Saturday, February 24, 2007

FAIR events for immigration reform in Arkansas and some pictures of the Mexican Consulate.

Joyce Mucci, the Southern Field Representative for the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is coming to Little Rock March 3rd -5th! Keeparkansaslegal has created some events for citizens who want to do something about illegal immigration can attend.

Saturday March 3rd at 12:00pm Julie's, 110 South Shackleford Rd Little Rock, AR 72211-5721 (501) 224-4501 (just off I630 and I430)

We will have a lunch/meeting at Julie’s where we will discuss legislation, the Mexican Consulate, banking, ballot initiatives, and other items concerning immigration
in Arkansas.

Monday March 5th at 2:30pm State Capitol (Exit 2B off I630)

We will also have a rally at the State Capitol Rotunda where we will send a message to the state about how we feel about illegal immigration. This has been changed from 12:00pm to 2:30pm because of another event at the State Capitol. We will invite members of the press to attend.

Found out more about the Mexican Consulate in Little Rock by driving by. It’s under construction by Baldwin & Shell Construction Company. Baldwin and Shell is a company based in Rogers, Arkansas. Their phone # is 479-845-1111. Here are some pictures. Several people, including myself are trying to get information about how this Consulate was set up in the first place. According to Mucci, Pulaski County should have records on the building itself. There’s also a way to get information by requesting a report from the Governor’s office.

By the way, in the photos you see that the Mexican Consulate is right next to the Bank of America! This bank recently decided to cater to illegal aliens. I took some photos of the bank as well.


Pulaski County almost raised taxes to build bigger prisons, but we built a Mexican Consulate instead!

Close up of the sign. Rogers Arkansas is going through it’s own illegal immigration battle after a cop was injured while raiding an illegal alien methlab

Bank of illegals in America and the Mexican Consulate together. Illegal alien methlabs to follow.

The banner says Costo de mandar dinero a Mexico 0$, in English it’s Cost of sending money to Mexico 0$

Image of the bank and their "come all illegals" banner

By the way, all of these workers are English speaking Americans building the Mexican Consulates illegals won’t build.

If anyone is interested in attending the FAIR events in Arkansas, please email me at

Monday, February 19, 2007

FAIR Meeting in Arkansas!

Hello Everyone. I have worked out a possible schedule of events for Joyce Mucci the FAIR representative.

Saturday March 3rd, at 12pm- Meeting/Lunch at Julie's. In order to reserve a room, we need at least 15 people who will be able to attend. Please contact me ASAP if you can attend this event.

Julie's, 110 S Shackleford Rd Little Rock, AR 72211-5721 (501) 224-4501 (just off I630)

Monday March 5th at 12pm- Press Conference/Rally at the State Capitol Rotunda. I still have to call the State Capitol to confirm availability, but it shouldn't be a problem. I would like to know how many people could attend in case they ask.

I will also work on setting up interviews with media outlets. Let me know if there are any community meetings or other events that we could send Mucci to.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Iraqi War Vet stabbed by Illegal Alien!

Jason Okon is a three-year Army veteran who recently returned from Iraq, where he was awarded a Bronze Star for valor. He planned to get a full-time job when he returned, and eventually attend Arizona State University. When he couldn't find work, he and his wife decided to move to Wisconsin.

Okon's wife, Elizabeth, said her husband was doing some yard work the day before they were scheduled to move to Wisconsin. Elizabeth Okon said a man, later identified as 34-year-old Armando Martinez-Lozano, approached Okon with a knife and said something to him in Spanish. She said her husband told Martinez-Lozano to leave, and the other man stabbed Okon in the stomach and ran away.

KTAR reported that Martinez-Lozano lived within a block of the Okons' home, near 54th Avenue and Camelback Road. Elizabeth Okon called 911 and her husband was taken to Good Samaritan Hospital, where he remains in the intensive care unit. He is comatose and on a ventilator, but his wife said Okon is in stable condition. Martinez-Lozano was arrested by police and jailed on charges of aggravated assault against Okon and the three officers who arrested him.

more here:

Arkansas immigration updates and events

Hello everyone. Here are some updates about illegal immigration in Arkansas.

