Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Events update 020409

I've been emailed and have heard of several events that will be coming up. Here's a list of them below.

020509* The next meeting of the Pulaski County Republican Committee shall be Thursday, February 5, at the Riverdale Cinemas, 2600 Cantrell Road, in Little Rock, at 6:30.We shall have as our special guest, Senator Doyle Webb, Chairman of the Republican Party of Arkansas. We shall also be discussing possible fund-raisers. Please be in attendance, and bring your friends who would be interested in growing and participating in the Republican Party here, in Pulaski County.
020709* Saturday, Feb 07- The Campaign for Liberty will meet at Vino’s 12:00pm for an informal meeting

020709* Saturday, Feb 07-What: A Biblical Worldview Code Blue Rally for students and adults Purpose: To equip Christians to stand for truth in an "anything goes" culture Where: Little Rock, AR.Place: Little Rock's First Baptist Church62 Pleasant Valley DriveLittle Rock, Arkansas 72212When: Saturday, February 7, 2009 (5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.) Costs: No admission fee Speakers: David Barton, Dr. Bob Cornuke, Dr. Norm Geisler and Brannon Howse
Topics include: Understanding One-World Spirituality; Is God Judging America?; How Does God Judge A Nation?; Three Worldview Trends You Must Understand if You Want to Contend and Defend Your Faith; Political Correctness is Cultural Marxism; Eight Ways To Think Biblical on the Major Issues of Our Day; Why I don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist; How to Contend For The Faith in the 21st Century; Understanding the Reason For the Rise of Oprah's Pagan Spirituality and a Christian Response; The Search For Noah's Ark, the Ark of The Covenant and Mt. Sinai; Why Worldview Training Matters and Students Want it; The Rise of One-World Spirituality and more.
Seating is limited and filling fast. There is no admission fee, but you must register online at

021009* Feb 10th 7:30pm Ben Stein will speak at Harding University. You can register online or buy a ticket at the door. Admission is Free.

We are working on an effort to do door to door in the districts of some legislators to persuade them to support immigration reform. This will depend on events in the state legislator. A schedule will come out ASAP.

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