Sunday, December 17, 2006

Christmas meeting and new anchor baby

I had a meeting at my church before the meeting at the Eagle Forum. When I got there, I heard Betsy Hagan talking about the superhighway, The North American Union of Mexico, Canada, and the United States, the likely return of HB1525(in-state tuition for illegals), pre-k, and gay adoption.
In talking about HB1525, Betsy mentioned that we defeated the bill with lobbying. It is our belief that the bill would have passed if not for the effort of conservative activist who blocked the bill. It is likely that a similar bill will be introduced in the more liberal 2007 session. Betsy mentioned a lobbying term called “bill in the pocket” where a legistlature holds the power to introduce a bill.
Betsy mentioned that the Pre-K law was passed because legistlatures were threatened by having buses taken from their district by Bill Clinton. Her point was that we need to develop relationships with lawmakers in order to get them to vote our way.

Thursday January 11th 9:30-11:30 State Capitol Cafeteria, Eagle Forum legistlature day! Eagle Forum will have a meeting with conseratives and state government officials. This is a great opportunity to meet with and lobby your representatives. We also need to apply presure in the form of phone calls. Donna Reed’s Homeschooler group will do phone calls among other things.

New Anchor Baby
There is a rumor that Ms. Elvira Arellano, the illegal alien hiding in a Chicago "church" is pregnant! There is also a rumor that Reverend "Slim" Coleman is the father! This website talks about the story:

Here is the pro illegal website that is supposed to be the original source. I have not been able to find the story on this site: . Lou Dobbs has also reported about this incident. Here is part of the Minuteman Statement about Arellano:

TAKE ACTION: Have you had enough? Since Elvira Arellano is calling upon allies locally and internationally, we are responding likewise. Some people are comparing this criminal to a civil rights activists; some even call her a modern day Rosa Parks -- that is offensive. This is not about civil rights -- it's about the rights of Americans who demand that criminals be punished.
We are appealing to people across the United States: take time to write a letter! We cannot allow the fugitive Elvira to stay here in the United States and create precedence for illegal aliens across America. The country you save may be your own!
We are asking that you write a letter to Michael Battle, Director of the Executive Office for United States Attorneys, the man who is the "boss" of U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald (the Special Counsel for Northern Illinois). You can make your letter short, but be sure to include two things:
1) Please ask U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald to investigate why ICE/Homeland Security in Illinois has not deported Elvira Arellano, and
2) Please ask, why hasn't Rev. Coleman of Adalberto United Methodist Church been arrested for aiding and abetting an illegal alien and a fugitive?
U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald already knows about these lawbreakers in Chicago. Let's give him another chance to enforce our immigration laws for the good of all Americans.
Sincerely,Chris SimcoxMinuteman Civil Defense Corps
PLEASE click below NOW to send a FREE message to Director Battle, asking him to direct Patrick Fitzgerald to enforce the law: Select to: ENFORCE THE LAW Now!!!
NOTE: You can also send a postal letter directly to Fitzgerald here: U.S. Attorney Patrick FitzgeraldSpecial Counsel Northern IllinoisWashington Office:Bond Federal Building1400 New York Avenue, NW, Ninth FloorWashington D. C. 20530
Be sure to send this Alert to EVERYONE you know who wants to help DEMAND that U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald enforce our immigration laws in Chicago! Thank you! For more information about Minuteman Civil Defense Corps activities go to:
Border Watch: Border Fence: Activities:

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Christmas meeting/party

Got this in my email:

I mailed you an invitation to the Arkansas Republican Assembly meeting. This is a copy of what it says. Sounds like an interesting meeting with Betsy Hagan there. I think she has been working with Phyllis Schlafly.

Thursday, December 14, 7:00 p.m.
Steve and Jan Kinzler’s Home
11 Glenleigh Drive
(Hwy 10 to Robinwood Drive - First right is Glenleigh Drive)
We will be hearing from Betsy Hagan concerning the upcoming
legislative session and ways we might impact it.
Doug Reed, President, 868-4742

The Arkansas Republican Assembly is a group dedicated to making the Republican Party Conseravtive again. Betsy Hagan is from the Eagle Forum, another conseravive organization. There is at least 1 bill (HB1024) that is of great interest to those wanting to stop illegal immigration.

