Saturday, March 22, 2014

Liberty & the Constitution vs. Open Borders & Anarchy

On March 15, the UCA Young Americans for Liberty chapter's state convention was held in Conway, Arkansas. Many activist from across Arkansas and a few other states. Most of the speakers were very helpful in advancing liberty in addition to being very entertaining.
Then there was Sheldon Richman, who gave a presentation that talked about the mistakes made in foreign policy by the United States of America. Richman talked about the many mistakes the USA made in terms of foreign policy, which are many, but didn't bother to mention any good things America has done. Afterwards, I asked why those who support putting troops overseas also oppose securing the border. Richman never answered the question, stated that he didn't know much about the issue, and instead advocated for open borders. Videos of my encounter with Richman are here:


If it's a government program in Spanish, it's for illegal aliens. Here's a photo by Matt Drudge of a van advertising Obamacare in Florida.

I haven't seen any vans in Arkansas, but there is some print material that will supposedly be stopped by the recent amendment to funding for the private option.


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