33, of Lowell. The two men pleaded not guilty in Fort Smith on Monday to a three count indictment charging them with money laundering, conspiracy and abetting the harboring of illegal immigrants by providing them with employment. Documents further indicate the Reyeses' unlawful activity included identity theft, possession and use of counterfeit identity documents, and employment eligibility verification fraud. Federal officials say the Reyes brothers intentionally hired illegal immigrants to increase profit margins at the business and to fund lavish lifestyles. The two men remain in jail pending trial.

The Reyes brothers were arrested in a Dec. 11 raid by immigration task force members on several Acambaro restaurants and a food service company, Garcia Food Distributors. Silvia Reyes, 36, and Lucila Huaracha, 33, who live in Rogers, also face charges but they have not been arraigned and have no trial date. Both women are free on bond. The next round of federal indictments is set for Feb. 5 in Fayetteville. All four are in the country illegally, according to federal officials. Nineteen other people suspected of being illegal immigrants were arrested during the raids but their identities were not released. In addition to criminal charges, there's also a forfeiture action aimed at taking 11 properties worth more than $3 million, according to federal officials.

Is there someone who can cover this trial? photos? video? The article doesn't say where the courthouses are and the media only tends to give small leftist updates about it. Anybody have any pictures of the Acambaro houses or any more pictures of them? Here's the photo of the crime family from The Morning News:

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Presidential Election Update!

Some great analysis of the Florida Primary results here:
Here is a disturbing video about the current front runner in the Republican Party. It was sent by

Here's a link to the Republican Debate that happened earlier today;page=1

This alert came from FAIR sent today!-
Congress Poised to Give Tax Rebates to Illegal AliensCall Your Senators Now! The economic stimulus package traveling through Congress right now does nothing to stop the IRS from issuing rebate checks to illegal aliens. Please call your Senators now and urge them to take action! Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed H.R.5140, the economic stimulus package, by a vote of 385-35. As many of you have already learned from news outlets, the economic package includes tax rebates of $600 for individual taxpayers and $1,200 for couples. However, this package—thrown together within days—allows the IRS to send tax rebate checks to illegal aliens!

The issue stems from defining who is eligible for a tax rebate. In drafting H.R.5140, Congress left gaping loopholes. Section 101 excludes "nonresident aliens" from being eligible, but this is essentially meaningless as the IRS does not determine whether an individual is a "nonresident alien" based on his or her immigration status. Moreover, it does not address the eligibility of illegal aliens who send in tax returns using stolen or false social security numbers. At a minimum, the IRS should be required to screen the numbers (whether individual taxpayer identification numbers (ITINs) or social security numbers (SSNs)) used to issue the checks to ensure they match the name of the taxpayer in question. If a name and number do not match, the IRS should be prohibited from issuing a tax rebate check. Senator John Ensign (R-NV) has filed an amendment to affect this change, but we do not know whether he will even be allowed to offer it.

H.R.5140 is now in the Senate and will go through the Senate Finance Committee this afternoon. From there, Senate staffers indicate it will go quickly to the floor. PLEASE TAKE ACTION NOW! We urge all FAIR members, activists and friends to call their Senators now and urge them to fix the loopholes in H.R. 5140 that allow illegal aliens to get tax rebate checks. After calling your own Senators, please call the Senators who sit on the Finance Committee and urge them to take action too.

To find the phone numbers for your Senators, click here.
For the membership of the Senate Finance Committee, click here.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Events for Conservatives in Arkansas update 012808

Tuesday January 20th 7:00pm- The Florida Republican Primary Election results will be coming in. The TV pollsters will do everything in their power to slant the election to the left for their agenda or for ratings. The best source of information about the election is here.

Tuesday February 5th all day- Super Tuesday! Several states will have elections, including Arkansas! In addition to voting, this will be a great opportunity to hand out information about illegal immigration.

Saturday February 9th 4pm- KeepArkansasLegal will have a meeting at the Coffee Beanery, 17200 Chenal Parkway, Little Rock , AR. We will discuss past events as well as how to deal with illegal immigration in Arkansas . The Coffee Beanery does not have a meeting room but does have good food and internet access.

Sunday February 10th 5:30-9:00pm-Worldview Weekend will have a Code Blue Rally, a conservative event: Little Rock's First Baptist Church 62 Pleasant Valley Drive, Little Rock, Arkansas 72212

Saturday, January 26, 2008

They’re coming here to pick the country apart!

