Amnesty (aka Comprehensive Immigration Reform) is making a comeback. Just like the last amnesty attempt, this one is being sneaked through behind closed doors. We need committments from leaders that they will vote no on any immigration plan that gives an path to citizenship. Below is an email about the amnesty situation.
++ Obama Meeting to Push AmnestyYesterday, the White House said that immigration reform is unlikely to move forward this year. Then in the next breath, they announced a closed-door meeting with bi-partisan lawmakers this Thursday to discuss the issues!The on again, off again White House meeting is back on again, and I'm calling on members of the Grassfire and ResistNet team to unleash a firestorm of faxes and phone calls protesting what is most certainly a closed-door meeting to strategize the best way to move comprehensive immigration reform forward.
*** Check out the "Resist Net In Focus :Amnesty Is Coming" article to see how you can help. (Located in middle column of the ResistNet home page.)
++ Carbon Tax Fast-Tracked We have just learned that Pelosi and key Democrats have struck yet another back-room deal to force a floor vote massive cap- and -trade Carbon Tax to the House this Friday.Our reports indicate that many members of Congress, especially Democrats in agriculture and coal state, are still undecided.Check out the "ResistNet In Focus: The Carbon Tax" to see how you can help! (located in the middle column of the ResistNet home page.)Thanks so much for all of your help! Visit Patriotic Resistance at: http://www.resistnet.comHere's a video of how difficult it is to get a committment from a legislature about how they will vote on an obviously bad bill:
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