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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Senate on Tuesday defeated a measure that would have eliminated a guest worker program from the bipartisan immigration legislation announced last week. The amendment, introduced by North Dakota Democratic Sen. Byron Dorgan, was rejected with a 64-31 vote. Many political experts, such as Rush Limbaugh believe that the Guest Worker Removal Amendment was known to have no chance of passing and was just for show. Even with the removal of a Guest Worker Program, S1348 would still put millions of illegals on the path to citizenship. Sen. Dorgan will be on the Lou Dobbs show tonight to talk about what this defeat could mean for American working men and women. Sen. Jeff Sessions will also be on the Lou Dobbs show.

Senate scraps Memorial Day deadline (CNN)
After saying they wanted to act on the bill before the Memorial Day holiday, Senate leaders set aside two weeks for debate, with a weeklong break for Memorial Day in between.
Some lawmakers complained they have not yet finished reading the bill, which was distributed over the weekend.
"Why are we in the midst of this rush to judgment, this rush to pass this bill?" asked Sen. David Vitter, R-Louisiana. "I believe there's a very simple political answer, and it is that if the American people fully understood what is buried in this bill, there would be a massive outcry against it."
Vitter complained that the legislation was coming to the floor without review by Senate committees or an analysis of its financial impact by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. And Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Alabama, said the bill "needs some time to be disinfected by the light of day."
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