The Arkansas Times, recently ran an article by Doug Smith titled “We’re coming here to pick the country up”. The article is part of an effort by the Arkansas Times to portray illegal immigration as a positive influence on Arkansas and the United States of America . Although the article gives some space for immigration reform Mayor Steve Womack, most of the article is the same rhetoric we have heard from the pro-amnesty crowd for the past several years. Here are some statements from Doug Smith’s article along with some analysis. Here's a link to the story:

“The Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation provides a statistical picture of immigrants in Arkansas ”
This is in reference to the study done by the Foundation during the amnesty-lite debate. A lot of the demographic information is useful and was used by the immigration studies done by Rick Green last year. On the other hand, the part of the study that deals with costs and benefits is an absolute lie used to display illegal aliens as a positive on the Arkansas Economy. Doug’s article has some “facts” from the study which includes a claim that immigrants give a surplus of $19 million or $158.00 per immigrant. The reader is just supposed to assume that illegals in AR a plus for the economy and not get angry about reports of illegals getting other benefits. The day the study came out, conservative websites like this one showed that the whole study mixed legal immigrants with illegal aliens to make illegals look better. This is like a doctor asking for a health report on Britney Spears and getting a 1,000 page report on her hair. The taxpayers need to know how much those crossing the border are costing them, but the W.R. Foundation, which funded the amnesty marches in 2006, doesn’t want them to know. Neither does the AR Times.

“Tyson is one of the founders of a new group formed to block anti-immigrant legistlation.”
The name of the group is the Arkansas Friendship Coalition, which includes the Anti Christian Lawyers Union (ACLU). Tyson Foods is going on trial in March 2008 for cheating American workers and hiring illegals. It seems their “friendship” does not include US workers. Even though Tyson Foods apparently “needed” illegals, it was still able to pay the CEO John Tyson $1.17 million in 2006. Do you think the AR Times would have mentioned this if Tyson Foods were a tobacco company?

“When Anglos see a guy working on the roof, they change their minds”
When many Whites, Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics saw illegals working on TV they called Congress and demanded no amnesty!

“We’re coming to pick the country up, not destroy it”
Like Mexico ? Like L.A? Our successful capitalist system is being destroyed by the Third World Exploitation System. The illegals should be picking up their countries, not picking up greedy anti-American Corporations like Tyson Foods.

“The AR Friendship Coalition maintains that immigration is a federal issue and that state and local money should not be wasted to fix a problem of the federal government”
By “state and local money” should that include welfare, WIC, HUD, food stamps, education, and other state funded programs? What about the cost citizens pay when they are involved in an accident with an illegal? Does that include the $50,000 from the Little Rock Economic Development Fund that went towards the Mexican Consulate instead of the Pulaski County Prison that is falling apart? Those who are pro illegal immigration want anyone who can cross our border to get state benefits and not have to worry about state laws. You can be sure that the Arkansas Friendship Coalition will oppose laws that require proof of citizenship for welfare and laws that allow the State Police to enforce immigration law.

“We never racially profiled and we won’t That’s a lot of crap”
Steve Womack did an excellent job in pointing out that the 287G Program allows police to enforce immigration law on those already committing a crime. He has a passion about this issue I wish I had seen in Presidential Candidates Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter.

“In Europe , they’re tearing down the walls, while some Americans want to build new walls or strengthen old ones. We want to build bridges instead of fences, he said.”
This is from the Mexican Consular officer in Little Rock Andres Chao. In Europe , islamo-facist mobs are causing riots and murdering movie directors. Honor killings, Al Queda Cells, and increases in crime are happening in European countries that have failed to deal with illegal immigration.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Events for Conservatives in Arkansas

Saturday Jan 19th
The Nevada and South Carolina Primaries are happening Saturday 6pm. There's a watch party at Ole World Pizza in Little Rock. This party is by the Ron Paul Campaign. I can't seem to find any other watch parties going on.

Here are the details:
When Saturday, January 19, 2008 at 6:00 PM
Where OW (Old World) Pizza
1706 W 3rd St
Little Rock , AR 72201 (501) 374-5504

Jan 20th
I almost forgot about the Annual March for Life. It will be on Jan 20th near the Statehouse Convention Center. Here’s the link:

Tuesday February 5th
"SuperTuesday" This is the date of the Arkansas primary elections for President of the United States. This will be great time to inform people about illegal immigration. It’s a good idea to request off from work now so that you can have Feb 5th off.

