RPA Headquarters Volunteer Schedule
The Republican Party is needing volunteers to get people to the polls. Democrats are a disaster for immigration reform, and many of the Republican Candidates have a proven record on stopping illegal immigration. The RPA HQ is located at 6th and Cross Street in Little Rock (1201 W 6th St. Little Rock, AR 72201). Here is the schedule of activities from Nov 1st - Nov 7th.
11/1: 6-9pm phone banks, 5-7pm door to door
11/2: 6-9pm phone banks, 5-7pm door to door
11/3: 6-9pm phone banks, 5-7pm door to door
11/4: 10am-1pm phone banks, 10am-1pm door to door, 1:30pm-4:30pm phone banks, 1:30pm-4:30pm door to door, 5-8pm phone banks, 5-7pm door to door
11/5: 6am-9am literature drop (no door knocking), 9am-12pm literature drop, 1:30pm-4:30pm phone banks, 1:30pm-4:30pm door to door, 5-8pm phone banks, 5-7pm door to door
11/6: 6am-8am literature drop, 10am-1pm phone banks, 10am-1pm door to door, 1:30pm-4:30pm phone banks, 1:30pm-4:30pm door to door, 5-8pm phone banks, 5-7pm door to door
11/7: 6am-8am literature drop, 9am-12pm door to door, 9am-12pm phone banks, 12:30pm-3:30pm phone banks, 12:30pm-3:30pm door to door, 4:00pm-polls close phone, 4:00pm-polls close door to door.
Afterwards, there will be several election watch parties all over Little Rock and across Arkansas. I should be able to work at several of these times. You can drop in just about anytime for phone banking and data entry. You can also call (501) 372-7301 for more info.
This is the website of Keep Arkansas Conservative an organization dedicated to stopping big government legislation in Central Arkansas. If you have any photos, video, stories, or other material; feel free to contact us at keeparkansaslegal@yahoo.com -Kenny
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Happy Halloween from Keep Arkansas Legal!

"Illegal aliens from Mexico and Canada" from this photo album: http://www.rickarthur.net/halloween2001/work.html
These are the only events for Halloween that I could find that weren't completely for kids or cost money.
Sherwood Halloween Carnival
Oct. 31
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Sherwood Forest, 1111 W. Maryland Ave., Sherwood
Costume contest, prizes, a haunted egg hunt, carnival booths and indoor trick-or-treating! Admission is free. 501-835-9754. (This can be an event to pass out flyers and for fun)
Cajun's Wharf Halloween Contest
This one is for adults. You can visit Cajun's for a great Halloween time! 501-375-5351.
I called Cajun's and they said there was no cover charge and that the costume contest would be at 8:30 and 9:30pm. (This would just be a place to enjoy)
These are other events after Halloween to go to.
November 4 - 5, 2006Little Rock Air Show - Little Rock Air Force Base, JacksonvilleWitness US airpower in action over Arkansas. The US Navy Blue Angels are headline performers along with the best aircraft and airmen from the US and Canada. Free admission. Call 501-987-3353 or visit http://www.littlerock.af.mil/.
November 7th- election day + watch parties
November 14th 2006- Rogers City Council Meeting New City Hall @ 301 W. Chestnut, 621-1117. Should be at 7:30pm. Here’s part of the story about why Keep Arkansas Legal wants to be at this event!`
"Rogers Mayor Steve Womack is a little surprised at the flood of support for the proposal, adamant that something has to be done and angry that illegal immigration isn't being dealt with on a national level. He called a news conference Friday to outline the plan. The ordinance he's likely to present at the Nov. 14 meeting of the Rogers City Council establishes city nuisance laws for illegal immigrants.The ordinance is expected to be similar to one in Hazleton, Penn., that calls for fines for landlords who rent to illegal immigants and suspension of business licenses for employers of illegal immigrants."
Friday, October 27, 2006
This is my ballot for voting in 2006. A sample ballot is available for those who live in Pulaski County Arkansas. I might vote today or Monday. Typically, the Republican is the candidate that is best for reforming immigration. The behavior of democrat candidates shows that they can't be trusted in dealing with illegal immigration.