HB1024 passed the Arkansas Senate! The vote was 25-3 with 7 not voting. The bill will now go before the Committee on PUBLIC HEALTH, WELFARE AND LABOR COMMITTEE in the AR House. It is not on any agenda so far.

HR1003 still has guest worker language in it and shows up on agendas. It’s low on the list and hasn’t been debated on since it was pulled down by its sponsor Rep Medley. If we could pressure Medley to remove the guest worker language, HR1003 would be a good resolution.

Nothing new about the Mexican Consulate. We've already seen the damage 1 Consulate can do in watching the case involving the 2 border patrol agents arrested for shooting a drug dealer. It was a Mexican Consulate that urged the US government to pursue the agents. What damage will the Consulate in Little Rock do?

Joyce Mucci, the Southern Field Representative of the Federation of American Immigration Reform is interested in visiting Little Rock to help us deal with illegal immigration!

She will be able to visit for a few days so we will need to maximize her time here. She will need at least 10 people to show up for at least 1 event. She would prefer to come about 3 weeks from now to save on airfare, but that may change according to when the legislative session ends. Probably the best time for her to come would be Saturday-Monday. We could have a lunch/meeting, followed by a rally, then some lobbying (if the session is still going on). Let me know if you would be interested in attending a meeting with Mucci ASAP and when would be your best time so that we can plan on what events to have while she is here.

Friday, February 02, 2007

AR immigration updates


I wasn't able to attend the Mexican Consulate meeting or the Thursday vote on HB1024 due to bad weather. It wasn't as bad as the picture above, but my underpowered car would be in a ditch going to North Little Rock. If I had a truck or lived closer to the Capitol, I could have made it. Here's an update about hb1024 from Rick Green:
I felt the committee meeting went very well and that the Senators want to pass this bill out of committee. Sen. Womack and Sen. Glover suggested that we add language to the bill that covers sub-contractors and pulls them in as part of the bill. The language will state that a potential contractor with the state no only has to provide certification of his employees but he has to also provide certification of the subcontractor employees and maintain a copy in his records. Senator Glover's comment was that he wanted to put more teeth and get the person who is flying in the face of the law. I commended the Senators and told them that if we could make this a better bill and not compromise our responsibility to the taxpayers I would support the effort. I pulled the bill down to draft the amendment and the Committee is next scheduled to meet next Tuesday at 10am. I have to get the amendment drafted, approved in the Senate on the floor on Monday, and engrossed in the bill before the committee meeting to run the bill at that time. If I am unable to accomplish this I will run it again next Thursday and the Chairman has informed me that he will put my bill before the committee for a vote.

Thank you for all of the help you have given me.

Rick Green
State Reprsentative
District 66
HB1024 is on the agenda for 02/06. Details below:

Senate Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs
Tuesday, February 06, 2007 10:00 AM OSC, State Capitol (2nd floor)

Sen. Steve Faris, Chair Sen. Gilbert Baker, Vice Chair Sen. Ed Wilkinson Sen. Shawn Womack
Sen. Randy Laverty Sen. Bobby Glover Sen. Bill Pritchard Sen. Jack Crumbly

HB1037 S. Dobbins SB59 Faris SB87 Faris SB121 Glover SB210 Faris SB214 Madison
SB225 Faris SB229 Faris SB230 Faris SB238 J. Jeffress SB55 Altes

HR1003 REQUESTING THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE CONGRESS TO SECURE OUR NATION S BORDERS AND TO DEVELOP A COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION POLICY (Guest Worker Program) was on the agenda for the House Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs. It was last on the list and Friday is usually a quick day so I don't know if it was actually voted on or not. The bill still has the parts that request a guest worker program. So far, there are no other immigration bills in the AR legistlative session.