February 10th
There is an event going on called the Worldview Weekend CodeBlue Rally in Little Rock on Sunday, February 10, 2008. It will be at Little Rock’s First Baptist Church on Pleasant Vally Drive. 5:30PM - 9:00 PM. WorldNetDaily is a conservative organization that helps evangelicals become involved in politics. WorldNetDaily was one of the first organizations to post about how former Governor Huckabee handled illegal immigration in Arkansas. You have to go to this website to register for tickets:

Friday, January 11, 2008

The media's lying again; go somewhere else

For decades now we have seen the Television Media manipulate the American People with agenda setting stories, half truths, rigged polls, extra time/praise for politicians they like, less time/ criticism for politicians they don’t like, ignoring stories against their agenda and so forth. From ABC,CBS,NBC, and now CNN, we have had complaining about Reagan, to the Tailwind scandal, to giving Bill Clinton a pass on China/Travel/Waco/Elian Gonzales/Prisoner Blood/Pardon/ etc. gate, to ignoring the growth of terrorism, to the National Guard Memos, and a whole host of other lies to the American Public. Now we are to be informed about the primary elections for 2008.

The primary elections in Iowa and New Hampshire indicate a total lack of informing the public by the media about voting records. An overwhealming number of Christians oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants. The majority of conservative Christians vote against illegal immigration on ballot initiatives. Yet in Iowa , many of those same Christians voted for a candidate who wanted to reward illegals by giving their children scholarships. This candidate also struck a deal to have a company build a 1.2 million dollar Consulate which at least $60,000 of tax money was spent on while the county prisons in the state were falling apart! If you don’t know who I’m talking about, you need to go to and similar websites if you plan on voting. On the Democrat side, the candidate with the least experience won the most votes. The records of Democrats are basically the same, yet it appears that their primaries are based on emotion as well.

New Hampshire was a different story. This state allows independents to vote and even allows someone who claims they will live in the state to vote! Perhaps someone could see if you can claim residence in Spanish. John McCain won the majority of votes in The Granite State winning most of the delegates. The same McCain who was part of the amnesty bill, campaign finance reform, the gang of 14, and several other anti-conservative actions pulled ahead by having a few ads and supporting the surge in that country that the media won’t mention. Meanwhile, the media orchestrated a “comeback” for Hillary Clinton complete with polls showing here behind in double digits, planted chauvinist hecklers, and praise for the convenient teary-eyed emotional moment. The reality is that it was a disaster that Hillary didn’t win by double digits in a northeastern state.

Let’s not forget about the state that best represents the Republicans in the primaries so far, Wyoming . Even though it had more delegates than New Hampshire , Wyoming probably didn’t receive 1/10th the media coverage of the more leftist states. The Republican candidate who has the most delegates and the most money right now won that state, but apparently the pundits didn’t notice Wyoming as they are claiming that guy will drop out.

You can add Wyoming to the “News we won’t report pile” which includes good news from Iraq, good news about the economy, the 25 American deaths a day caused by illegal immigrants, Christian persecution, and just about anything else the left doesn’t like. The people most responsible for the "News we don't report pile" are the editors in the east coast offices of the news agencies along with their parent companies. General Electric,which has been criticized for doing business with terrorist sponsoring nations owns NBC, while Disney owns ABC, CBS Corp. is a complicated merger. Turner Broadcasting owns CNN. If your not looking at voting records and going to websites like, your giving your vote to a handful of lying, corrupt propagandist. Then there’s FoxNews, which has decided to propel the RINOs in the election for the sake of ratings. A “focus group” done after the S Carolina debates acknowledged that Thompson won but was then cohearsed by pollster Frank Luntz into claiming that winning the debate for the fourth state in the primary process was ‘too late”. None of the focus groups seem to care about voting records.