Mike Beebe sat around allowing HB1525 (in-state tuition for illegals) to be voted on multiple times in the Arkansas Congress before announcing it was illegal. He finally stated that HB1525 violated Federal Law only after being pressured and after everyone else had been saying so since HB1525 was first announced. Dustin McDaniels voted for HB1525 in the AR House. Charlie Daniels has done nothing about voter fraud from illegals just like he a has done nothing about failing elecronic voting machines. The corrupt Judge Buddy Villines threatened to release prisoners (illegals among them) if he didn't get more tax money to waste on the incompotent county jail system. Nobody knows what Bill Halter will do, not even Bill Halter.
Saturday, the Arkansas Razorbacks will play in Little Rock. I will be there handing out material for conservative candidates as well as immigration flyers. I will be hanging out with the UALR College Republicans and any other group I come across. See you all there!

Mike Beebe sat around allowing HB1525 (in-state tuition for illegals) to be voted on multiple times in the Arkansas Congress before announcing it was illegal. He finally stated that HB1525 violated Federal Law only after being pressured and after everyone else had been saying so since HB1525 was first announced. Dustin McDaniels voted for HB1525 in the AR House. Charlie Daniels has done nothing about voter fraud from illegals just like he a has done nothing about failing elecronic voting machines. The corrupt Judge Buddy Villines threatened to release prisoners (illegals among them) if he didn't get more tax money to waste on the incompotent county jail system. Nobody knows what Bill Halter will do, not even Bill Halter.
Saturday, the Arkansas Razorbacks will play in Little Rock. I will be there handing out material for conservative candidates as well as immigration flyers. I will be hanging out with the UALR College Republicans and any other group I come across. See you all there!

Thursday, October 26, 2006
Flyer for Keep Arkansas Legal
Here is our standard immigration flyer for our organization. There are several other flyers from various immigration reform groups that you can download. The flyer is a 2 sided full sheet of paper; 8 1/2 by 11. The flyer's front is the Aztlan Map along with a description of the Aztlan goal. It also has quotes from hispanic activist along with several important websites. The back of the flyer is more informative. It has statistics on how Americans vote on illegal immigration, the economics of illegal immigration, as well as the impact of illegal immigration on Arkansas. The flyer provides contact information on how to get involved on immigration reform in Central Arkansas.
I've posted the flyer pages as images that you can insert onto MS Word and streach it for fit. The page setup is Top: 0.3"Bottom: 0.2"Right: 0.3" Left: 0.3". If you give an email address to keeparkansaslegal@yahoo.com, I can send the flyer in MS Word. These flyers can be printed in black in white but of course they look better in color. You must also adjust your printer to print on both sides.
Here is our standard immigration flyer for our organization. There are several other flyers from various immigration reform groups that you can download. The flyer is a 2 sided full sheet of paper; 8 1/2 by 11. The flyer's front is the Aztlan Map along with a description of the Aztlan goal. It also has quotes from hispanic activist along with several important websites. The back of the flyer is more informative. It has statistics on how Americans vote on illegal immigration, the economics of illegal immigration, as well as the impact of illegal immigration on Arkansas. The flyer provides contact information on how to get involved on immigration reform in Central Arkansas.
I've posted the flyer pages as images that you can insert onto MS Word and streach it for fit. The page setup is Top: 0.3"Bottom: 0.2"Right: 0.3" Left: 0.3". If you give an email address to keeparkansaslegal@yahoo.com, I can send the flyer in MS Word. These flyers can be printed in black in white but of course they look better in color. You must also adjust your printer to print on both sides.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Our brand new website!
Keep Arkansas Legal finally has a website. Keep Arkansas Legal is a group of conservatives who are fighting to end illegal immigration in Central Arkansas. Our organization is mainly members of the Arkansas freerepublic.com chapter. I will try to update this website at least once a week and I should be able to get a few more moderators to help me soon. The first thing I want to post is a report of our last meeting Saturday, October 21st at the Chinese Buffet.
