For those who don't know, 17-year-old Allison Kunhardt and 16-year-old Tessa Tranchant were killed by 22-year-old Alfredo Ramos, an illegal alien drunk driver in Virginia. The story was the focus of an argument between Bill O'Reilly and Geraldo Rivera on The O'reilly Factor. A youtube copy is here:
Here is a link to a story along with some updates you may not here about on national news along with some facts about the case:
-Ramos was convicted in February on DUI charges from November 13, 2006
-The arresting officer commented in his report that Ramos "almost ran him down"
-Ramos paid a Florida company $200 dollars for a "Mexican ID", and he blew a .14 BAC - almost twice the legal limit.
-law-enforcement officials in Chesapeake never informed Immigration and Customs Enforcement about Ramos' residence status in the U.S. This contrasts with Virginia Beach, whose authorities notified ICE immediately after Ramos was arrested.
-Ramos admitted that he is in the country illegally, speaks no english, and was working at a Mexican restaurant in Virginia Beach.
-Ramos has been charged with two counts of aggravated involuntary manslaughter and is being held at the Virginia Beach City Jail with no bond.
-Ramos has been charged with two counts of aggravated involuntary manslaughter and is being held at the Virginia Beach City Jail with no bond.
A good video from a show on FoxNews about this story:
There are some definite immigration issues here, mostly at the Federal level. My problem is not with that or Va. Beach, however. It is with O'Relly - and O'Donnell and Trump - manipulating us, the general public, with a bunch of trumped-up (an inadvertant play on words) furor so they can boost the ratings on their shows. And at the expense of others like the Mayor of Va. Beach (and Miss America).
I'm a reporter in Northwest Arkansas working on a series of stories about immigration. I'd like to talk to the author of this blog, but I can't find an e-mail address anywhere. I'm hoping you could comment on a couple of immigration issues as they relate to Arkansas. You can e-mail me at ddailey@nwaonline.net.
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