ICE raid on illegals, wish they would raid Tyson Foods!,50

Immigration and Custom Enforcement agents raided six Swift & Co. plants this morning with civil search warrants, arresting illegal immigrants working at the plants.
Barbara Gonzalez, an ICE public affairs officer, said they don’t have any numbers on how many people will be taken out of any of the plants and probably won’t have that number until Wednesday. She said Swift is not facing any charges right now, but the investigation is continuing.
“At this point, a civil search warrant allows us to search the premises to find any illegal aliens. The strong point here is that a lot of U.S. citizens and U.S. residents have been victimized ... by a large scale identify theft scheme,” Gonzalez said.
Agents entered the beef plant through a west door of the beef plant carrying up to 100 handcuffs on a chain at about 7:30 a.m.
Gonzalez said other plants entered included beef plants in Grand Island, Neb., Cactus, Texas and Hyrum, Utah, and pork plants in Marshalltown, Iowa and Worthington, Minn.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

illegal immigration bill

I wasn't able to go to the Republican committee deal so I checked out the prefiled bills instead. I couldn't find any bills about hate crimes or in state tuition for illegals. I did find an immigration reform bill! It's written by Rick Green from NW Arkansas. This is great news and something that we can fight for in the upcoming session!

HB1024pdf file

State of Arkansas

86th General Assembly

Bill Regular Session, 2007


By: Representative R. Green House - Dec 5 2006 1:00:15 - Prefiled

For An Act To Be Entitled


1. Arkansas Code Title 19, Chapter 11, Subchapter 1 is amended to add an additional section to read as follows: 19-11-105. Illegal immigrants -— prohibition -— public contracts forservices. As used in this section: (1) "Basic pilot program" means the basic pilot employment verification program created in Pub. L. No. 104-208, as amended, and expanded in Pub. L. No. 108-156, as amended; (2) "Contractor" means a person having a public contract for services with a state agency; (3) "Illegal immigrants" means any person not a citizen of the United States who has: (A) Entered the United States in violation of the Federal Immigration and Naturalization Act or regulations issued the act; (B) Legally entered but without the right to be employed in the United States; or (C) Legally entered subject to a time limit but has remained illegally after expiration of the time limit; (4) "Public contract for services" means any type of agreement between a state agency and a contractor for the procurement of services; (5) "Services" means the furnishing of labor, time, or effort by a contractor or a subcontractor not involving the delivery of a specific end product other than reports that are merely incidental to the required performance; and (6) "State agency" means any department, commission, council, board, bureau, committee, institution of higher education, agency, or other governmental unit of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of state government. (b) No state agency may enter into or renew a public contract for services with a contractor who knows or should know that the contractor or a subcontractor employs or contracts with an illegal immigrant to perform work under the contract. (c) Before executing a public contract for services, each prospective contractor shall certify that the contractor, at the time of the certification: (1) Does not employ or contract with an illegal immigrant; and (2) Has participated or made substantial efforts toward participation in the basic pilot program in order to verify that it does not employ an illegal immigrant.


Representative Rick Green's contact information.

Business Phone : 479-471-9911 Fax : 501-421-0195 E-mail : District : 66 Seniority Number : 73 Occupation : Small Business Owner (TLS, Inc.) Church Affiliation : Baptist Public Service : Crawford County Circuit Clerk 1981-82, First term in House 2005, 2007


Friday, December 08, 2006

movies about illegals in the US

I've finally got around to posting some videos about illegal immigration. Youtube recently updated their format so you may have to download some stuff to watch the videos. Illegal protesters may not be for English first, but they do know many swear words so make sure little kids aren't around when you watch.

Illegal alien riot

Illegals voting

Cussing Illegal gets arrested

Black Guy speaks against illegal immigration

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Huckabee: Hispanics Offer U.S. 'Second Chance'

Reprinted from (Let the hispandering begin!)

Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2006 11:06 a.m. EST
Huckabee: Hispanics Offer U.S. 'Second Chance'
Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said Wednesday the nation is being given a chance to make up for past racism by the way it handles the influx of Hispanics.

Huckabee, a Republican who is considering a run for president in 2008, said Arkansas has made progress on racial justice and has a fresh opportunity to do the right thing in the way it welcomes the growing Hispanic population. "One of the great challenges facing us is that we do not commit the same mistakes with our growing Hispanic population that we did with African Americans 150 years ago and beyond. We're still paying the price for the pathetic manner in which this country handled that," (by people who wanted cheap labor!)Huckabee said at a meeting of the Political Animals Club in Little Rock. The club meets monthly to hear from political figures and experts.
"I think frankly the Lord is giving us a second chance to do better than we did before," Huckabee said.
Huckabee, who leaves office in January, spent about an hour talking about his 10 years in office. He offered no new insights on his future plans, still saying he will announce after he leaves office Jan. 9 whether he will run for president.
Huckabee said he is not posturing for the vice presidential nomination.
"If I make a decision at all, it won't be to run for the second position on the ticket. I've never seen a football team run out on the field and say we're Number Two," Huckabee said.
Huckabee afterward declined to elaborate on his comments on immigration. The governor in the past has opposed efforts to ban state services for illegal immigrants.

© 2006 Associated Press.