Unlike the media, we do have some good news. The alphabet media, along with CNN have been doing badly in the ratings. The less liberal but not conservative Fox News has been doing well in increasing viewers, but has taken some criticism from bloggers for rewarding candidates that look better on the TV instead of reporting voting records. Hopefully, the American voters will look past the PR stunts, the slick ads, the cohearsed focus groups, and other unimportant events and vote what the candidates. To get a record on gun rights, go to, for a record on prolife issues, visit, and for a record on stopping illegal immigration,visit Please don't vote on behave of the lying media!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Great Debate & Arkansas Government neglects Prisons

A great Republican Debate in South Carolina! Browse through the many comments here:

Report: $5.7 Million Needed to Fix Pulaski County Jail

The hope to fix the old Pulaski County jail this month is fading fast. An engineering report released Monday and obtained by FOX16 News shows the cost to repair the old jail is five times more than county leaders originally thought. In response to the report, one quorum court member feels taxpayers will be better off if the old jail is torn down given the latest cost estimates. Allen Kerr, District 3Justice of the Peace, says it is time to look for other solutions. The Garver Engineering report reveals conditions unfit for holding inmates and millions of dollars needed to fix it. Photos taken from the report of the old Pulaski County jail taken show numerous problems with leaky roofs, extensive mold and asbestos, even roach infestation. "The information we got today is quite shocking,” Kerr says. “It's about five times what we thought it was to start with." The Garver study suggests $5,751,920 is needed to fix the old jail and house inmates again. Kerr doesn't see that happening and says the jail should not have been allowed to decline to its present state.

“Pure and simple it's just neglect,” Kerr says. “The county has let this building go for such a long time." Last October, Sheriff Doc Holladay and Treasurer Debra Buckner started the First Step Program soliciting public donations to raise a little more than $100,000, the amount believed enough to get the jail ready to accept prisoners again. Checking the treasurer website on Monday, $18,863 toward the goal had been raised. Kerr says that’s no reason to stop contributing. "Nothing is a waste,” Kerr says. It just means our challenge is much bigger than what we thought it was." Kerr still supports a temporary steel building to get more inmates in sooner but says with the release of this report, he's open to anything.

"I had prepared myself in the back of my mind for maybe $3 million dollars, but I never thought they would come up with almost $6 million dollars," Kerr says. "It's another setback, it's a financial setback, but we're going to figure out a way to get around it." Buckner says no matter how much the repair cost estimate is, all the money donated to the First Step program will still go to fixing the jail or to help build a new facility.

The anti-American Arkansas Times just posted a story about how the Pulaski Government $880,000 went toward the prison system. OOPS! that went toward putting up lights on The Big Dam Bridge (a walkway that does virtually nothing for Arkansas)! We could use $50,000 from the Little Rock Economic Development Fund, but that went toward the Mexican Consulate thanks to the Little Rock government. We could use $10,000 from the Governor's Emergency Fund, but that went toward the Mexican Consulate thanks to Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee.

Speaking of Huckabee, maybe he could negotiate Bruce Barrow to repair the jail or build a new one? Instead, Mike had Bruce Barrow build a $1,2000,000 Consulate for Mexico. We could request $27,000,000 from the Federal Government to build several new prisons, pay corrections officers, and train our police on 287G to enforce immigration law, but we decided to look for the ivory billed woodpecker instead.

While most of the screwups I mentioned are acts of stupidity of the current government of Arkansas, the years of neglect of the Pulaski County Prison can also be credited to a Presidential Candidate who was Governor of the State for several years. Here's what should have been done to the Pulaski County Prison but instead was done for Mexico:

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

New Hampshire Results and Battle in Alabama

Better link to the New Hampshire Primary Election Thread. It appears McCain and Clinton have won the state with less delegates and more liberal than Wyoming:

Primary Schedule:
January 3—Iowa Caucus
January 5—Republican Wyoming caucus (ignored by leftist media)
January 8—New Hampshire Primary
January 15—Michigan Primary (allowed on appeal[2])
January 19—Nevada Caucus / Republican South Carolina Primary
January 26—Democratic South Carolina Primary
January 29—Florida Primary
February 2-Maine caucus
February 5;Super Tuesday: Primaries/caucuses for both parties in 19 states, including Arkansas!
The South has an immigration battle looming! This is from another one of those states that would have been ignored by the media had it done it's primary early.
Public speaks out at immigration hearing Jan 5th

Panel’s goal is to make recommendations for new legislative session
The Associated Press HUNTSVILLE, AL (leftist sympathy for illegals alert)

