I want to thank everyone for taking part in the defeat of the Senate illegal immigration bill. We have stopped the corrupt Mexican "government", crooked multi-millionare businesses, and all of their groups in America. We must now go on the offensive to remove illegal immigration from out state and America. Below is a statement from The Federation for American Immigration Reform, along with some other information.
June 28, 2007 http://www.fairus.org/site/PageServer?pagename=media_release6282007
Defeat of Cloture on Immigration Bill is a Defeat for Heavy-Handed Legislative Tactics and a Victory of Law Abiding Americans
Defeat of Cloture on Immigration Bill is a Defeat for Heavy-Handed Legislative Tactics and a Victory of Law Abiding Americans
FREEPER MEETING, July 14, from 3-5 pm in Little Rock. We will meet at Sharon’s house and will order in pizza (or whatever you want). Drinks and snacks will be furnished.
Just some of the things on our agenda: We will elect a leader, come up with ideas to defeat Blanche, and will have some handouts and havesuggestions for others. Of course, illegal immigration will be discussed. Please add to the above now or at the meeting.
Please try to come and bring somebody with you. We have got to do more than just mouth on FR if we want to see some changes in AR. No racist allowed. Please send me freep mail or email me at bobbiewarner@sbcglobal.net
There's an organization for state legislatures who are for immigration reform. Here is a link to the group of Arkansas legislatures. We would like to have more legislatures and candidates be a part of this group!
FREEPER MEETING, July 14, from 3-5 pm in Little Rock. We will meet at Sharon’s house and will order in pizza (or whatever you want). Drinks and snacks will be furnished.
Just some of the things on our agenda: We will elect a leader, come up with ideas to defeat Blanche, and will have some handouts and havesuggestions for others. Of course, illegal immigration will be discussed. Please add to the above now or at the meeting.
Please try to come and bring somebody with you. We have got to do more than just mouth on FR if we want to see some changes in AR. No racist allowed. Please send me freep mail or email me at bobbiewarner@sbcglobal.net
There's an organization for state legislatures who are for immigration reform. Here is a link to the group of Arkansas legislatures. We would like to have more legislatures and candidates be a part of this group!