Thursday, September 25, 2008

SPRINGDALE : Aliens tops list of woes at forum

Posted on Friday, September 19, 2008

SPRINGDALE — The sextet of candidates vying for the mayor’s seat talked Thursday about the city’s problems — illegal immigration, the economy and the future — and how their leadership might be the solution. In the first forum for those seeking the city’s highest post, Alderman Jim Reed, Alderman Mike Overton, former Alderman Ray Dotson, political newcomer Nancy Deason Jenkins, businessman Doug Sprouse and former assistant police chief Ken Watson fielded questions submitted by residents. Hosted by the Washington County Republican Women, the panel also featured Fayetteville’s six mayoral candidates.

The Springdale contingent first discussed the rise of gangs, a development reported on many occasions by the Police Department. Seeing the problem as an outgrowth of the Hispanic community, the candidates said the city needs to work closely with 287 (g ), a program that trains local police authorities to enforce federal immigration laws. Reed said the department needs more officers in the program. (that's a good start!) Springdale has three officers enlisted in 287 (g ). Dotson said he has battled against gang graffiti at his office on East Emma Avenue. In response to the gang signs, he commissioned a mural along the west wall of his building (wouldn't going after illegal immigration be a better idea?). The candidates adamantly agreed the city, like the nation, does not have a handle on the illegal Hispanic population. A study issued last year said just more than 50 percent of the Arkansas Hispanic population is here illegally. Springdale has one of the state’s largest Hispanic populations. Overton urged caution, saying Springdale has no business trying to pass local laws to drive out illegal aliens (Yes it does, and we don't need a person like you in office!). “We have to be careful about enacting an ordinance that will put us in the Supreme Court,” Overton said. Sprouse agreed. (Mayor Barletta of Hazelton removed a large number of illegals despite losing in the courts!) “We have to be wise in how we approach this,” said Sprouse. Watson, a police officer for 20 years, said 287 (g ) is about the only tool the city has to reduce the illegal population. “With the exception of 287 (g ), the federal government won’t let us get involved,” said Watson. (the Hazelton Ordinance has proven otherwise)

The discussion then turned to the economy, and Springdale’s current place at the bottom of the local sales tax race. For the last two years, Springdale has experienced a decline in sales tax revenue while its neighbors to the north, Bentonville and Rogers, have seen a sharp increase. Jenkins said Springdale would benefit if a theme park or a water park located near Arvest Ballpark west of Interstate 540. As mayor, she would work to lure a bigname player like Disney World to come to Northwest Arkansas (won't work if some tourist are killed by illegals!) . Dotson wants to repeal Arkansas Code 26-52-521. Under the law, sales taxes are remitted to the city where goods are delivered, not purchased. Springdale, home to three major building supply stores, receives none of the sales taxes on construction materials delivered to other towns like Rogers and Fayetteville. Even in a time of stagnant sales taxes and uncertainty in the national economy, the candidates agreed Springdale must continue to invest in its police force and infrastructure. A big piece of the puzzle is the exit at Don Tyson Parkway, a $ 20 million project the city will probably have to pay for with local funds. “We have to continue to prepare for businesses that want to come to Springdale,” he said. (Tyson Foods makes millions off of illegal aliens, have them pay for it!)

A link to the Hazelton Ordinance story:

Based on the statements from this story, it looks like Jim Reed is the best guy to deal with the illegal alien problem in Springdale. If anybody has any more information about these candidates, please let us know.
A story about the Housing for Illegals Scandal you haven't heard about:

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