Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Amnesty Proponents Launch Campaign to Shut Down Debate!

(Got this from FAIR earlier)

Having lost last year's epic legislative battle over the Bush-Kennedy amnesty bill, pro-amnesty forces are regrouping and launching an all-out campaign to censor the media and stop the debate over true immigration reform. This attack on the media should not come as a surprise. Having failed at every turn to win the immigration debate on the merits, pro-amnesty groups now have little choice but to try to shut it down. WE NEED YOUR HELP TO ENSURE THAT OUR VOICES ARE HEARD AND THAT FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS PRESERVED! As part of this campaign, La Raza and other amnesty proponents are specifically targeting corporate executives at CNN, MSNBC, and FOX and are asking them to ban representatives from pro-enforcement organizations such as FAIR and NumbersUSA from the airwaves.

This amounts to nothing more than an attempt to censor the media and control what points of view the American public can hear. To read more about these attacks on the media, see this Associated Press article. FAIR is urging all members, activists, and friends to take action immediately to counter this attack on the media!!!! Please contact the media executives listed below and tell them how important it is that both sides of the immigration debate are presented on the airwaves. Tell them organizations like FAIR and NumbersUSA represent millions of Americans who want our immigration laws enforced. Please use the email, fax, or phone numbers below to respectfully share your opinions. To send a fax, click here. To see a sample email, click here. This alert is of critical importance!!! Right now, media outlets continue to give voice to the millions of Americans who want true immigration reform. However, if media executives do not hear from you, the only voices they will hear are from amnesty proponents!!! Let them know that your opinion matters too!!!

CNNMr. Jim WaltonPresident CNN Worldwide1 CNN CenterAtlanta, GA 30303Fax
404-878-1727 jim.walton@turner.com

Mr. Jonathan KleinPresident CNN U.S.1 Time Warner Center 5th FloorNew York, NY 10019 jonathan.klein@cnn.com

Mr. Richard DavisExecutive Vice President of News Standards and Practices1 CNN CenterAtlanta, GA 30303Fax 404-827-5453l rick.davis@turner.com

Viewer Response Line/CommentsCall 212-275-7800 ask for Viewer Response Line
FOX NEWSMr. Roger AilesChairman and CEO1211 Avenue of the AmericasNew York, NY 10036 roger.ailes@foxnews.com

Mr. Bill ShineSenior Vice President Programming1211 Avenue of the AmericasNew York, NY 10036 bill.shine@foxnews.com

Mr. Brian LewisExecutive Vice President Corporate Communications1211 Avenue of the AmericasNew York, NY 10036Fax 212-819-0816 brian.lewis@foxnews.com

Public Feedbackmailto:FeedbackYourcomments@foxnews.com

MSNBCMr. Phil GriffinSenior Vice President of News30 Rockefeller Plaza 3rd FloorNew York, NY 10112Fax 212-664-2264 http://us.f583.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=phil.griffin@nbc.com
Update on the Acambaro Case

Another story about illegal immigration in Arkansas:

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