Saturday, July 14, 2007

Conservative Meeting

Earlier today, several conservatives met in SW Little Rock. We had some snacks and then introduced ourselves. We had people from all over Central Arkansas drop in. The main topic was illegal immigration. We of course talked about the victory over the Comprehensive Amnesty Bill. I feel that our actions during the amnesty debate had an effect on Mark Pryor on his last vote against cloture.

FAIR has been in contact with several people regarding illegal immigration. Yesterday, Tyson Foods announced that they had planned to have Arkansas to feed the poor starving illegals. The United Methodist Church and other organizations were to carry out this plan. I will give updates about this issue later on. I also talked about the organization of conservatives in the Arkansas Legistlature.

We discussed the events happening in Hazelton and Georgia, where illegals are leaving because of attrition and enforcement. Like the rest of America, we are watching events in Hazelton. Afterwards, we watched some good youtube footage of immigration reform activist. For those who haven't seen it, here is a link to the very popular press 1 for english video:

While this is not an election year or a legislative session. There are a lot of upcoming projects to work on. FAIR wants us to help organize the activist in NW Arkansas. We're also getting calls from DeQueen, AR from activist there. On August 20th and the 21st, a worldwide protest against the North American Union.

I want to say that we've done a lot. We helped pass immigration reform legistlation in the Arkansas Session and blocked several pro-illegal bills. We put the Senators from Arkansas on notice, and at least 1 of them is listening if even for a little bit. Even though we didn't get even coverage, we let the people of Arkansas know that there are people in their state fighting illegal immigration and that they can join us. What we need to do now is get people involved by showing them illegal immigration's effect in their backyard. Photos of Mexican Trucks, video footage of illegals applying for welfare and getting free food at a United Methodist Church. We also need to know about events like guns shows, fairs, city council meetings, neighborhood meetings, visits by Presidential Candidates, and other places where we can hand out material. Our group hopes to create the same results for Arkansas that have happened in Hazelton and Georgia, and we're on our way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The link to the video does not allow you to see the count of viewers of this video. You can also rate the video and post a comment if you choose using the link below.

These are the comments I email everyone in my address book.

Below are two excerpts, the first from a dialog with Kay Rivoli, the artist on the video link below and second, a quote from Teddy Roosevelt that appears on the video. Be assured that I have no connection with the performers other than my admiration and appreciation of their effort. I have sent this to everyone is my address book and have been told by several that they have done the same. This is a very positive statement of the views of millions of Americans.

If you don’t believe uncontrolled immigration is a problem, ask an American Indian.

Click this link and if nothing else, take note of the number of times it has been played.

I hope you will view this video and appreciate it as I have.

Except 1:

“I did not know just why your song impacted me so heavily until just now. I've have been discouraged to the point of despair over the erosion of our nation and our values. Your song restores my hope that the millions that are viewing your video will come to the attention of our bought and paid for congressmen. When they see the numbers they will recognize their tenure as representatives of corporate America is threatened. The people are speaking via your video and you should feel and are entitled to great pride in this accomplishment.

I will continue to promote your video toward accomplishing the above.”


Excerpt 2:

“We have room for but one flag, the American Flag… we have room for but one language and that is the English language… and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is loyalty to the American people”

Theodore Roosevelt, 1907

Jay Hocott, American