I wasn't able to attend the Mexican Consulate meeting or the Thursday vote on HB1024 due to bad weather. It wasn't as bad as the picture above, but my underpowered car would be in a ditch going to North Little Rock. If I had a truck or lived closer to the Capitol, I could have made it. Here's an update about hb1024 from Rick Green:
I felt the committee meeting went very well and that the Senators want to pass this bill out of committee. Sen. Womack and Sen. Glover suggested that we add language to the bill that covers sub-contractors and pulls them in as part of the bill. The language will state that a potential contractor with the state no only has to provide certification of his employees but he has to also provide certification of the subcontractor employees and maintain a copy in his records. Senator Glover's comment was that he wanted to put more teeth and get the person who is flying in the face of the law. I commended the Senators and told them that if we could make this a better bill and not compromise our responsibility to the taxpayers I would support the effort. I pulled the bill down to draft the amendment and the Committee is next scheduled to meet next Tuesday at 10am. I have to get the amendment drafted, approved in the Senate on the floor on Monday, and engrossed in the bill before the committee meeting to run the bill at that time. If I am unable to accomplish this I will run it again next Thursday and the Chairman has informed me that he will put my bill before the committee for a vote.
Thank you for all of the help you have given me.
Rick Green
State Reprsentative
District 66
HB1024 is on the agenda for 02/06. Details below:
Senate Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs
Tuesday, February 06, 2007 10:00 AM OSC, State Capitol (2nd floor)
Sen. Steve Faris, Chair Sen. Gilbert Baker, Vice Chair Sen. Ed Wilkinson Sen. Shawn Womack
Sen. Randy Laverty Sen. Bobby Glover Sen. Bill Pritchard Sen. Jack Crumbly
HB1037 S. Dobbins SB59 Faris SB87 Faris SB121 Glover SB210 Faris SB214 Madison
SB225 Faris SB229 Faris SB230 Faris SB238 J. Jeffress SB55 Altes
HR1003 REQUESTING THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE CONGRESS TO SECURE OUR NATION S BORDERS AND TO DEVELOP A COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION POLICY (Guest Worker Program) was on the agenda for the House Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs. It was last on the list and Friday is usually a quick day so I don't know if it was actually voted on or not. The bill still has the parts that request a guest worker program. So far, there are no other immigration bills in the AR legistlative session.
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