More than 270 people packed a lively public hearing on illegal immigration that was interrupted when some crowd members taunted a Hispanic speaker.At one point a police officer briefly stopped the meeting Thursday night to calm the audience. It was the second public hearing of the Joint Interim Patriotic Immigration Commission, a 21-member panel created last year by the Legislature after lawmakers were unable to pass bills dealing with illegal immigration.The commission’s goal is to make policy recommendations on illegal immigration for the 2008 legislative session. It plans to submit a report to the Legislature three legislative days after the session begins Feb. 5. The commission also plans public hearings Jan. 10 in Hoover and Jan. 17 in Mobile.At Thursday’s meeting, speakers complained about the cost of illegal immigration to taxpayers for health care and social services, along with the cost or danger to motorists struck by illegal immigrants who don’t have drivers licenses and insurance. Several speakers suggested laws that would prevent illegal immigrants from getting public assistance, health care and education. But when it came time for Hispanic speakers to give the other side, some in the audience shouted taunts and did not want to listen. Rosa Toussaint Ortiz, raised in Puerto Rico but a Huntsville resident since 1985, suggested that instead of studying illegal immigration, the state should create a panel to probe domestic violence, or homelessness, or why so few blacks are involved in local politics.“Where are the African Americans?” she asked repeatedly, pointing at the largely white and middle-aged audience. At that point, a police officer had to walk into the center of the hall to stop the public hearing and calm the crowd. As she spoke, some in the audience booed and jeered and a few said, “It’s time to go.” But others demanded that Ortiz be heard.

When the audience quieted down enough for her to speak, Ortiz said, “Fear is driving much of the conversation over immigration.” Most speakers said the state needs to do more to curtail illegal immigration and to stop businesses from hiring undocumented workers.“Surely we still have it in us to recognize this country was bled for, and we came here legally,” said Don Duffey, a business owner who requires all employees speak English. Phil Goodale, chapter leader of the North Alabama Minutemen, linked illegal immigration to tuberculosis and drugs in public schools. “We need to end public assistance period for any undocumented people.” Ed Kiker, an Army veteran from Madison, argued that the current system depresses wages for all workers.“I really have to point my finger at the employers. If they were not employing illegals, there wouldn’t be any,” Kiker said. Two hours into the public hearing, Jose Guerrero of Athens became one of the few Hispanic speaker to approach the microphone. He told the audience he felt like a goldfish in a bowl of piranha.Guerrero, who was born in the U.S., praised the United States and asked of the panel only one thing: “Tell the governor there are Hispanic citizens out there, too.”

Monday, January 07, 2008

Events for conservatives in Arkansas

New Hampshire will have it’s Primary Elections Tuesday 0108; You can go to and click New Hampshire Live Thread under Latest Articles to see updates about the event. If anyone knows about a watch party happening in Arkansas, let me know!
Saturday 01/12/08 and Sunday 01/13/08: There will be a gun show at the Little Rock Clear Channel MetroPlex off Colonel Glen starting at 9:00am. This is the perfect place to hand out information about immigration and the presidential candidates. I can be there around 10am:
Our flyer is below

immigration flyer page 1
Clear Channel Metroplex 10800
Col Glenn Rd Little Rock , AR 72204

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Report: Bus Driver On Phone, Used Illegal Drugs Before Fatal Crash (& Wyoming Results)

The results of the Wyoming Primaries are here.;
By Jon Gambrell
The Associated Press

LITTLE ROCK — The driver who crashed a passenger bus and killed four people had a cellular phone to his ear and illegal drugs in his possession when he lost control of the vehicle, according to a state police investigative report. Felix Badillo Tapia, 28, told troopers in a written statement he got something caught in his throat after taking a sip of soda and “just saw a black dot” before waking up on the floor after the crash along Interstate 40 near Forrest City in east Arkansas. But the police report shows other passengers on the Tornado Bus Co. trip from Chicago to Dallas say Tapia spoke constantly on the phone and did not have a required relief driver with him. Tapia faces four negligent homicide charges from the November crash. If convicted, Tapia could face up to 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine for each count. On Nov. 25, the Tornado bus crossed the interstate median, colliding with a pickup and a tractor-trailer. Three people on the bus, as well as the driver of the pickup, were killed. More than 20 others suffered injuries.

