Thursday, May 17, 2007

Senate Amnesty and organizing Northwest Arkansas

The Morning News, along with TV station KHOG 40/29 recently held an immigration forum which was 30 minutes long and was invitation only. The people of NW Arkansas have elected leaders who are opposed to illegal immigration and want immigration reform. In light of the many events occuring regarding immigration, KeepArkansasLegal is looking to organize immigration reform activist in Northwest Arkansas. We will begin contacting people there about when/where to meet in the area and would like any input you can provide.

The US Senate recently made a backdoor deal with The White House concerning illegal immigration. The plan is similar to the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform " plans that failed to pass last Congressional Session. This watered down amnesty will be protrayed by the leftist media as a good thing for the US on both a national and local level.

An example of pro-illegal alien reporting include a recent special report by The Morning News titled Immigration: Perception v. Reality. As the title suggest, The Morning News mixed legal immigration with illegal immigrants which put illegals in a better light and made opponents of illegal immigration look xenophobic.

One of their facts claims that illegals don't obtain social services by stating, "Most social services require proof of citizenship to obtain, but children born in the country to illegal immigrants are citizens and qualify."

First of all, if this were true, nobody would have had a problem with the Arkansas bill that required proof of citizenship to obtain welfare (SB206). The study also complety ignores ID theft and welfare fraud. The Morning News didn't provide any financial estimates, so here are some of the FAIR estimates that didn't make the report:

-Congress in 2003 enacted an appropriation of $250 million per year (for 4 years) to help offset medical costs of illegal aliens. This amount has been allocated among the states based upon estimates of the illegal alien population and data on the apprehension of illegal aliens in each state. This amount compensates only a fraction of the medical outlays. For Arkansas, the proposed payment in fiscal year 2004 was $643,867.

-FAIR estimated based on 2004 data that educational expenditures for illegal immigration were costing the Arkansas taxpayer $89.5 million dollars annually. This cost was partially for educating students who were themselves illegally in the country ($37.3 million) and in part for the education of their siblings born in the United States to illegal residents ($52.2 million).

-In 2006 we estimated that Arkansas taxpayers are currently burdened with annual costs of about $117 million because of illegal aliens residing in the state. That estimate was based on only expenditures for education, emergency medical care and incarceration. We projected that those costs will rise unless we gain control over our borders and our worksites. If a new amnesty and increases in immigrants and guest workers were enacted, as proposed by business and ethnic advocacy groups, we project that the cost to the state’s taxpayers for those same programs would rise to $202 million per year in 2010 and to $356 million per year in 2020.

Another "fact" from The Morning News claims that, "Immigrants, illegal or otherwise, pay most taxes. Competing studies —one specific to Arkansas and others based on states with larger illegal immigrant populations —give conflicting conclusions on whether the taxes pay for the government services."

The evidence for this is based on studies done by The Urban Institute working with the Rockefeller Foundation, both leftist organizations. The Rockefeller Foundation concluded immigrants and their U.S.-born children contributed $19 million more to Arkansas’ state budget than their costs for services, including costs of education, health services and corrections.

However, the institute did not break down its findings based on legal status and assumed that no one else will perform the jobs illegals are doing. The study also forgot about how much the Federal Government was paying for illegals in Arkansas, the cost of narcotics due to illegal immigration, welfare and ID fraud, and the fact that most illegals are able to get tax rebates by claiming dependents.

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