The first thing I thought of when I heard Huckabee say this was a similar comment made by another Presidential Candidate, Hillary Clinton. In march of 2006, Hillary made the comments that opposing illegal immigration is "un-Christian" and claimed that such enforcement would be the same as making the Good Samaritan and Jesus criminals. Of course in both examples, Biblical references were missing. I did some research and found some interesting verses on what the Bible says about issues surrounding illegal immigration such as taxes, citizenship, government corruption, helping the poor, and negligence.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Got this in my email. It doesn't mention the time so I called Clint Reed. The meeting will start at 10:00am. Everyone is invited but only committee members get to vote. I'm not sure what other issues will be discussed at the meeting:

For Immediate Release
December 5, 2006
Contact: Clint Reed (501) 472-4152
Little Rock (Tuesday, December 05, 2006) -- The Republican Party of Arkansas (RPA) State Committee meeting will be held on December 9 in Little Rock, Arkansas at the Statehouse Convention Center. Leadership positions for the next two years will be selected at this meeting.
State Senator Gilbert Baker (Conway) has served as Chairman of the RPA since December 2004.

On the future of the Republican Party of Arkansas, Baker stated, "Our party is at a crossroads and requires continuity and stability in leadership. We've done a lot of good things over the past two years, but we also realize there are extreme challenges to work through. "We have started the process of making necessary adjustments to make our party stronger and as vibrant as ever. I have been encouraged by members of the business community, party leaders, and other activists to run for another term as chairman. There is a sentiment that we need a measure of continuity and stability as we begin to rebuild," Baker concluded.

"Gilbert has provided steady leadership for our party," stated Governor Mike Huckabee. "Moving forward, it is imperative that we have some level of consistency and continuity within our leadership to ensure that we are vibrant for the 2008 election cycle.
"In talking with Gilbert, he does understand the needs we have as a party and the hurdles we face. I, also, believe Gilbert's fundraising abilities and ability to unite people will be critical to moving our party forward," Huckabee concluded.

"I look forward to continuing to work with Gilbert Baker as Chairman of the Republican Party of Arkansas," stated Congressman John Boozman. "He has provided a valuable service to our party over the last two years."Boozman continued, "As we move into an important election cycle in 2008, Gilbert understands the importance of fundraising, further developing our grassroots programs, and aggressively dealing with the challenges we face as a party. He has started that process, and I look forward to being a part of that effort."

UPDATE!: Got this email from Nita Waddell;

I plan on being there. Registration starts at 9 a.m. at the State House Convention Center, Ballroom B. The RSVP phone number is 501-376-4781, and today(Thurday 12/7) is the last day to RSVP. The registration fee per person is$15.00. The RSVP number is 501-372-7301.

Monday, December 04, 2006

KeepArkansasLegal meeting 12/2-2pm

KeepArkansasLegal meeting 12/2-2pm

Our meeting was a quick one because of work schedules and stuff.

We looked at youtube for illegal alien footage. Youtube has a lot of footage of illegals vandalizing and assaulting others who oppose them. We also saw some new websites to add to the keeparkansaslegal website. Also on the web, we tried to find the contact information for Carl Wynn, an immigration reform activist who has been fighting companies that hire illegals on his own.

Sharon Stark talked about illegal immigration activities going on around her neighborhood. We all watched on Foxnews as we talked about the attack on Tancredo at Michigan State U.
Betty talked about a book that mentions how the Russian mofia took over after communism collapsed and how depressed the former communist countries are. After chatting, Foxnews talked about the murder of the Russian spy. His Italian comrade was also poisoned!
Sharon talked about how living in an overpopulated country and the huge regulations involved. There are only certain times of the day you could take a shower, drive, and other activities. She also showed us a brochure that she hands out to the illlegals living in her area which has decreased some of their sloppy behavior in her neighborhood.
Southwest Little Rock UPS PO Box 21414 LR, AR 72221
Cirweb.littlerock, Enforce/complaint1.php

Some items we need to address for the future:

Need to find an actual picture of a green card. They are taking jobs Americans will do. We need more pictures and more statistics on Arkansas, as well as less national information for our flyers.

2007 Legistlative Session.- There will probably be an attempt to pass hate crimes legistlation, In state tuition for illegals (HB1525), and possibly other bad bills. The session will start in January. We have begun a list of real conseratives in the Arkansas Congress. They so far include: Denny Altes, Jeremy Hutchinson, Bobby Glover, and Sid Rosenbaum, We will want to have their contact information by the time legistlation starts. We want to contact democrats about testifying against hate crimes laws and possibly make some legistlation of our own.

There’s some kind of instruction book that goes out that tells the governor and legistlatures what to do in every state. We need to find out about this book? The Farm Bureau also puts out a “manuel” that's a proposed legistlative agenda.

We have reached out to other conservative organizations. I have put up links to other organizations. I was also told to get hold of a group that is stopping the government's effort to dump florine into our water supplies. We hope to work with them in the upcoming session. Bobbie mentioned some high school students interested in getting involved. We also keep in contact with the Eagle Forum and Debbie Pelly.