The report lists finding a drug called “Iprazil” in Tapia’s possession. Agents with the Drug Enforcement Agency could not immediately identify the drug Friday, but Prosecutor Fletcher Long said Tapia tested positive for amphetamines after the crash. State police spokesman Bill Sadler referred questions about the drug to the Arkansas Highway Police. “We found it in his (Tapia’s) possession when we were trying to find paperwork and all that stuff,” said Arkansas Highway Police Capt. Paul Claunch. “We listed it on the driver-vehicle inspection report based on what state police told us as being in possession of a controlled substance.” Aside from illegal drugs, the report lists a number of other problems highway police found with the bus. Investigators say someone falsified reports in the bus’ log book, listing incomplete mileage and hours, as well as a relief driver that wasn’t on board. During an interview with troopers, Tapia said he was supposed to pick up a relief driver in Earle when he stopped for gas, but no one was there.

A transcript of the interview says troopers showed Tapia his log book and asked about the relief driver. Troopers say Tapia put down the name of a friend “because he knew him.” When asked if the company told him to write down a fake name, Tapia acted like he did not know what the investigator was saying. At the beginning of the interview, investigators say lawyers representing Tornado and Tapia said the driver would need a translator because he didn’t speak English. When told it was illegal for a commercial bus driver not to speak and read English sufficiently, the report shows company officials and Tapia “immediately” said he could do both. Officers also reported finding no proof of insurance or registration in the bus after the crash. Investigators say Tapia told them he had worked for Tornado for about seven years, though he was previously fired then rehired. Texas police records show he received a series of traffic citations in the past six years, including speeding tickets and driving a commercial vehicle with defective brakes. Prosecutors say Tapia remains free after posting $50,000 bond Thursday. A number registered to Tapia in Brownsville, Texas, went unanswered Friday afternoon. His attorney, Tonya Alexander, could not be reached. Tornado Bus, based in Dallas, caters primarily to Hispanic passengers, advertising its routes to Mexico. Last month, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration ordered the bus company to cease operations because it is an “imminent hazard to public safety.” The carrier has been the target of four reviews since 2001.

I missed this story when it happened. The police report just posted today. Here's the website for this illegal immigrant transport company. Let's review a few amazing facts about this tragedy.

1. This company was order to cease operation over a month ago. Why is this company still in operation with no arrest other than Tapia?
2. How does a bus driver with a drug habit post $50,000 in bond and why was bond even allowed for a guy who could easily go to Mexico?
3. What is the legal status of Tapia, the passengers?
4. Has immigration ever raided this company?
5. How many other busing companies go to Mexico?
6. Tapia pretended not to speak English during the investigation Did he think he would be let go had he only been caught for speeding? Is that standard policy?
7. The leftist that run the TV media is ignoring issues such as immigration in order to allow RINOs to win the Republican Nomination (except for FoxNews which is allowing RINOS to win the Rep. Nomination for ratings). Will the deaths of four people by a company that appears to support illegal immigration bring this issue up? Or will the media ignore this issue like the Wyoming Primary Election that occured Saturday Jan 5th?

Some video footage and an image of the story here:

Friday, January 04, 2008

Iowa results:

Mike Huckabee 39,814 34.3%

Mitt Romney 29,405 25.3%

Fred Thompson 15,521 13.4%

John McCain 15,248 13.1%

Ron Paul 11,598 10.0%

Rudy Giuliani 4,013 3.5%

Duncan Hunter 515 0.4%

Tom Tancredo 5 0.0%

96% reporting Updated 2:16 AM ET

Huckabee did even better than expected. While Huckabee ran a very skilled campaign in Iowa, part of the reason for Huckabee's success in Iowa is the fact that illegal immigration has not had a major impact on the state (not yet). Romney, who has a lot better immigration record lost but has the resources to stay in the race. Thompson came in 3rd despite the media's cowardly attack on Thompson by reporting a story and boosting McCamnesty. On Saturday Jan 5th, Wyoming will have it's primary for it's 14 delegates. Due to it's small delegate size and the fact that it is a conservative state, the media will boycott Wyoming and report on the debate for New Hampshire's 12 delegates next Tuesday. Arkansas has 34. You can go to this link at Wikipedia for the delegate info:

A great discussion about the thread is happening here:

NumbersUSA has updated it's rating system on the Presidential Candidates: