Thursday, May 07, 2009

Demand no Compromise for Illegal Aliens

In 1986, The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 was signed into law to end illegal immigration. Since then, there have been 7 more amnesties, several million more illegal immigrants in the U.S., no secure borders, and a worse immigration system. The pro-illegal immigration agenda will again attempt to push an amnesty disguised as “comprehensive immigration reform”. They will set the agenda that the only type of immigration reform that is possible is one that gives some path to citizenship for those illegally in the country. With the help of the media, they will ignore and malign the successes of attrition and enforcement laws such as HB1804 in Oklahoma and the efforts of Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Now is the time for Arkansas citizens to contact Lincoln, Pryor, and their Representative and demand a commitment that they will oppose any immigration reform bill that includes a path to citizenship for illegal aliens. It doesn’t matter how “bi-partisan” the bill is or how much the pro-illegal agenda will claim it doesn’t do enough, any path to citizenship for illegals will not solve illegal immigration. There will more drugs, more deaths by illegal alien crime, more disease outbreaks, and a greater threat for terrorist attacks.

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