Thursday, June 14, 2007

Immigration Resolution Fails

Immigration Resolution Fails

Bentonville -- A resolution against contracting vendors that employ illegal immigrants failed at the Committee of 13 meeting Tuesday. "It's a nice statement, but I don't think it's going to do anything," said Justice of the Peace Bobby Hubbard. "It's just a nice little resolution, and it means nothing."The resolution followed a state law, Act 157, passed during the legislative session this year. The new law prohibits state agencies from contracting with businesses that employ illegal immigrants.

"Basically, it's a statement of our intent to comply with state regulations," said Benton County Attorney Robin Green. Earlier this month, Justice of the Peace Burton Schindler met with Green and Benton County Comptroller Richard McComas to create the resolution. Schindler presented his idea to force businesses that contracted with the county to sign an affidavit saying employees were legal residents about two months ago, but the new resolution required no signature and no special form. With about 8,000 venders doing business with the county, McComas worried the county wouldn't be able to enforce the ordinance or that it would require extra employees. (fine the companies that hire illegals and use the money to get extra employees) The resolution presented Tuesday created no additional workload for county offices, Schindler said.

"We're going to make a public example in protecting taxpayers' money," he said. Schindler said officials from the U.S. Boarder Patrol and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement supported resolutions against employing illegal immigrants. Illegal immigration could be controlled if employers didn't employ any illegal immigrants, Schindler said. If the county discovered any companies employing illegal workers, the county would stop doing business with that company, Schindler proposed. Justice of the Peace Kurt Moore said the resolution didn't go far enough. He wanted a resolution that was more than lip service, he said. Hubbard pointed out contractors may not know they employ illegal immigrants. "I'm asking and asking my subcontractors and they're saying 'Well, they have a driver's license,'" Hubbard said. (Mistakes cost the American taxpayer money, why not these subcontractors)

In other business, the committee passed adding the $5 fee to traffic citations, and approved changing the time of the Committee of 13 meetings to 6 p.m. with an added public comment time at the end of the meeting. The Quorum Court will consider both issues at 5 p.m. June 28.

How They Voted.

Justices of the peace voting against the resolution were Chris Glass, R-Northeastern Benton County, Craig Brown, R-Rogers, Frank Harrison, R-Rogers, David Hill, R-Bentonville, Kurt Moore, R-Southwestern Benton County, Bob Stephenson, R-Southwestern Benton County, Bobby Hubbard, R-Northwest Benton County , and Jim Wozniak, R-Bella Vista.

Justices of the peace voting in favor were Debbie Hobbs, R-Rogers, Frank Winscott, R-Southeastern Benton County, Tim Summers, R-Bentonville, Marge Wolf, R-Rogers, and Burton Schindler, R-Bella Vista.

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