Thursday, June 19, 2008

Judicial activism and event tommorrow

Pro-illegal Judicial Activism in Oklahoma!

The elected representatives in Oklahoma passed a law to stem the tide of illegal aliens and, faster than you can say "judicial supremacy," a federal judge blocked its enforcement. The court suspended key sections of the law even before it was due to take effect on July 1. As the story suggest, even though a part of the immigration reform law has bee temporarily stopped, it has already forced out many illegal aliens from Oklahoma!

The name of the Judge is United States District Judge Robin Cauthron according to the case

Here is his contact information. While judges are not elected officials, I believe that those who oppose illegal immigration would like to say how they feel about Judge Cauthron's ruling:
U.S. Courthouse 200 N.W. Fourth St.
Oklahoma City, OK 73102 Rm 3301,
Courtroom 301, Third Floor Chambers
Telephone: 405-609-5200
Chambers Fax: 405-609-5213

Administrative Assistant Lyn 405-609-5200
Courtroom Deputy / Case Manager Linda 405-609-5202
Court Reporter Greg 405-620-1650

From the same link about the judge is another link of interest:

Sections 351 to 364 of title 28 of the United States Code provide a way for any person to complain about a federal judge who the person believes “has engaged in conduct prejudicial to the effective and expeditious administration of the business of the courts” or “is unable to discharge the duties of the office by reason of mental or physical disability.”
Complaints are filed with the circuit executive on a form that has been developed for that purpose. For a copy of the rules and the necessary forms go to


The only event I know for this weekend is the big Juneteenth Celebration Friday June 20th at the Rivermarket Tent in Little Rock. Gates open at 3pm and the event starts at 4pm. The event is sponsered by Power 92, a hip-hop station. Juneteenth is a celebration of the ending of slavery in the US.

1 comment:

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