I had reserved a room at the Chinese Buffet, but they had forgotten. After the buffet, we chatted a little and then gave a report on our group since the last meeting October 7th. Our group had passed out flyers at several public events for our organization in addition to helping several immigration reform candidates. October 12th, several of our members along with several other conservatives packed the audience of the Jim Holt vs. Bill Halter debate for Lt. Governor at AETN Studios. While the audience couldn't make comments, we were able to make sure that Holt had more supporters than Halter. Jim Holt is the conservative candidate who has a very strong record on immigration reform in Arkansas. October 14th, we handed out flyers at Old Fashion Day in Benton. October 15th, our members took turns running the Arkansas Republican Party Booth at the Arkansas State Fair. October 21st, we handed out flyers at Octoberfest in Maumelle, Sherwoodfest in Sherwood, and Old Fashion Day in Bauxite right before our meeting.
At the meeting, we talked about the comments Beebe made about immigration. Beebe claimed that training State Troopers to enforce immigration laws would "overwork" state troopers. We also discussed ways to deal with the new Mexican Consulate in Little Rock Arkansas. The Consulate is supposed to be available December 1st at the former Baskin Robbins building on University Avenue. We also discussed ways to keep conservative activist involved in the 2007 legistlative session. Everyone at the meeting got a copy of The New American, a conservative magazine. Wed. October 25th, we plan to visit the "Push to the Polls Rockin' Rally" for Asa Hutchinson. Details Below:
Who: Asa and Gov. Huckabee, Gov. Huckabee's band, Capitol Offense
When: Wednesday, October 25, 6-8 p.m.
Where: Juanita's Mexican Restaurant1300 Main StreetLittle Rock
If anyone knows of any public events we can attend, let me know.
Keep Arkansas Legal finally has a website. Keep Arkansas Legal is a group of conservatives who are fighting to end illegal immigration in Central Arkansas. Our organization is mainly members of the Arkansas freerepublic.com chapter. I will try to update this website at least once a week and I should be able to get a few more moderators to help me soon. The first thing I want to post is a report of our last meeting Saturday, October 21st at the Chinese Buffet.
I had reserved a room at the Chinese Buffet, but they had forgotten. After the buffet, we chatted a little and then gave a report on our group since the last meeting October 7th. Our group had passed out flyers at several public events for our organization in addition to helping several immigration reform candidates. October 12th, several of our members along with several other conservatives packed the audience of the Jim Holt vs. Bill Halter debate for Lt. Governor at AETN Studios. While the audience couldn't make comments, we were able to make sure that Holt had more supporters than Halter. Jim Holt is the conservative candidate who has a very strong record on immigration reform in Arkansas. October 14th, we handed out flyers at Old Fashion Day in Benton. October 15th, our members took turns running the Arkansas Republican Party Booth at the Arkansas State Fair. October 21st, we handed out flyers at Octoberfest in Maumelle, Sherwoodfest in Sherwood, and Old Fashion Day in Bauxite right before our meeting.
At the meeting, we talked about the comments Beebe made about immigration. Beebe claimed that training State Troopers to enforce immigration laws would "overwork" state troopers. We also discussed ways to deal with the new Mexican Consulate in Little Rock Arkansas. The Consulate is supposed to be available December 1st at the former Baskin Robbins building on University Avenue. We also discussed ways to keep conservative activist involved in the 2007 legistlative session. Everyone at the meeting got a copy of The New American, a conservative magazine. Wed. October 25th, we plan to visit the "Push to the Polls Rockin' Rally" for Asa Hutchinson. Details Below:
Who: Asa and Gov. Huckabee, Gov. Huckabee's band, Capitol Offense
When: Wednesday, October 25, 6-8 p.m.
Where: Juanita's Mexican Restaurant1300 Main StreetLittle Rock
If anyone knows of any public events we can attend, let me know.
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